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Everything posted by azal

  1. ja sam xirao 4 piva na B92 kokteku i zapalio gajbi.
  2. nije niko bio dovoljno glup. thank god for Lordi. sigurno ce biti album meseca u butcherianu
  3. I don't really care, ali evo vama Swedish metallers AMARAN have decided to call it quits. A statement at their official website reads as follows: "Dear all, this year comes to an end and we are sad to say that Amaran does the same. Since Johanna (DePierre - vocals) left us in July we have really been struggling looking for a replacement. We have tried by contacts, friends, ads, headhunting, hostile kidnapping and threat without any success. Our bad luck always seems to keep up with us. This issue has simply unplugged our tub of motivation, and we all decided to put Amaran six feet under. We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in any way with us during these Amaran years. As a final word, we suggest you to keep your eyes open during the forthcoming year. A new year seems to be a good time to start up something new... A final farewell from Amaran."
  4. za nemanju.
  5. sa koje turneje je ovaj whitney houston dvd?
  6. chale.
  7. ja sam u New Yorku, tek je pola 2
  8. Happy Birthday to Baal and all his fake acounts
  9. Laki svira DW ako se ne varam.
  10. nisam znao da Sepultura idalje postoji. Idalje peva Predator?
  11. pera je jednom hteo da place kad sam mu vredjao James Blunt-a.
  12. a znas da ce biti...
  13. azal


    da bog da HIM bude sledeci bend pa da vidimo sta mogu da snime za sat vremena bez nabudzenog producenta i 10 likova da im pisu pesme
  14. azal


  15. moze i ovo All I ever wanted was to pick apart the day Swallow up all the pieces Spit 'em at your species Trapped in a city of lost barnacles and leaches Nightlight got me when the daylight met the evening
  16. bang on doors, pay rent, lampin' to birth complaints Rip flipper, make rap music during commercial breaks Starring Galapagos Island, evolution mutant Through the one man species, shaking leaches off his Puma's aesop > anders
  17. cimeru...stavio sam da se skida. a za majcu...jebi ga, kad ste svi debeli i niste mogli da se iscimate do mene da mi date kesholu.
  18. dobra mi je ona vanishing light
  19. inace...bubnjar se dosta popravio.
  20. realno...harmonski su im melodije od pocetka bile jeftine iron maiden
  21. Devy je pevao na Sex & Religion 1993...nista ne znas krandze jebote.
  22. novi DivineFire je Hero...bolji dosta. ja danas slusao IF i bolji mi je od proslog....nije strasno...ali ima jedna pesma gde Andersov clean lici na Ralf Scheepera
  23. Vai solo na Triumph na onom sajtu sto je krang postovao Vai napisao da mu je Alien album godine
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