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Everything posted by azal

  1. debeli, 'si poslao Meneguzziju Edan-a?
  2. DHIADW je pola/pola. ustvari 70 posto kul. EoR, onako...ima kul momenata (uglavnom mesh i syl rippoffovi)
  3. azal


  4. azal

    Sunn O)))

    ona kola u pozadini kvare atmosferu doomerske garaze. jos california tablice koliko vidim...
  5. "Jebi ga!"
  6. dokoni2 car. kako sam se napio sinoc...popio sam pola litre jeftinog pelina sam.
  7. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

    a ja rumenog carca!!
  8. azal


    mozda se i ja pojavim
  9. KRS One - Return of the Boom Bap ...po 3 puta veceras.
  10. matori, pijan sam i zajebavam se....samo opusteno. ja sam gledao nevermore 7 puta...prvi put 1999 sa arch enemy-om....bilo 16 ljudi...cisto da znas
  11. i da si poceo sa In Memory 1997 pa da imamo sta da pricamo. (old fart, elitist post)
  12. lepo je kad ti niko ne javi da je otkazana proba pa se smrzavas sat vremena...do studija i blejis 20 minuta ispred studija i cekas bend... pa odes kuci i popijes jeftini pelin sam gajbi (140 din za pola litre..plastikaner u maxi-u!)
  13. a c-ya deda?
  14. i produkcija je subjektivna stvar, ne? cinjenica da skupo zvuci, i da se sve lepo cuje....ali meni....nema muda, nema atmosfere....sterilno...kao sto sam rekao. subjektivno
  15. matori, slusao sam DNB sinoc...idalje je keva....volim metal i dalje...sviram metal.....meshuggah i strapping young lad su mi u top 5 ove godine.... ne svidja mi se nevermore, njihov pristup, njihove pesme, njihove koncepcija od dead heart-a pa nadalje. jasno i glasno. I kapiram da ima brdo starih nevermore fanova koji se slazu samnom.
  16. andy sneap je jadan, svaki album koji on producira isto zvuci. Mozes da mi pustis noviji Nevermore i Arch Enemy i necu moci da provalim koji je bend u pitanju. Bubanj zvuci kao ritam masina, gitara je izkompresovana do krajnje granice. Poslusajte Dreaming Neon opet....produkcija brutalna...tad su se stimovali u Dis, a u odnosu na ove nove pesme zsa sedmozicanim gitarama...DNB zvuci 10 puta brutalnije. Pustite DNB opet da se prisetite kakav je ovo bend bio....zvuci kao da bend svira u sobu sa tobom...kad krene onaj palm mute u "The Death of Passion" imas utisak da ce zvucnik da ti se raspadne...Neil Kernon...chale! Poslusajte Spiral Architect pa DNB, isti studio, isti producent, isto vreme od prilike....totalno drugaciji zvukovi...zato sto Kernon zna kako da natera bend da nadje svoj zvuk, a ne kao sneap, napravi svaki bend da zvuci kao da je on producirao. Slusajte Loomis-ove pre-Dead Heart solaze...nema nekih predrkanih arpegio, alternate pick sranja....bolestne harmonije, cudni bendovi...kao marty Friendman na acidu...sad zvuci kao Michael Angelo. Warrel toliko smara da vise ne mogu da prepoznam pesme...zna dobar refren da ubode, ali opet neke jeftine harmonije...ne experimentisanje kao na PoE i DNB...kad su nevermore bili orignalan i poseban bend. Ballade...ili..sporije pesme....secate se Cenotaph, Lotus Eaters, Passenger? morbidarije, doom, atmosfera....sta su Heart Colelctor, Believe in Nothing, Sentient 6? HIM meets Queensryche Empire ballade..sing songy, boring...zzzzz. A textovi? Koliko puta mora da slusamo o robotima koji imaju zelju da postanu ljudi? The Learning...dovoljno... Mozete da serete, ma Laza...slusa hip hop...ne volim metal vise...ali sam sinoc pustio DNB da proverim...i jezio sam se od pocetka do kraja. nevermore RIP, sto se mene tice.
  17. also, The Onion....once again... respect! http://www.theonion.com/content/node/42365 Metal Council Convenes To Discuss 'Metal Hand Sign' Abuse November 9, 2005 | Issue 41•45 VATNAJÖKULL GLACIER, ICELAND—In an emergency session Tuesday, members of the Supreme Metal Council strongly condemned the increasing use of the metal hand sign in lay society, claiming that its meaning has become perverted by overuse. Elders of the Supreme Metal Council examine amateur-video evidence of what they are calling "a worrisome trend." "The metal sign, or 'sign of the goat,' has all but lost its impact as a token of respectful recognition for something truly 'rocking' or 'metal,'" SMC president Terence "Geezer" Butler said. According to Butler, members are upset that their sacred gesture is being used to acknowledge and celebrate "favorable but clearly non-metal events." "We have all heard the reports of people using it to greet their in-laws, or after starting their lawn mowers with a single pull," Butler said. "But recently it was brought to our attention that someone used the gesture in a Texas convenience store after snagging the last box of carrot cakes. This simply won't do." Formed in 1972 and comprising 12 of the most revered leaders of the metal community, the council meets annually in its majestic hall atop Vatnajökull, Iceland's largest glacier, to discuss metal affairs. The SMC convened for a special session after Nikki Sixx, Overlord Of Glam Metal Affairs, was sent hard photographic evidence of metal-sign abuse across the nation. Sixx's fellow high priests said they were "shocked," calling it "one of the most serious affronts to metal's integrity since the rise of rap-metal in the late 1990s." "I remember a time not long ago when the Devil Horns were reserved for only the most righteous of person, deed, or riff," Grand Elder Lemmy Kilmister said. "To see someone throwing the horns to his mate at the launderette because the clothes dryer came to a full stop just as he finished reading his copy of Circus... It breaks my heart." Nodding in silent agreement were council members Adalwolfa, a curvaceous Frank Frazetta-drawn Teutonic she-warrior magically brought to life by the council, and the spirit of slain Pantera guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott. Compounding the problem, Sixx said, is the fact that many people who use the sign are not recognized members of the Metal Roster, the list of true metal acolytes engraved in medieval calligraphy on gleaming pages of steel. "This man here, who invokes the sign merely to indicate his joy that his microwave popcorn is done: He is not metal," Sixx said. "We have it on good authority that he prefers the music of Tim McGraw and that the magic word of 'Zoso' has never passed his lips." The council discussed several harsh punishments to deter further metal-sign abuse. Paulo Pinto, bassist for the Brazilian thrash-metal band Sepultura and Overlord Of International Metal Affairs, suggested that the hand of a suspected signer should be immediately cut off. A contingency of death rockers from Gothenburg, Sweden recommended that any sign abuser, or anyone who is not sufficiently metal, should be forced to eat his severed hand while having his eyeballs burned with a superheated metal crucifix, and then be slowly skinned alive. More charitable members, such as former Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine, suggested that "a helpful list of guidelines could educate others, allowing them to distinguish between metal and non-metal occurrences." "A lot of people who incorrectly make the sign have traces of metal in their hearts and minds, they just need the proper direction," Mustaine said. "Remember that many are outcasts and losers. To punish them further is to destroy the future of metal." Until the council decides what course of action to adopt, Butler said he believes that a simple rule of thumb will help reduce the incidence of metal-sign abuse. "If your head is neither banging nor thrashing, you should not be throwing the sign," Butler said. "It's that simple." Yet, in a later interview in his private, skull-bedecked chambers, Butler expressed the concern that the problem has grown too widespread for even the mighty SMC to solve. He said he worries that metal standards have been on the decline for so long that few have any clear idea as to what is metal and what is not. The SMC has experienced deep ideological rifts in the past that have affected its ability to make strong decisions, most notably during the lengthy trial and eventual sentencing of Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich, who was indicted in 2004 on charges of cutting his hair, pussing out on Napster, and contributing to the original motion-picture soundtrack of Mission: Impossible 2. "To this day, there are many on the council who deeply resent the presence of [Poison guitarist] C.C. DeVille,'" Butler said. "In fact, so do I. Despite our differences, the council still remains the sole arbitrator of all things metal. We must get through to those who wantonly abuse the sign of the goat. They must be informed that watering down the sign's meaning will result in serious consequences." Should the abuse continue, Butler said the council "will defer the matter to Satan."
  18. slusa neko Debauchery? Debauchery - Death Metal Warmachine Coming From Hell Metal We Sell World Fell Of Blood Mainstream Sucks We Come For War Like Hell We Roar We Come For Blood Hip Hop Is Fucked Up The Bringer Of War The Lords Of Gore The Lords Of Battle The Bringer Of Death Metal We Make The Sound On The Battle Ground Debauchery Is Coming Now It's Time For Killing
  19. novi album je smor. produkcija je sterilna, pesme su dosadne, vokali se ponavljaju, balade su HIMovske, i solaze lice na malmsteen-a. samo Nevermore (old)
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