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Everything posted by azal

  1. btw bubnjar iz God Forbid-a je isti Carlton iz te serije. Sto kazu crnci, "house nigga"
  2. STRAPPING YOUNG LAD guitarist Jed Simon and his girlfriend Susanna tied the knot on October 2. The wedding in Shrewsbury, New Jersey, was "an amazing event," according to a posting on the group's official web site. "Rico Forrester from SAVANNAH and Rob Urbinati from SACRIFICE were Jed's Best Men. The MESHUGGAH boys even rolled in to give their best!!! They drove all night from Tampa, Florida... 1,100 miles to try and make the wedding...they didn't quite make it, but they were able to hang out for a couple hours when they did arrive, and Jed and Susanna were totally surprised!! Sean Sitka, who usually is SYL's bus driver, is driving MESHUGGAH, so it was his plan to surprise the newlyweds... Good job, Sean!!! "It's hard to describe Jed and Susanna together, they are so much alike...but as SYL's old guitar tech Adriano once said... 'Oh no, now there's two of you!' Hahaha!!! That sums them up pretty well!" In other news, Simon and STRAPPING YOUNG LAD frontman Devin Townsend have placed orders for new custom guitars from ESP. "Jed and Dev both worked hard with ESP rep Allen Steelgrave and ESP president Matt Masciandaro to get their vision for the guitars just right," the band write on their web site. "Our deepest thanks to them for their support for over 10 years now!!!" As previously reported, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD have been confirmed as the main support act on ARCH ENEMY's upcoming U.K. tour. The band recently completed a highly successful run on the inaugural Sounds of The Underground tour in support of their genre-defying breakthrough new album, "Alien". A major U.S. tour with FEAR FACTORY, SOILWORK and DARKANE is scheduled to take place in October/November, followed by a European run with MESHUGGAH.
  3. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

  4. Fresh Prince of Bel Aire je bila popularna, bas bas, ali je on bio u toj hip-hop grupi sa DJ Jazzy Jeff-om pre nego sto je postao glumac.
  5. Pojavio se Steven Seagal energy drink!!! Zove se Lighting Bolt i imas dva razlicita pica, Asian Experience i Cherry Charge. (!!!)
  6. "joe's garage" pre svega! DJ Shadow - Endtroducing Amon Tobin - Permutations Michael Jackson - Thriller Bjork - Vespertine John Zorn - Naked City
  7. polozio politicke sistema i postao faca
  8. deda, na prvoj stranici sajta treba da pise "choose" your language, ne "chose"
  9. I wake up on a red floor Ax in a dead whore My dick chewed up, why I let this bitch give me head for?
  10. ma sve to kvalitetno zvuci, nije to fora..neko bivsi pevac je imao scream i clean potpuno originalni, zato su mi i bili interesantni. Za textove mi nije toliko strasno, kao sto sam zeleo da cujem Cage-a kako repuje o pcp-u i kako ubija decu i svrsava po ribama, lepo je to sto je odrastao i poceo nesto ozbiljnije da pise...tako je i sa raunchy kapiram.
  11. butterflies and roses. metalcore cliche. a onaj scream je skroz metalcore i koliko se secam bilo je swedish death/breakdown momenata = total metalcore. kapiram da ce biti kul, ali mislim da su izgubili onaj originalni smek sto je pruzio ex-pevac.
  12. napisao sam na nekom kultnom prog/power forumu pre neki dan zasto su mi Nevermore sve jadniji, ali taj forum trenutno ne radi pa ne mogu da prekopiram, i mrzi me da pisem opet. A ovi likovi iz Raunchy-a i po svirci i sad sto se tice visuals su potpuno otisli u metalcore cliche world. mozda ih klavijature vade malo, ali to je to.
  13. Chaletu (Matija - novi bubnjaros) je bio rodjendan sinoc i lepo smo se napili. I ovog puta je Uros uspeo da ostane budan cak do pole 1! Onaj pelin iz plasticne boce je postao zastitni znak benda.
  14. cini mi se da je ovaj novi DST prilicno bzvz. I Nevermore je
  15. laki, si slusao Indigo Child?
  16. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

    postoji tema o Meatloaf-u na rock i hard rock forumu.
  17. dedice, kad stizes?
  18. da zatvorim temu?
  19. headbangers ball veceras
  20. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

    znaci jevrejcine. sta je sledece deda? Pacov pre misa?
  21. vec znam ceo Cage album napamet. Grand Ol' Parade = beat godine DJ SHADOW najbolji quoteable za sad... "I tried a lot of drugs, I tried a ot of ladies, some I probably wouldn't have tried if I wasn't on drugs." Onaj Minsk previse lici na Neurosis, Boards of Canada je lep ali manje interesantan od ranijih albuma. Za Time of Orchids nisam bio raspolozen. I nevermore je zaboravio na sve ono zbog cega su mi bili vrh bend sve do dream neon black-a. Smor album potpuno 5/10.
  22. kako izgleda, mislim da cemo preskociti demo i krenuti album da snimamo u Dec/Jan...naravno za vreme nove godine i slava kad nam je koncentracija na najvisem nivou.
  23. kako mi je drago sto tad nisam bio u bendu, nemate pojma
  24. kupio pojacalo i nisam mogao da sacekam da ga isprobam. R DZ.
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