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Everything posted by azal

  1. An apple a day keeps the Vladan away.
  2. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

    a brada deda?
  3. a ja moderatora.
  4. reci Vladanu da je Tad Morose - Matters of the dark do jaja, i da mu treba na originalu.
  5. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

    neki starci se bude a neki uveliko rade prevode.
  6. Let there be cock?
  7. ako zelite da se pojavim na nekoj svirci/probi/rodjendanu/krstenju/itd zovite moju sekretaricu i sredite sa njom. Ja vise nemam vremena za vas, a ni strpljenja.
  8. Agalloch svirao na onom day of the equinox festivalu. Green Carnation odsvirali ceo Day of Light... da sam bio tamo kapiram da bih bio prvi covek koji je ikad umro od dosade.
  9. mora malo kasnije od toga....ja se vracam ipak 24 decembra, a 25 mi je caletu rodjendan.
  10. kazu da kayo dot album kasni a da se toby solo album lepo prodaje. prodaje se i onaj DJov drone project na CDRu, Queens of Shiva ili tako nesto.
  11. mozda su im fanovi face i nece da stave na fileshare.
  12. Will Smith je bio najjaci kad se zvao Fresh Prince i kad je saradzivao sa DJ Jazzy Jeff-om. Boom Shake Shake Shake the Room! kad tu stvar pustis, nema ko ne djuska.
  13. nasao sam ovaj interview sa Danilom na site-u metalfart.co.yu.com.poo Q: The song Mercury Room is interesting, what's it about? Danilo: Actually it's Mercury Rum, and it chronicles a journey, both musically and lyrically, into the rectum of the late, great Freddy Mercury. It touches on everything from the pain/pleasure principles of anal sex, the AIDs epidemic, and including but not limited to, a detailed look into the effects of Mr. Mercury's coy overbite on his understated vibrato, and the ongoing struggle for limelight supremacy between Brian May's shaggy hair style and Freddy's impressive moustache. An alternate title for the song was “Leg.” I think you'll enjoy it.
  14. nikad dinamika, samo krlj, utovar i nabod. ps: kupujem pojacalo sutra
  15. nesto sto je toby pisao o pesmama sa solo albuma. Ruby Blood This song probably gave me the most trouble out of anything I've ever worked on. basically I started off with one of the ideas I mentioned on the horrorca page, that is, miking things really loudly and then touching them in unconventional ways. For this song, I knew that certain metal objects such as cymbals or pots would produce weird but recognizable tones under these circumstances, so I set out to do a piece consisting of only that. It didn't really work, and I blame the fact that out of all the objects I had, there were only maybe 10 variant tones between them. (Who knew that most cookware makers tune their pots to either G# or F#?) In any case I ultimately had to end up adding guitar and vocals to make the piece into something more than just a soundscape. Kandu vs. Corky (Horrorca) This one's a drone metal song that loves bell-shaped things. The rhythm is basically a bell-curve shape over and over again, and some of the instrumentation (bells, and sine waves) are themselves bell-shaped. Part of the original idea was to mic things really loud but play them extra-quietly, so that they sounded really artifact-laden on tape. The strings at the beginning use this idea, as well as some of the cymbals, which we miked right above the rim of each, and a simple touch would produce an insanely resonant bass tone. That's basically all there is to it... droney, bellcurvy, miked loud, and microtonal. The title recalls this incident... horror + orca = horrorca! additional musicians - sam gutterman, sheel dave, mia matsumiya, ryan mcguire, forbes graham, doug la rosa.
  16. plus kad postave pitanja onim metalcima, gramatika je ocajna. How is difference for fans in US and EU? tako nesto. strasno. ali ona nova stvar od Soulfly-a skroz u Arise fazonu. thumbs up.
  17. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...ewsitemID=42902
  18. meni je spot za Stabbing the Drama bio ok.....samo sto nije bilo benda to je glupo bilo...ali ovaj bas not very cool. Darkane, dobra stvar! Kakav je ono jeftini power bio (pitam kenta naravno) glupo sto su zaboravili da stave ime benda i pesme. proslog ponedeljka pustili Primal Fear - Metal is Forever!
  19. cinjenica da ti je opala kondicija od kad ne zivimo zajedno. Zovi kad stigne neka rakija. Dolazimo ja i onaj bosanac na pitu uskoro u svakom slucaju.
  20. RUM?
  21. http://www.popmatters.com/columns/begrand/051014.shtml
  22. kojoj? ps: to nije buva....dusan je prdnuo.
  23. pera je bio bas klasican, debeli, preglasni pijanac na tibiji, i mnogo mi je bilo neprijatno. bice od tebe nesto cimeru. Sa slusam Seana Paula na poslu.
  24. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

    in the immortal words of my buraz. "I'd fuck her 'til her shoes filled up with blood"
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