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Everything posted by azal

  1. kad bi crnac iz hooda izgovara ime albuma, bilo bi "bequeaf" a queef je vaginalni prdez.
  2. a pricamo o metalcima, znaci upravu si.
  3. ako nemaju zavrsenu srednju.
  4. da nastavim sa savetima. Flush amere prvobitno asocira na pustanje vode wc sholje. If it's yellow, let it mellow If it's brown, flush it down Moram da pokrenem informativnu agenciju za mlade metal muzicare iz srbije.
  5. near, far, wherever you are...
  6. ime ce biti malo smesno amerima jer najcesce cujes "rain delay" kad pricaju o baseballu. Padne kisa, pokriju teren i cekaju da stane. cisto da znate. takodje sam probao da nagovorim smiljku iz Moondive-a da promeni ime pesme "Let One Go" jer ta fraza prvo asocira na prdez kod amera. nek sad neko proba da kaze da mi nije salo do scene.
  7. i ovi cLOUDDEADovci, Themovci, Why?ovci.
  8. cele, ali bootleg kvalitet. nemam zelju da skinem.
  9. pera konacno skinuo nesto sto mogu da slusam. 13 & God dva puta sam preslusao.
  10. peder.
  11. respect. videcu da nabavim. DuleTopGun: kako napreduje bradurina?
  12. najbolje recenzije su ubedljivo komentari od klinaca na blabbermouth-u. evo za novi Darkest Hour "devin townsend roolz but i still hate canada" (Devin produced this disc btw) devy producira, btw "Good, cuz Canada hates you." "You're a fucking moron. I hate you. Go suck a cock." "Throw a big fucking finger at the media machine that builds this ignorance!" "you fucking idiot: canada is America's #1 trade partner and the car you probably just learned how to drive was most likely assembled there as well. just because the country does not jump into wars or flex its military muscle doesn't mean it's nothing. your posting rights are revoked until further notice" (sweet, but I don't think this guy can actually do this) "Ignorance is fuckin bliss and ingnorance=america. that is something that makes this country great but weak all in the same. I love this country!" "the only thing i know about canada is they won't let DRI through the border as they have minor criminal records" (damn, now that's just wrong!) "It is a one metalhead you fagot, you listen to this abdn, you're not a metalhead. Get off of blabbemrouth as a matter a fact, poseur. Darkest Hour blows, I can't believe people have the nerve to rate it that high. You fuckin fucktarded twatwaffles suck a dick, all of you. brate...TWATWAFFLE! "you took the time to make a username that you can bash people with. You aren't tough. Toughness is in the heart and mind not the words you are spilling like a lactating nipple." i ovaj. Posted by: FuckMetalCoreandthepansiesthatlistentoit "this isn't metalcore you stupid fuck. go back to fucking dead animals in your basement while your mom and step dad smash pots and pans and your crazy uncle screams like a girl for 30 minutes. that shit is underground."
  13. van damme djuska i kad ima.
  14. btw, outofcimer je veliki fan breach..imace on sta da kaze. sve sto sam cuo je kul zvucelo. Mada mislim da sam ja bas neke stare albume slusao.
  15. da niste svi gej metalici onda bih svatili o cemu se radi. poslusajte Muse - Absolution po svakoj proceni...DT su slusali samo ovaj album dok su snimali octavarium. osim title track-a...koja izgleda da je neki tribute to prog rock..narocito Genesis-u. i ako ima dosta ripp-off momenta *kao i svaki dream posle FII* bolji je od train of Thought mnogo.
  16. znamo svi da nece nista bolje od DNB snimiti. zasto onda slusati dalje? e toliko sam pijan da vec dva sata gledam na jedno oko.
  17. ex-squeeze me? baking powder?
  18. sviramo na exitu?
  19. vrh! kad je skup? da dodjemo ja i meneguzzi.
  20. ako ne zna da se sminka mozda i ima nade da voli da ljubi devojke.
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