Few bands have had as much of a profound and tangible impact on worldwide extreme metal as Sweden's Meshuggah, a band whose 1995 album "Destroy Erase Improve" is still years ahead of most current attempts at innovation in extreme metal. Right away, I've undoubtedly aliented a number of readers - for as strong and devoted as Meshuggah's die-hard fanbase is, an equally-sized opposition has arisen who resent the limitless worship given to the band, and their fan's sense of musical superiority over all other extremities of metal. Makes sense though - if Meshuggah is musical Nirvana, the Buddha dictates that all must be in balance - for as many fans who attain Nirvana through Meshuggah, an equal and opposite force must tempt and distract souls from eternal contentment. So that we're on the same page, I've been a longtime fan of Meshuggah and consider them to be in many ways the ideal manifestation of extreme metal theory, a mould that demonstrates the most potential for growth and progressive audacity.