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Everything posted by azal

  1. textovi su opet mnogo glupi...ali to se ocekuje od Shadow Gallery-a. ima par momenata gde sam se bas nasmejao... "She's a bioengineer..." opet neki jak koncept.
  2. azal


    shokantno je bilo sinoc!! nijednog mrstavog blekera nije bilo...ni depresivnih goticara...ja sam se iskrivio od vutre i piva i bilo mi je nikad bolje. onaj White Zombie je bio zakon! Soundgarden...Chains...dva, tri puta Nine Inch Nails...brooka!
  3. E chuo sam da postoji nesto sto se zove Drums of Death. znaci Dave Lombardo svira bubanj i DJ Spooky producira i radi beatove neke preko toga. Veron Reid iz Living Colour-a svira dzitru i Chuck D i Dalek bacaju rime. ako mi neko ovo nabavi...hand job...momentalno!
  4. samo ako pustis ceo Halfordov "Ressurection" album, pa da bude pravi pederbal.
  5. mozete da cujete novu pesmu od Dredg-a...ali streaming http://www.dredg.com/dredg_main.html Novi album u Junu.
  6. moni moze da smrce koks sa Jekijeve bulje. za dzabe!
  7. krang ipak nije lancima vezan za komp. Sreo ga ja na bulevaru danas. bio je sav rumen i sladak.
  8. azal


    spot mms://
  9. Tit Lazo: Why do you think middle-aged women like Bryan Adams so much? The Dev: I don't know, maybe he looks like a good impregnator.
  10. e ljudi idemo na Liars i Xiu Xiu?? koliko su karte?
  11. don't remind me
  12. taman da se zahvalim Frubijevoj babi sto me pokrila prosli put kad sam bio u Krusevcu. i da diram Nergalovo dupe gothicno.
  13. azal


    vise u fazonu...kad bi poredio Bozzia i Lombarda...nebi uopste mogao reci da je Lombardo bubnjar.
  14. azal


    e cuo sam da Terry Bozzio svira bubanj u Fantomas-u na evropskoj turneji zato sto je Lombardo zuzet sa Slayer-om...to vredi videti.....
  15. azal


    zasto slayer :-/ bilo bi dobro kad bi doveli Mastadon na exit onda
  16. A Mars Volta ti je sranje.
  17. ko preskoci solo na klaviru u Ghostship-u, taj covek moj prijatelj nikad nece biti. ug.
  18. azal


    The following was just posted on toolband.com: "Christians, huh? So forgive me." - Bill Hicks Good news, April fools fans. The writing and recording is back under way. When approached for comment on his recent encounter with the Son of God, Maynard said, "That guy's a punk!" As it turns out, Maynard was out "location scouting" near the Fourth Street bridge in downtown Los Angeles when he "found Jesus." "Turns out he was here the whole time, and not that difficult to find if you know where to look," Maynard reported. Apparently Jesus offered him the position of campaign manager for his new line of "Holier Than Thou" sparkling holy water, which Maynard of course accepted. What wasn't obvious was that this guy is a total drunk. It's an occupational hazard. Every time our Lord goes to get a glass of water, it transforms into a generic grocery store Merlot. Because the alcoholic is the Son of God and an all-knowing being, he knew of Maynards extensive interest in collecting wine. So he went to work trying to get his lips on it. Maynard caught J.C. in his cellar transforming his precious wine collection into urine, then pissing it into the empty "sparkling holy water" bottles for the eventual sale to all those people who bought, read, and embraced "The Celestine Prophesy." Tragic. "Truth be told," Maynard confessed, "I wasn't feeling top notch when I found him. The evening prior to the day in question I had over-indulged in a series of bad Molotov shrimp cocktails with a side of Makers Mark and twin strippers. So after an entire night of G.I. Blowouts, hot/cold sweats, and blurred vision, it's very possible that the guy I met wasn't even Jesus at all. For all I know, it was Willem Dafoe." So there you have it! Another April Fools joke. The update makes little or no sense to me, but at least Tool is back to work on their new album
  19. ko ce da bude trve ug progger i da skine Shadow Gallery novi?
  20. Trivium zvuci kao svaki drugi metalcore band samo sto ima nesto bolje solaze. soilwork >
  21. i meni bih odgovaralo da se vrate u neki FII stil. Poslednji album DT-a koji mogu da slusam od pocetka do kraja. Mnogo su matori za Pantera riffove i Labrie da repuje kao, "slusam Slipknot" Train of Thought nisam uspeo da preslusam od pocetka do kraja.
  22. radio Hugh Syme brdo Rush-a radio... Queensryche - Promised Land Fates Farning - Perfect Symmetry, Parallels, InsideOut Megath - Youthanasia Spock's Beard, Arena, Tiles, etc, etc...
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