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ne. svi su govnari. samo fanzini vrede tamo. znas vec...corporate america.
kad bih citao te casopise tek tad nebih nistao znao o metalu. realno. citajte Terrorizer, hocu da kazem.
u sustini, recenzija je glupa zato sto nisu nijednom spomenuli da je Devin Townsend producirao taj album...a NBC zvuci kako zvuci najvise zbog te cinjenice.
jedna ODLICNA recenzija albuma "Natural Born Chaos" Let's face it: Meshuggah are the kings of Scandinavian metal. They're better than At the Gates; they're better than the Haunted; lord knows they're better than Children of Bodom; and, you might not have the balls to say it, but fuck it, I do: they're better than Entombed (past and present). How can I make such a bold statement? Easy. One word: originality. Meshuggah doesn't sound like anyone else. Sure, there are influences, but, as Robert Urich's main man Emeril would say, they kick it up a notch. Now, Soilwork-- they're no Meshuggah. But they're close. Damn close. In fact, they even reinvent some of Meshuggah's greatest attributes just to drive that point home. Sure, the guitar solos echo Fredrik Thordendal's, and even Bjorn Strid's vocals have taken on a Jens Kidman-like affectation, but with enough quick stops and starts to put you in a neckbrace and a sonic assault as raw as a head of lettuce, Natural Born Chaos stands as their tightest and most pummeling record yet. The fact that it tops 2000's staggering The Chainheart Machine is only icing (but victorious icing, after last year's spotty A Predator's Portrait). The one thing Soilwork has working in their favor that Meshuggah don't, though, is a goddamned sense of melody. I know what you're thinking, but yes, there's plenty of room in metal for melody. Ask Steve Fucking Harris if you don't believe me. Soilwork switches back and forth between completely brutal thrash metal to melodic power metal without so much as battering an eyelash. All of the key elements to a good metal record are here: it's crunches and grinds with growling verses and anthemic choruses, and of course, there are those glorious fucking guttural, demonic invocations that, in some other genres, are referred as "vocals." There are even keyboards, for Christ's sake! I'm talking good atmospheric shit, too, not that overbearing, in-your-face classical crap Enchant forces on the Dream Theater pansies. (Think "Separate Ways," not "The Final Countdown.") In fact, the only real drawback to the record as a whole is that some of its songs just sound like the old Soilwork. Imagine if you were halfway through a listen to the Flaming Lips' The Soft Bulletin, and right in the middle they threw in some stuff from Hit to Death in the Future Head. Don't get me wrong, Hit to Death is a damn good album, but you know, you don't get that kind of contrast on records we in the business would call "classics." Natural Born Chaos peaks with the back-to-back shrapnel-spitting of "As We Speak" and "The Flameout." Both are incredibly dense and heavy, and somehow also maniacally catchy-- a combination that has evaded most of the strongest Swedish metal bands going. Also, it should be noted that "Mindfields" has one of the coolest pauses I've heard in a while (who doesn't like a good pause?). The only two songs that most readily come to mind as being misses are the title track (which could nearly make it onto MTV if it rode out its opening rhythm), and the closer, "Song of the Damned," which anticlimactically loses some of the steam the rest of the album had built up. But I only name those two songs because I feel like I have to name something. They're not actually bad songs. They're just not quite as mind-altering as some of the others. And "Song of the Damned" is a kinda dorky name. Whatever. -Cory Byrom, March 20th, 2002
Klupska dešavanja i utisci sa nightova
azal replied to Thule's topic in Gothic, Electro & Industrial + Neofolk
imaju cak jednu pesmu od Meshugge. i dve od Killswitch Engage! goth! -
Ljudi, radite vi nesto? studirate? masturbirate? kako vas ne mrzi? Dokoni smorovi.
jednom me pevac iz SF mlatnu sa dredom dok je slemovao. Imao sam masnaju dva dana.
dosla ti je sestra i izbacila nam djubre. slava!
Agarth, huge respect za avatar. kako seru za Watchtower....kao da je neki ogromni komercijalni hit. ako Rolling Stones mogu Brown Sugar da sviraju idalje, moze CoL jebeni Watchtower.
meni ipak vise prija da citam o ovakvim stvarima...video si vec kako sam se usrao u KGu ali kad sam bio mlad (i uglavnom nadrogiran ili pijan) isao sam da proverim par ovih mesta.
Jackson Whites, name applied to a group of people of mixed descent (African, European, and Native American) living in the Ramapo Mts. along the New Jersey–New York state line. The origins of these people have for years been surrounded by myth and legend, e.g., that they are descended from a mixture of the Tuscarora, Hessian deserters, women kidnapped in England by a man named Jackson, and runaway slaves. Research suggests that the origin of these people is to be found among remnants of the Algonquin, early white settlers (mainly British and Dutch), and free, landholding blacks who pioneered the Hackensack River valley before migrating to the Ramapo Mts. in the early 19th cent. The term Jackson Whites probably developed as a result of the continued joint reference to the mountain people as Jacks (an 18th-century term for freed slaves or blacks in general) and Whites, i.e., it became Jackson Whites by elision.
ajsha: niko ne zna ko je taj covek sto to radi. bandere su na glavnom autoputu, ali niko nije trazio da se bilo sta skine sa bandere, neko tako se nesto pojavi, pa ostane. ljudima zanimljivo valjda. takodje u Wanaque (gde sam ziveo 15 god) bio jedan od naj naj UFO sitings u istoriji u 1966. Imas i celu rasu ljudi, na weird nj ih zovu Jackson Whites, mi smo ih zvali "Minies" isli su samnom u gimnaziju. zive na jednoj ulici koja sa zove Van Dunk lane, imaju svoj autobus koji ih vozi do skole. Niku ne zna sta su tacno, svi imaju neka Danska prezimena....ili su DeGroat, ili Van Dunk ili Milligan...oni tvrde da su indijanci, svi su identicni, ni crni, ni beli...nego nesto izmedju... imaju neki svoj slang koji smo mi zvali "Buck talk" (to mi dodje kao treci jezik, jer ga dobro poznajem Ima dosta istripovanih prica o njima.
www.weirdnj.com...ima svasta. midgetville je konza. to je jedno mesto u shumi gde su sve kuce napravljene za kepece. Prica se da je jedan od Ringlin Bros kupio taj plac i pravio kuce za najbolje kepece u cirkusu. Ja kad sam bio na clinton roadu, izasli smo kod mosta i usrali se, jer smo bolesne zvukove culi. Kad smo usli u kola, nismo mogli 15 minuta da ih upalim, i svi su se usrali...nova kola bila. Samo sam jednom tamo bio. imas isto na rt23...na banderama neki blesavi umetnik stavlja ogromne patke, vukove, i razne umetnicke radove...niko ne zna kako i kad..samo se pojavi neko jezivo stvorenje na vrhu bandere..i tako vec radi vise od pet godina.
sta je smesno? jezivo bre, bio sam par puta. skoro sam sve na onom weird nj sajtu obisao.
onaj momenat u KGu je bas bio grym, priznajem. mada niste vi videli Clinton Road u West Milford-u. http://www.weirdnj.com/_roads/clintonroad.html
ko prvi smuva baju iz Xiu Xiu dobija pivo od mene
no subtle? e sredio sam interview sa Colin-om iz Behold...the Arctopus, Dysrhythmia, Infidel?/Casto, byla...za sledeci butcherian bas sam postao proactive pa ako neko ima pitanja, posaljite mi na PP.
care, nije produkcija losa, vec matora. mogu da zamislim kako su se producenti zbunili kad su KC dosli taj materijal da snimaju pre 30 godina
pevac iz trivium-a je do jaje klempav...skini spot!
Klupska dešavanja i utisci sa nightova
azal replied to Thule's topic in Gothic, Electro & Industrial + Neofolk
tori amos > slayer
ruska salata + vinjak = teh win.
cimer slusa Buried Inside all fucking day. skroz dobro. malo jednolicno...al ga tresu posteno.