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    Ša, Bg

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. http://www.yumetal.net/forum/topic/46559-koncert-2103-szene-wien-bec-austrija-devin-townsend-project/ Ajte na koncert
  2. novi album uskoro izlazi. ono sto nije lepo je da je album vec uveliko kruzi po netu :ne: Final Sequence (for now) and Titles for Life is Killing Me posted 3.21.03 Confirmed thru Roadrunner and Peter: 1. Uncle Freddy Died? 2. I Don't Wanna Be Me 3. Life Is Killing Me 4. Anesthesia 5. The Dream Is Dead 6. Todd's Ship Gods (Above All Things) 7. (We Were) Electrocute 8. Less Than Zero (<O) 9. ...A Dish Better Served Coldly 10. Loud And Queer 11. I Like Goils 12. How Could She? 13. Nettie 14. Angry Inch 15. IYDKMIGTHTKY (Gimme That) http://www.typeonegative.net/news.html tekodje, sa zvanicnog sajta sa moze skinuti i jedna od pesama http://www.typeonegative.net/likm/dream.html
  3. TON su zakon. imam sve albume osim Origin of the Feces, a i taj mi fali samo zato áto ga nisam joá naáao Najbolji album: October Rust Najbolja stvar u vezi sa TONom su definitivno obrade ... ÃÂega se oni doÃÂepaju postaje neáto sasvim drugo ... na stranu Summer Breeze (original:Seals & Croft), Cinnamon Girl i Hey, Peter: one "opskurnije" obrade takoÃÂe neviÃÂene: Light My Fire, Black Sabbath (from the Satanic perspective)(!!!), Pictures of Matchstic Man (od Status Quo, sa Ozzyjem), novi Highway Star ... a tu su naravno i Peteovi solo izleti: Just Say No To Love na IommIevom solo-albumu i "Fight" na istoimenom novom Doro albumu (to joá nisam ÃÂuo, ako neko jeste: PRIÃÂAJ) ------------------------------------------------------ Black Sabbath (from the Satanic perspective) Who is she that kneels so respectfully before me A Virgin Lust Snow White Purity Do not fear, my fortunate one and let us consummate our igneous union Ave Ave Satanas I am the shadow, with the eyes, eyes of fire I will fulfill your every hellish desire Come, sit on this throne, here beside me and be mine And we'll watch the flames get higher, and higher, and higher, and higher Ave Ave Satanas This is just the start dear friends For i have come to claim revenge My victims turning, running scarred You people better go and beware Your weak god can not help you now Come, we will play in my fire Worship the sun Worship no one ------------------------------------------------------ // morao sam i ja )) LM, matori Peteovi bendovi Fallout i Carnivore su vise neki nadrdani HC koji ne varim preterano (doduáe ima onih prepoznatljivih linija humora mada je mnoogo bolesno/perverzno (u loáem smislu) ... npr pesma: -------------------------- Jesus Hitler Jesus Hitler Adolf Christ Is this the second coming Or the fourth Reich? His mother a nun raped by a nazi near the end of the second great war gave birth to a son who could change the future for better or worse he's not sure I am what should never have been the ultimate abomination Have I returned to save the Jews or to destroy them? Hear thee my fellow nazolics come join the Neotheofacists keep the race pure practice eugenics and swear to the holy swazafix I have returned Reich und Roll! Hess to my left and Peter on my right will it be war or peace totalitarian on his throne of blood commands both man and beast a pair of souls trapped in the body of one both prisoners of reincarnation torn between good and evil I have returned for salvae-elimination ------------------------------------------------- jasno? // morao sam, morao sam ))) ps jel ima neko duži post?
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