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Everything posted by ResurrectioN

  1. "Sportistkinja je na besraman način i bez njenog znanja zloupotrebljena i pretvorena u seksualni objekat. " Eto i njoj konacno da se desi da bude seksualni objekat.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milunka_Savi%C4%87 Milunka Savić (Serbian: Милунка Савић, 1888–1973) was a Serbian woman war heroine from the First World War, recognised as the most-decorated female combatant in the entire history of warfare. She was wounded no fewer than nine times during her term-of-service.
  3. A Holiday Message From Ricky Gervais: Why I’m an Atheist I onda je i odgovorio na neke komentare par dana kasnije: Does God Exist? Ricky Gervais Takes Your Questions Ko ne zna ko je Ricky Gervais: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvqlWhsMdfY
  4. Mila Kunis & Natalie Portman u filmu Black Swan
  5. ResurrectioN


    Meanwhile in Sweden. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85FxLsHU8us
  6. Torrenti za "Going postal": http://isohunt.com/torrents/?ihq=going+postal
  7. ResurrectioN


    "Koliko ti je kurac?" "Pa nije bas velAk. Aj reci sta mislis...'vako po glasu." I loled
  8. Djeeeaa! http://www.ranker.com/list/top-11-most-ridiculous-bollywood-action-movie-scenes/clintonjake?page=1&format=blogstyle_view
  9. Nikad download; samo stream. http://tvshack.cc/tv/House
  10. You cannot pass! I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun! Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass!
  11. I see what you did there
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