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Iskreni članovi
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About Zagrivuk

  • Birthday 03/21/1976

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Zagrivuk's Achievements

Master of Metal

Master of Metal (2/6)



  1. Nadam se da ce B. Minehen veceras da pobedi!
  2. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1510938/
  3. Zajebite politiku! Spamujete! Imate na Pod- forumu nauka- Istoriju
  4. On je jedini Amer u UFC-u koga gotivim
  5. Kako god
  6. A imali su i sanse da se bore za titulu
  7. Ne pametuj i ne jedi govna kad nemas pojma, evo tvoja braca RVATI koji imaju mnogo bolju skolu od nas u MMA pa izvoli http://nokaut.com/index.php?id=12&lang=h&solo_news=8005
  8. Prvo ovo http://www.goal.com/en/news/10/italy/2011/02/13/2350526/inter-striker-samuel-etoo-earns-as-much-in-one-day-as Pa onda ovo http://www.goal.com/en/news/3194/video/2011/02/13/2351216/video-samuel-etoo-produces-one-of-the-misses-of-the-season FORZA JUVE!
  9. Nema na cemu, i vas ima da osurimo FORZA JUVE!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idxi0l5RzrM&feature=related
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU9odzcGCTk English tranlation: Come on juve, come on this beautiful lady is black and white go ahead juve, go ahead juve only juve is great, go ahead juve You're the team of my heart always 11 heroes on the field you win the impossible and prevail and we are behind you You got another star on your chest thousands of hands rising to the sky for you... together the wave of a magic hour will unleash Nights of cup winners endless nights great is the emotion you bestow when you win for us Let's all go to the stadium to dream waiting to shout goal... together the wave of a magic hour will unleash FORZA JUVE!
  12. Mamu im jebem paprikanersku ubise nam igrace............... Ali sta je masio Eto bruuuuukaaaaaa!
  13. Da skratim kaznu, zahvalite Juventusu sto je pobedio (sto bi rekao kolega) PAPRIKANERE! FORZA JUVE!
  14. Zagrivuk


    Cuo sam a sad je potvrdjeno, ubice ga neko tamo + mnogo je mator
  15. Pa po vasoj proceni Fedor je los borac ako mu dodeljuju lose borce I dalje tvrdim da bi Fedor ubio Silvu samo da je mladji 3-4 godine.
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