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Everything posted by djole78

  1. E pa da vratimo ovaj bend u sam vrh Pozdrav za druzinu Ocete li za novaka ili tu negde pre/posle u Kragujevac mozda?
  2. Naravno da je nema kad se ne zove mars na drinu Zadnja pesma na albumu i to negde od polovine je mars na drinu...
  3. izasao je... ne trazis na pravom mestu...
  4. Max je vec Srbin-Postao je srpski zet...udao je cerku za srbina (neki lik koji je organizovao backstage za vreme koncerta-dok je max svirao ovaj mu smuvo cerku) i to u pravoslavnoj crkvi sto povlaci da je ona presla u pravoslavlje sto dalje povlaci da je i on morao da predje u pravoslavce...Verovatno zato tolika ljubav prema Srbima... P.S. Procitao sam negde da su mu se mnogo svideli cigani trubaci koji su svirali na svadbi i da je zbog toga uradio jednu pesmu sa njima...
  5. jeste da...oces u mp3 ili audio?glupo jedan album u mp3 na ceo cd...poslacu ti svoj spisak na pp...
  6. ovo ti je sa oficijelnog sajta... As always a lot of things are happening in our minds and physical existence, both musically, spiritually and in other categories... "The Focusing Blur": Prologue Dialogue- the reason The essence The Thesis's seasons Matrix odyssey Star puzzled A sphere in a sphere? (to infinity) A microscopical macrocosm Blindsight complexity Dark Matter mystery (blackbody spectrum) Curtains Artifacts of Chaos (instrumental) Epilogue Metalogue-sharpen your mind tools === === === === === Release date for the upcoming album is set to 16 February '04! === === === === ===
  7. ne pitaj nista...ka sam skinuo video sam da je to neki glupi niskobudzetni film pod nazivom hagard...600MB uzaludno...ali sam nasao jednu pesmu sa koncerta pa cu to da ti narezem...utesno s obzirom da sam mislio da cu imatio ceo koncert....
  8. pa stigao je novi album.... hm...posto nisam cuo prethodne ne bih da ga ocenjujem...nije lose na prvo slusanje.... SUPPLiER: Team GRAbbER: EAC RELEASER: UBE ENCOdER: Lame 3.90.3 | STYLE: Black Metal QUALiTY: 192 kbps/44,1khz | dATE: 01-08-2004 SoNGS: 12 | - R E L E A S E i N F O - | Scandinavian Metal at its finest! Street Date: Feburay 16th 2004 More info http://www.vintersorg.com/ T R A C K S | 01 Prologue Dialogue - The Reason 02:14 | 02 The Essence 05:54 | 03 The Thesises Seasons 04:47 | 04 Matrix Odyssey 04:39 | 05 Star Puzzled 05:48 | 06 A Sphere in a Sphere (to infinity) 05:35 | 07 A Microscopical Macrocosm 04:37 | 08 Blindsight Complexity 04:52 | 09 Dark Matter Mystery - Blackbody Spectrum 05:03 | 10 Curtains 04:45 | 11 Artifacts of Chaos 02:37 | 12 Epilogue Metalogue - Sharpen your mind tools 02:59
  9. 02 Voices within 06:52 ova mi ne izlazi iz glave...Jednom recju ODLICNA JE!
  10. eh...internet...cudo je to... sta sve covek na njemu moze naci... pa imas vise opcija: mirc kazza usenet (newsgroups) pa sta ti lakse...
  11. Saznace Valjda...Necu da otvaram novu temu obrisali bi je odmah... Ali ako budemo odrzavali te dve teme u vrhu mozda ce i videti neko 8)
  12. Ma dosta im je jedno HVALA... A za nas uzivanje u muzici... Ma Ko da ceka jos mesec dana da LEGALNO :roll: izadje
  13. E pa Boto javi se da dobijes svoj primerak nove sirenie...Upravo sam nabavio... Sirenia - An Elexier for Existence ] | | | | SUPPLiER: Team GRAbbER: EAC | | RELEASER: UBE ENCOdER: Lame 3.90.3 | | STYLE: Metal QUALiTY: 192 kbps/44,1khz | | dATE: 01-08-2004 SoNGS: 09 | | | | ____/__ __ | | _ __ /___/_/___/ __ _ | | _ ___ _\___\/___/____//___//_ ___ _ | | /_/ | | | | - R E L E A S E i N F O - | | | | At the end of August 2003, Veland and Gundersen arrived in Sound | | Suite Studios to record an “An Elixir for Existence”. The album | | includes everything from bombastic upbeat metal songs to the more | | calm atmospheric numbers. Veland was determined to give every song | | its own individual soundscape, structure, and arrangement. He | | succeeded, as the second masterpiece from Morten Veland | | (ex-Tristania), not unlike its forerunner, boasts of an impressive | | array of symphonically arranged epic songs. The mystic melancholic | | atmosphere herein is immediately recognizable and charms its way | | throughout. Street Date is Febuary, 24th 2004. | | | |______________ ___ ___ ________________| |________ ____ _/ _/ ____ __________| |________ ___ _ /_ /___/ __________| |________ _ _(__ T R A C K S /__)/_ /_ _________| |________(__(__ /__)/__)__________| | | | 01 Lithium and a Lover 06:33 | | 02 Voices within 06:52 | | 03 A Mental Symphony 05:25 | | 04 Euphoria 06:35 | | 05 In my Darkest Hours 06:05 | | 06 Save me from Myself 04:14 | | 07 The Fall within 06:48 | | 08 Star-crossed 06:28 | | 09 Seven Sirens and a Silver tear 04:45 |
  14. Nabavio... Nije lose na prvo slusanje...izdvojio bih 4. pesmu... Evo track listinga: 1. The Wreckage of My Flesh 2. The Scarlet Garden 3. Catherine Blake 4. My Wine in Silence 5. The Prize of Beauty 6. The Blue Lotus 7. And My Fury Stands Ready 8. A Doomed Lover
  15. upravo skidam album undead...videcemo da li vredi toliko hvale
  16. hm hm imam i ja novi Charon - The Dying Daylights Charon - The Dying Daylights Release: 20.10.2003 Label: Spinefarm Records Stil: Gothic Rock Religious/Delicious Death Can Dance In Brief War Guilt On Skin Unbreak, Unchain Drive Every Failure In Trust Of No One If No Saint kome treba?
  17. elem council A evo odgovora na tvoje pitanje: “A Natural Disaster” with the voice of Lee, the sister of drummer John Douglas, is great. She will sing in the future other songs I’m going to write for her. She is as good as Vincent. I like the idea of a female vocalist. But the voice of Vincent is also getting better and better every year. It’s becoming more diverse. He’s growing into it. But at the same time I think Lee is just as good for me as a writer. It’s a grace to have them both because you get the chance to express almost everything that you want. It was a little bit the intention to let the song sound like Portishead with the drum and bass and the piano. i jos nesto Pulled Under At 2000 Meters A Second", a very nice track, its vocal lines being unfortunately a carbon-copy of Pink Floyd's "Sheep":the melody is very similar to that song by itself, but Anathema decided to use exactly the same echo to make sure we get the message znaci definitivno ne moze da ti bude poznat taj glas koliko vidim
  18. mislim zasta sluzi KST...
  19. IMAM JA! I to od pre 2 nedelje kome treba? komentari...pa ovaj...treba poslusati
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