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Ol' Scratch

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Everything posted by Ol' Scratch

  1. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    A tek ja... Poslednja verzija mi je 1.14... I da minimum cje biti 30 mega tezhak patch...
  2. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    Mail svet... Chemu sluzhe ppovi? Cimaj me sutra u 13:00 h... Provereno cju biti gajbi... Inache bash me zanima kako Lawa Spawnovi izgledaju...
  3. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    www.blizzard.com Firelord bash obecjava... I otkud' ti znash tu prichu?
  4. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    Chisto da napomenem - u pripremi (beta fazi) je patch koji izmedju ostalog donosi i dva neutralna heroja...
  5. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    Otom potom iliti dok iko stigne do distrojera... A i kad' dodje - chemu oni sluzhe pored Fiendova i Wyrmova?
  6. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    O da... Mrtva smrt umirucja... I josh Obsidian Statue i Death Coil & Holy Light... E to je vecj preterivanje...
  7. Citirash samu sebe? Pozravio te Kai...
  8. Pa ako su zapeli za alternativu na gothic nightovima Pustite neku gothic obradu RHCPa (recimo) siguran sam da i toga ima negde...
  9. Kazhem da bi i Scooter trebao da sledi primer Kovenanta i izbaci zhivog bubnjara kad' potreba za njim ne postoji...
  10. Ali to NIJE to!!!
  12. A ja sam imao da ironija buide vecja... Inache narez'o si mi dva diska od SC al' nema Mindstripa koji sam skoro sklonio sa harda mislecji da ga imam na disku... Inache sshta je onaj Hellfire Mix od 79 min. ? Nikako dda ga preslusham...
  13. Pa dobro... Zashto da cepidlachimo?
  14. Chuo samo onaj Mix od Suicide Commandoa... I ono... Mnogo je inovativnije od, recima, Blut Engela...
  15. I zmisli nisi mi narez'o Mindstrip..
  16. Evo ovako javno... Da ne punim ppbox... The Blackest Album (Volume I, valjda) 2k - Mama Said 5 Blind Monks - Acid Devil Apoptygma Berserk - Fade to Black Deadline - Until it Sleeps Grope - ...And Justice Fora Alll Inocent Blood - Enter Sandman Naked Lunch - Shortest Straw Tennis - Law Man's Lyrics Phisical Attraction - Creeping Death Stigma - Orion The Element - The Unforgiven Terror Test - The Memery Remains The Sandowsky Fles - The Unforgiven II Inache zanimali bi me i ostali Crnji Albumi... Ima, valjda 3 volumena...
  17. Now I see the light... 8O
  18. Pre cje biti Chmaran Pizda...
  19. Pa ta obrada bi trebalo ba bude suicidalno smorena... Nigde nisam rek'o da nije vesela... Naprotiv... Imam sl' ne na ovom kompu... Shaljem ti sutradan na pp...
  20. Ma kako super? Ono bi trebalo da bude suicidalno-smoreno... Mada ne kazhem da neko necje da pribegne suicidu zbog onolke veselosti... I vrlo teshko se pozna pesma... Sa The Blackest Albuma skroz valja npr. Unforgiven II od neke grupe The Sandfowski neshto...
  21. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    Pa ono... Mogli smo... Mada ja nisam igr'o War skoro pola godine... Nermam mesta na 'ardu...
  22. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    Al' nigde lika...
  23. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    Izgleda da sam glup - nikako da nadjem link sa Blizzarda prema patchu...
  24. Shto je trebalo da bude a nije: The CD (S.E.T.I.) was recorded at Woodhouse Studios in Hagen, Germany and will feature 12 of the 14 songs tracked during the sessions, including "Cybertrash", "Planet of the Apes", "Hollow Earth", "GenTech Ranch", "The Perfect End", "Camp Narssiscius", and "Strange Days" (THE DOORS Cover).
  25. Ol' Scratch

    Warcraft III

    Pa dobro sad' i lichi na neshto... Ali u prvoj (1.00) verziji warCrafta je stvarno bio krpa... Izashao je novi patch (1.16)... Warcraft III Patch 1.16 Details The 1.16 patch for Warcraft III is now available on Battle.net. The patch contains the following balance changes: Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Human Rifleman hit points reduced to 505 from 520. Undead Destroyer negative mana regeneration increased to -6/sec from -3/sec. Mana gain of Devour Magic increased to 150 per dispelled unit from 75 per dispelled unit. Orb of Annihilation mana cost increased to 50 from 25. Orb of Annihilation had a splash damage that was dealing full damage to all targets instead of full damage to the primary target, and reduced damage to nearby targets. This discrepancy has been fixed and the orb now deals damage identical to the functionality in patch 1.14. Orc Bladestorm mana cost reduced to 200 from 250. Troll Batrider hit points reduced to 400 from 500. Demolisher build time increased to 40 seconds from 36 seconds. Neutral Heroes Cluster Rockets cooldown reduced to 6 seconds from 7 seconds. Pocket Factory cooldown reduced to 35 seconds from 40 seconds. Pit Lord base Strength increased to 26 from 24. Dark Minion hit points increased from 200/260/320 to 215/290/405 and armor reduced to 0/0/0 from 1/2/3. Breath of Fire has been damage capped to 8 targets. Note that this does not affect the amount of damage dealt by burning damage from the Breath of Fire / Drunken Haze combination. Storm, Earth and Fire Pandaren hit points increased by 200, and attack damage increased by 33%. Items Shared cooldown of 20 seconds added on all summoning items. Wand of Lightning Shield given 10-second cooldown. Staff of Preservation max stock set to 1, down from 2. Sentry Ward item duration reduced to 5 minutes from 10 minutes. Warcraft III: Reign Of Chaos Orc Bladestorm mana cost reduced to 200 from 250. Items Shared cooldown of 20 seconds added on all summoning items. Wand of Lightning Shield given 10-second cooldown. Sentry Ward item duration reduced to 5 minutes from 10 minutes. I nema novog neutralnog heroja...
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