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HeLLsarma last won the day on September 27 2017

HeLLsarma had the most liked content!

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    Vortex Utopia

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Lord of Metal

Lord of Metal (3/6)



  1. Bogami, ima masti i tezine. Prosli je nekako bio mrsav.
  2. Al kida Jason Momoa sa growlom. 😄
  3. Pa moguce da se u Nefasu nesto probudilo. Za Kozija verujem da postuje kulturnu bastinu i nista vise od toga.
  4. Nije loš Ferox, zapravo zanimljivo je uklapanje Fuckpig pevača i AN zvuka. Ali brate, Mick od Passion bukvalno reciklira samog sebe, samo sto je od zadnjeg AN postalo previše očigledno. Da samo kažem da su Vanitas i The Whole Of The Law vrhunski albumi, ali su imali neke svežine u već postojećoj formi.
  5. Pa jedino This Is No Farytale je slabije izdanje, a i prosli ima vrh stvari ali i filera. Ovo je mnogo kompaktnije, ali meni i Monster iako je prosta ulazi u mozak, podseti me na Rammstein. 😄
  6. Lele boske!
  7. Cudi me da se nije outovao kao Gaahl.
  8. Zaboravio si na Mglu.
  9. Diva is rising.
  10. IRON BONEHEAD PRODUCTIONS is proud to present Defleshing the Serpent Infinity, a special split mini-album between HERESIARCH and ANTEDILUVIAN, on CD and 12" vinyl formats. To be released on the 31st of July 2020. True underground devotees should already be more than familiar with New Zealand's HERESIARCH and Canada's Antediluvian ; between them, both cults have built challenging canons of uncompromising gnarliness. Here on Defleshing the Serpent Infinity, HERESIARCH deliver two crushers of rusted-tank-tread horror, with an eerily quiet ambient track to close out - the aftermath on the battlefield, if you will. Although comparatively quiet for the past five years, ANTEDILUVIAN rupture the silence with an utterly demented maw of magickal chaos on one track and then an unsettling ambient track of their own, completing the Ouroboros of this unified split. Forever devouring the listener, together HERESIARCH and ANTEDILUVIAN are Defleshing the Serpent Infinity!
  11. Tragic Idol je bolji.
  12. Po cemu smo isti?
  13. Realno, CF je pokidao. Nergal ložara
  14. HeLLsarma


    Kratko ali jebitacno. Kome se svideo prosli, a takodje voli i Litany album, svidece mu se i ovo. Prate istu formulu, ali nema sta da menjaju, Vader je Vader. Nista originalno niti epohalno, ali energicno, zabavno, produkcija ima muda. I super obrada od Acid Drinkersa.
  15. Pa nije katastrofa, ali je dosta pobacaj u odnosu na Vermin.
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