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Everything posted by HeLLsarma

  1. HailsWebzine.com: How does black metal continue to make a mark in Norway, or does it? Obviously for a time it was quite infamous and making a great storm on the national media scene, often for violent reasons which fueled backlash from the religious community, etc. Do you believe black metal has seen its prime and has died or been diluted from its point? I hear so many arguments in the Norwegian black metal community about what it even meant or was. What is your take? Silenoz: From my non-judgmental and not-so-up-to-date point of view, I think black metal has reached its peak in terms of rebellion and shock value, but it hasn't died out artistically and musically. Far from it. It's been watered down, sure, and obviously become more available, for obvious reasons, but as there are several new genres born under the so-called "black metal" banner the last few years, I still see it relevant and as a pivotal addition to the music world. There's still passion, dedication, honesty and authenticity in this form of art and as long as that is on the forefront, it'll still be life. But as real life is all about contradictions, the term black metal is no exception. It has progressed, thank god — pardon the pun! Ovo je deo iz intervjua iz 2012 godine. A on je pomogao sa svojim bendova da blek metal bude vise prisutniji.
  2. Ali je pozitivna stvar. Gledao sam ih na BA, razneli su. Voleo bih da ih vidim opet. A nadam se da ce se i Cut Up nastaviti.
  3. HeLLsarma


    Ma retardirana govna, nekada sam pratio ovaj sajt, imali su i zanimljive recenzije, dok nisu krenuli sa pc proseravanjem.
  4. Ne znam sto Borgir porediti sa ostalima.
  5. Znaci opet tematika WW2, resili su da se jos malo drze toga.
  6. @ITF A realno ima tremolo i blastove, pa nalici malo. Jbg, ne moze biti black metal sa ovom sterilnom produkcijom. Malo se gitare bolje cuju nego na proslom, ali su i dalje kao tanane. @Sale Jel bolja od zadnjeg Satyricona?
  7. Hahahahaha, sto ne mogu da izbacim iz glave. Death Throne Armagedon. Nego kako se tebi dojmi pesma, Simone?
  8. Bas to. Ovde je borba da nadjebe In Sorte i Abrahadabru, DTA pa ostalo je nedostizno. Bas to. Ovde je borba da nadjebe In Sorte i Abrahadabru, DTA pa ostalo je nedostizno. Bas to. Ovde je borba da nadjebe In Sorte i Abrahadabru, DTA pa ostalo je nedostizno.
  9. Stari SF je odlican, ali ako su vam Communion i The Great Mass sranje albumi...
  10. Sta sve covek nece procitati ovde.
  11. To je i dobro ako zvuce na Septicflesh, idi se leci ako ti je Septicflesh los.
  12. Konacno black metal. Cudna pesma, ali korak ka boljem.
  13. Since our ex-drummer and one of the founding members of Nokturnal Mortum Munruthel announced it in his recent interview to Daily Metalzine, we just officially confirm that one of the releases we have in our plans is new, re-recorded version of our perhaps most underrated and overlooked work - "Twilightfall", which saw the light of day so long time ago, in 1995. Munruthel was kind enough to record the drum parts for this very special project. Our goal is high quality sound production with authentic spirit of original record. Don't expect this to be done soon, but once the day will come and we all shall hear the "Twilightfall" of a new century.
  14. Gde si brate Sreto Vazda dobre picke seto
  15. I muzika je slabija, dosta bolje mi zvuce pesme sa proslogodisnjeg.
  16. HeLLsarma

    Rotting Christ

    Jbt, ajde razumem da ove pesme su verovatno bile negde u zapecku, al opet da ih izbace, bas su sranje za njihov standard. Rituals mi je slabiji od Kata Ton, imam zebnju da ce sledeci album da bude i gori od Rituals.
  17. HeLLsarma

    Rotting Christ

  18. HeLLsarma


    Za ovo za Mikija Rakica treba ispitati Predraga Popovica odakle mu informacije, cim ga niko ne juri za klevetu i lazi ne znaci da je izmisljotina.
  19. HeLLsarma


    Elfe, za Radica i SNS je to trebalo da bude. Doduse, izmedju Vucica i Djilasa je precutna saradnja, Predrag Popovic tvrdi da dok je radio u Vucicevoj Pravdi da je Djilas pomagao finansijski te novine, i podrivao Tadica time. I onda je monstrum Vucic resio da se otrgne i sve preuzme. Mozda saradjuju i dalje njih dvojica ali mislim da ce Vucic tesko da dozvoli da se oni smenjuju na vlasti u dvopartijskom sistemu.
  20. HeLLsarma


    @Human Secam se da mi je jednom pandur prisao kod Doma, i to interventna, ja mislio sad ce da pretresa a on kaze To brate, Immortal duks! Slusao sam i ja pre black metal.
  21. HeLLsarma


    Na kojoj se granici desilo?
  22. HeLLsarma


    Bitno je da je Seselj zakopao radikale. Al jebe se njemu, dobio je dosta apanaze od Vucka, ima da se baskari do smrti, porodicu obezbedio.
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