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Everything posted by HeLLsarma

  1. HeLLsarma


    Gde ces bez Angel Of Death .
  2. Ne znam da li je neko kacio ovo,u bendu su Her Warcrimer I Zyklon iz Infernal War-a. Black/Thrash/Death Metal,nije lose. Imaju album Wrathprayers iz 2011. Ep The Antagonist je izasao ove godine.
  4. Posle dve godine opet zarite i palite Explosive binom .
  5. Jesu ludacke majice :D:D !
  6. FEJSBUK JE UBIO FORUME ! Al ovaj nece...
  7. HeLLsarma


    Opet su tu svi na okupu,ne svadjaju se,kuliraju,i kad izadju na scenu otprase majstorski .
  8. HeLLsarma


    Samo Blue Moon u Uzicu !!!
  9. HeLLsarma


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO2K7o-Pgww&feature=player_detailpage ĐETIĆU pusti djecu da se igraju .
  10. HeLLsarma


    E sad Trute da skines ove instrumentale sluhom .
  11. HeLLsarma


    Sta ima tu za neverovati,likovi su sluhom skidali pesmu da sto pre okace,ne mora da znaci da je u potpunosti tacno napisano. Imas tekstove za Supreme,imas na Encyclopaedia Metallum .
  12. Bruce Corbit ,Kyle Tomas , Phil Anselmo ...
  13. Frost isti Lemmy .
  14. HeLLsarma


    Sledeci put da ga zovemo kao pocasnog gosta za Vidovdan,da ga vodimo na Gazimestan.
  15. Venom - Black Metal ...
  16. Rendi treba da nadje nekog najzajebanijeg advokata,da ga oslobode pa da ih tuzi za odstetu !
  17. Lamb of God singer Randy Blythe, who was arrested at the Prague, Czech Republic airport last week and charged with manslaughter stemming from an onstage incident with a fan at a show in 2010 after which the fan died of a head injury, posted 4 million Czech Karuna bail (approximately $200,000) today. However, he won't be able to return home yet; considered a flight risk, Blythe will have to remain in the Czech Republic pending further court action. According to a report by Blesk.cz, Blythe must remain in the Pankrác Prison in Prague for at least the next ten days. According to Judge Petr Fassati of Prague 8 district court, "There may well be certain conditions placed upon [blythe's] release, such as staying in the Czech Republic, or the availability of a specific address. If the conditions are violated, it could lead to an international arrest warrant being issued." If convicted he faces up to ten years in jail. The rest of the band flew back home to Virginia yesterday, and upon their arrival guitarist Mark Morton posted the following message on Twitter: "Finally HOME! 4/5 of us anyway. I can't wait to give Randy a big bear hug and kiss his pointy, stubbly face! Thanx for all the support y'all! Flooded with questions about Randy. I truly understand and appreciate [your] concern. But it would be irresponsible for me to comment on any of it. Again….thank y'all SOOOO much for your love and support during these difficult times. It means the world to us."
  18. http://www.rockhard.de/megazine/praesentationen/dew-scented-thrown-to-the-lions.html Aaaa,ovo vec obecava .
  19. [media=] [/media] [media=] [/media] Evo obe verzije,al opet je finska bolja .
  20. Ovaj slucaj je retardiran. RANDY,BUST THEIR ASSES OFF !
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