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Everything posted by HeLLsarma

  2. German thrash giants Kreator have entered the studio to record the band's thirteenth full length studio album. The album is expected by summer 2012 and is the follow up to the 2009 release "Hordes of Chaos." The band posted the following update on its Official Facebook Page: "Kreator has entered the 'Studiomega' studios in Varberg (Sweden) to finally start the recordings for the new record coming mid 2012. As for now, the drums are set up and the first tracks are already recorded. Stay tuned for more stuff from from recording process." In a recent interview conducted by the band's website team, frontman Mille spoke about the direction of the album: "The songs are coming along great and I think it's ok to say that this will be our most epic album so far. There's some classical, a lot of traditional metal and of course a huge dose of thrash metal influences in the new stuff. Everyone in the band is very excited at this point. The demos sound killer so far. We have about ten songs we're working on so far."
  3. Bice brate moj,mora i u nasoj veseloj zemlji da krene nabolje ...
  4. Ja mislim da su finansije ovde u pitanju,ne verujem da ljude bas toliko mrzi da idu na neki cert ili da im je samo draze da piju u parkovima... Ma koliko god da nas bude (a nadam se da ce biti puno) ima da napravimo HaOs ...
  5. Cuo sam Allfather,sabija pesma...
  6. Verujem da ce biti odlicno... Al da sacekamo sta ce nam bend kazati .
  7. Puno bih bio zahvalan ako neko ima link za debi album Dodecahedron-a.
  8. HeLLsarma


    Ce Abaddon da kida bubnjeve !!!
  9. Ajte opet i po Srbiji ...
  10. Ne,uvek mora da se zna da je okaceno i na Metal Portalu... Thats the deal.
  11. Bilo bi lepo nesto novo da nam servviraju za cepanje vratova ...
  12. Svaka cast momci,osecam da ce ovo biti rasturacina !!!
  13. Rendi je bas popizdeo ... Jbg,od necega moras nahraniti decu...
  14. With Satan and Victorious Weapons. Ispravka :D:D. Aj se lupi jos jednom po celenci,ovaj put za mene .
  15. Ja bih da mi prze With Satan And His Victorius Weapon pred rucak ...
  16. Kad ce vise novi album,izgoreh cekajuci
  17. Ma fora sto sam te video posle na nekim certovima,inace bih zaboravio ...
  18. Cuo sam ih pocetkom prosle godine,super je bend,pogotovo albumi Kinetic Zero i Fuck God... Pucaju oni na visoko ,u svakom slucaju samo nek prze ... Rekoh steta sto nemaju temu,a smatram da su kvalitetni... A tekstovi su keva ...
  19. Pa od Wratha zvuci prljavije,to je sigurno...
  20. Upoznao sam te kad je Marduk bio 2008,znam da si pomenuo da ti ja pesma meraklijska ...
  21. Ti bi Talvi da ti sviraju Hangman Of Prague na uvce svako vece ...
  22. Za sad na prvo slusanje ista prica kao Wrath,mada morace jos ovo da se poslusa... Straight Out Of The Sun me prijatno iznenadila,kratko,gruvi i slatko .
  23. Nadam se da cemo ih videti do kraja ove godine . Bilo bi vrlo lepo ...
  24. HeLLsarma


    Otargos - Bordo,Francuska,osnovani 2001 godine. Clanovi benda: Dagoth-vokal,gitara ; VOiD - gitara ; XXX - bas ; Thyr - bubnjevi Vrlo dobar bend,imaju neverovatnu atmosferu,odlicni muzicari. Tekstalno su malo drugaciji od vecine miljea black metal,tesktovi jesu anti religijski i nihilisticki,ali sve to provuceno kroz kvantnu fiziku i nauku,uopste o univerzumu i coveku i veri u njemu... Diskografija: Conqueror, Conqueror...Destroyer Demo 2002 Codex 666 - Infernal Legions Strike EP 2004 Ten Eyed Nemesis album 2005 Spawn From The Abyss Compilation 2006 Kinetic Zero album 2007 Fuck God-Disease Process album 2009 No God, No Satan album 2010 Heretic Live Live album 2011
  25. SRECNA NOVA BLACK METAL GODINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Sem_3Gm3n48
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