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Everything posted by HeLLsarma

  1. Pa bolje nego da ti daju singl pesmu koja ne valja nicemu... Ne mislim na Nikodga naravno,pesma mi se vrlo svidela... Vidim ti tiseri svih pesama na albumu su danas vrlo popularni... Kako bese na Arkoni Talvi,jesu svirali nesto od novog materijala ?
  2. Ovo mi je podiglo optimizam da album idem u lepom pravcu... Svidja mi se sto ima akusticnih pesama,ovo ce po mom misljenju biti vrlo zanimljiv album...
  3. Ako ova cena karte ne napuni Ciklon,nece nista napuniti,Bane svaka cast na ovakoj ceni,usao si u ovo svestan svakog rizika i pokazao si da ti nije vazan biznis nego muzika,i da das ljudima sto bolje i pristupacnije... Skidam ti kapu jos jednom... Samo vi nama opicite THE TRUE INSOMNIA i PANDEMONIUM,to je za sve pare ... Ima opet da pravimo festu ...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLrCU4bmA_c&feature=player_detailpageNAGLFARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  5. Meni su Vozrozdenie i Vo Slavu Velikim omiljeni albumi od Arkone,a i Ot Serdtsa K Nebu i Goi,Rode,Goi su odlicni,a Lepta je cist klasik ... Ne bih voleo posle epske i mocne atmosfere sa zadnjeg albuma da spadnu na totalni folk metal... Ipak su oni pagan metal u sustini... EP me je razocarao,nadam se da nece i nadolazeci album...
  6. Ovo je vec ok pesma,ozbiljnija je od Stenka na Stenku... Ne bih voleo da nacisto odu na Korpiklaani fazon,da izgube svoj indetitet...
  8. Ispade sad Watain veca komercijala od Borgira Ne da je sramota,nego je smesno i bolesno ... Koliko je ovaj Eric prsao,covek vise nema veze sa realnoscu...
  9. Proveravao sam sinoc Talvi,znam za taj sajt,hvala u svakom slucaju ... Ali vidis da je zadnja od aprila,zanima me posto su sad izdali album kako su sklopili playlistu...
  10. SLava reci nam playistu koja je bila,ako mozes da se setis vecine pesama koje su odsvirali...
  11. Potpuno se slazem,Bane je veoma perspektivan covek,i ljubav prema muzici ga vodi... E na BANE-u je definitivno bilo klanje ... prijateljske sutke,sto bi rekao jedan moj ortak...
  12. Xibir : Jos pamtim bolove u vratu od te veceri Nadam se da te nisam ja udario,posto sam mlatio sve sto mi dodje pod ruku ...a bogami i mene su posteno isprasili...zao mi sto na Svart Crown-u divljalo nas 20,al dobro,razumem da nisu poznati cak ni u UG-u,tek sada rastu kao bend,ovaj zadnji album ih probio... A Banetu svaka dala ,ozbiljniji je i bice bolji milion puta od Frubija,samo da pohvata veze i menadzment,i videcemo Slayer dogodine
  13. Mislim da je Bane iz BANE-a,al nisam sto posto siguran,da ne bude sirenja dezinformacija... U svakom slucaju svaka cast ko god da je sto ih opet dovodi... Prosle godine su rasturili,samo ih publika na Exitu nije nesto prihvatila,a ovde se nadam da ce vecinom biti Decap fanovi,pa ce i atmosfera da kuva ... Al sto ti rece Azal samo da ne useru zvuk...
  14. Slazem se da je Ciklon mali za ovakav bend,da akustika nije toliko ok,ali nadam se da ce bar namestiti da ne prsti zvuk,opet je bolje sto je Vog jedini gitarista... Medjutim posto u SKC,Domu Omladine i Akademiji nemoze da se napravi i ovo je ok solucija... Sto rece Xibir bolje ista nego nista... Mada za bend njihovog renomea trebalo bi da bude u Basti SKC-a... SVART CROWN POKIDAO ZA SVE PARE ! BANE takodje rasturio
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ4xnTwV8R4&feature=player_detailpage
  16. Respect za tvoje misljenje ...
  17. Nadam se da ce biti mracan kao Magla i sirov kao Zakon Velesa... Ali Magla mi i dalje ostaje omiljeni,dobar je Umro album,ali nema tu neku mracnu atmosfericnu auru koja prozima kroz pesme kao sto ima Magla...
  18. Album SABIJA i tacka !!!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSH5YhnfdoE&feature=player_detailpage Samo pijani svestenik !!!!!!! Ziveo Sarke... Sto se tice Darkthronea,u dole navedenom... Darkthrone: - Leaving the death metal genre in the late 80's, as the genre became total sellout. - Leaving the black metal genre in 2006, as that genre became even more sellout. This band is per definition the opposite of mainstream culture. 5/5 Svaka im dala
  20. HeLLsarma


    Veteran U.K metal act Venom has revealed the track listing for its upcoming new full length album. The new record, which is titled "Fallen Angels," is set to include 13 new tracks with an early September release through Universal Music being expected. The tentative track listing for "Fallen Angels" is as follows: 1. Hail Satanas 2. Pedal To The Metal 3. Nemesis 4. Lap Of The Gods 5. Hammerhead 6. Damnation Of Souls 7. Fallen Angels 8. Beggarman 9. Sin 10. Punk's Not Dead 11. Death Be Thy Name 12. Valley Of The Kings 13. Lest We Forget Naslovi pesama su totalno old school
  21. Lepo rekose CARNIVAL IS FOREVER
  22. HeLLsarma


    Ok je pesma,nadam se da ce ostale biti i bolje...
  23. Kakva je legenda od coveka
  24. Marduk - Beast Of Prey War Sounds of violence breaks the silence Ripping the stillness apart Sounds of thunder n force from the world under The essence and joy of my heart The messengers who chime death's bell The panzers have come to blow god into hell Die Like Lillith's sons - the demonic ones Storming through dust clouds to kill All they seek - to kill the weak The extent of bloodshed to the thrill The black roaring panzers who bring pain and death And through their barrels you will feel hells breath Eyeballs rolling, bodies twisting, mouths are screaming as they burn Shells exploding, steel is crushing, dooms bell tolling, death you yearn All I want, All I need Is to see my enemies bleed Guns of annihilation, hell's celebration Execution of god can begin Set the world on fire so christ can expire This time the devil will win Smell the scent of fear and pain As we roll through the pile of ash Antichrist is here to reign as we blow god's throne With a crash All I want, all I need Is to kill the ones light saved I spit in the face of god with my gun Ablazing the ghost and run over his son Nattefrost - Whore (Filthy Whore) Beaten and Raped !!!! Blood between your legs Covered with cum, tears and snot I gave her all I fucking got ! Whore - put your shoes on Bitch - swallow my cum Slut - suck me dry Cunt - choke and die !! Goat-shaped Destroyer Anal desekrator Whore - put your shoes on Bitch - swallow my cum Slut - suck me dry Cunt - choke and die !! Morbid sick pervertor Unholy Evil fornikator Under the sign of Evil, I give you my blood The cold grip of Death, around your throat I lift my hand to swing the whip Blood and saliva, I pierced your tits ! Crushing all morals of life Releasing all fury Envisioned by the sights of Death Eternally hellbound...... in this cruel world... Commanding the whore on her knees In the stinking feces She drinks my precious wine Sadistic inhuman pressure A one way pleasure Embracing the spirit of Sin Covered in blood... Whore - put your shoes on Bitch - swallow my cum Slut - suck me dry Cunt - choke and die !! The bitch silent cries Blood-red swollen eyes Bruised and beaten she lies In total submission, chained to the wall Whore !!!! Whore - put your shoes on Bitch - swallow my cum Slut - suck me dry Cunt - choke and die !! Dimmu Borgir - Arcane Liforce Mysteria In perplexed dementia, where sanity is my vanity With honour bear the mark of satan Triumphant beast in heaven defeat Disguised in gloom, wear the mask of satan Ride the beast through paradise Still vipers these mortal burdens We arise as the portals take form Ileave my feathers again Infidels and scarecrows all fallen from heaven Captured by the sin of the beast Mesmerized in total chaos Engulfed in an overflow of selfish might Swept through arcane mysteries Forlorn in a maze of torment Raped by the sanctity of the unholy Reveals a hell i never dreamed of Bewildered by the arcane lifeforce mysteria- Ishead my skin once again
  25. Heh,jos drzim vec mesec dana omot od Panzer Metala za wallpaper na mobilnom... Ovo je kao predskazanje ... Drago mi je da je on upao u DF
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