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Everything posted by Natasha!

  1. Twilightfall Demo, 1995 Black Clouds Over Slavonic Lands Demo, 1995 Lunar Poetry Demo, 1996 Path of the Wolf/Return of the Vampire Lord Split, 1997 Goat Horns Full-length, 1997 Return Of The Vampire Lord EP, 1997 Marble Moon EP, 1997 To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire Full-length, 1998 NeChrist Full-length, 1999 Lunar Poetry Full-length, 2001 The Taste Of Victory EP, 2003 Eleven Years Among The Sheep Best of/Compilation, 2004 Weltanschauung Full-length, 2005
  2. Pa da, oni sviraju neki simfonik-folk-blek metal iz Ukrajine. A album koji si cuo je verovatno NeChrist ili Goat Horns. Izasao je 2005 Weltanschauung ali ga jos nisam odslusala.... Mada sikreno nisam ljubitelj folk bleka...
  3. Tek sad videh pesmu. Predivna je. Izaziva jako prijatne emocije u meni Možda je ovo i najbolja pesma koju sam pročitala ovde...
  4. zato ćemo mi da je napunimo ups
  5. ovde se o svemu priča, samo ne o bendu čija je ovo tema
  6. Natasha!


    da al to što su izdali je nikad bolje.
  7. Natasha!


    For the last two weeks, Polish death metallers VADER have been working at Hertz Studio in Bialystok, Poland, recording their new album, tentatively titled "Impressions In Blood". The bandmamebers have issued the following comments regarding the process thus far: Piotr Wiwczarek (guitar, vocals): "14 day of recordings at Hertz Studio in Bialystok. We've prepared 11 tracks and a bonus track which will be featured on the Asian version of the album. All the drum parts have been already completed and...what can I say? You should expect about 45 minutes of total carnage! The fastest VADER's stuff ever, even a little bit faster than 'Litany' album!!! Currently we are working on guitar sound and kicking off a pretty arduous, but probably the most interesting part of the process, I mean arranging our new songs and album as a whole. Impressions are going to be very bloody!!!" Daray (drums) summed up his work: "The band entered the studio on 24th of [April]. First two days we spent on preparing everything, soundcheck and so on. Then I started recording my drum tracks which all in all took me 10 days... It's going to be the fastest album I've ever recorded, you will hear there a lot of blastbeats and fast double pedal drumming. This time for the recording I used OSCA 5B drumsticks, TAMA Starclassic drumkit with Ludwig 'Black Beauty' snare drum, Alchemy Professional cymbals, Aquarian Response II pads on toms and Hi-Energy on snare, Roland RT-7K triggers, D-DRUM module and finally, my current favourite thing — AXIS X-Longboards pedals which helped me to achieve a staggering level of speed." The recording session will last until May 24, after which VADER will team up with DESTRUCTION and KATAKLYSM for a tour in America. Simuntaneously producers Slawek and Wojtek Wieslawscy will take care of mixes and mastering. The complete new album, featuring artwork/ design of Greek artist Seth (ROTTING CHRIST, PARADISE LOST) should be ready in the middle of July. "Impressions In Blood" will be released through Regain Records on September 4. On September 17, the band will kick off a huge European tour which will run through December 20.
  8. Defke kaže Nije istina! Rajan je lep ko luče. Lepo mu je lice, lepo peva, lepo se oblači i lepo đuska. A Defke je verovatno ljubomoran na njega...
  9. kako god... kad se čak i niking koji je muško loži na njega onda je sve jasno... powny: bio je čist spam, zezala sam nikinga nešto, a nesmem da spamujem
  10. NE! Kupovala sam jer mi je bio trip da furam majce bendova koje volim a sad me iskreno boli dupe da nosim takve majce. Nosim ih po kuci uglavnom, ponekad i ovako...kad idem negde... Evo sad bas na sebi imam Emperor majcu
  11. imam snimke s njim ali samo iz Soila, ovo novo s D.Poolom nemam jos..... jep je ko lutka
  12. U BGu ništa......... Mada Pančevo nije daleko, moglo bi se otići..... Inače, respect za Hatebreed
  13. hahaha, ne seri Rajan nije pedercic, toi sto dobro izgleda mu nije minus svakako a i bolje peva 5000 puta nego ovaj ex iz D.Poola. Niking, Rajan im sad peva. sta ti nije jasno? nadji na prethodnim stranicama, ja sam detaljno objasnila ko je kad pevao....
  14. Natasha!


    Evo linka za najnoviji intervju sa Ihsahnom (i Samothom). Meni je jako zanimljivo. Ko hoće nek pročita... >>>KLIK<<<
  15. Nije to ponavljanje... I DB ima klavijature na svakom albumu pa s ene ponavlaju... Plasim se da ako izbace klavijature i postanu siroviji da ce previse zvucati kao Stone. Al videcemo...
  16. Nataša, gasi komp i uči!!!! NOW!!!!!
  17. E jebiga A toliko smo cekali Rokanje...... Nadam se da ces da odvalis taj kolkvijum pa bar da ne bude za dzabe....
  18. JD-a su banovali pa je sad pod nikom SelfHandOfGod. Povuko s ecovek iz muzickih voda, sad samo pise pesme.... Vidi na Snazi Reci Ajde dogovoricemo se preko pp-a za Deftones pa da mi das na Rokanju sad u sredu
  19. Pricaj mi o tome. Lika sam cimala bukvalno jedno 2 dana dok nisam skinula ceo. Akusticne su keva! Ja ga bacam najvise na Digital Bath posto je tako savrseno uklopljen i akusticni deo a na refrenu cepa s koncerta. Mada i Knife Party odvaljuje....
  20. Ja nabavila ceo Live in Hawai. Ono je bruka
  21. Natasha!


    Frubi, daj nemo' si cava, reci nam Mene živo zanima
  22. Natasha!


    Vest nije baš nova, stara je oko 4 meseca al mene je iznenadila.... » GROM has officially quit ANCIENT. As of today, GROM is no longer part of the cult extreme metal band's lineup. "I decided to end my official envolvement with ANCIENT for a number of reasons," Diego said in a statement. "It has been a nice and rewarding five years, full of great experiences and I wish to thank all the other guys in the band and all the great fans, but I have reached a point in my career where I simply feel I need to move on." " Grom has different priorities than the other people in the band, as well as musical differences and personal differences, after a number of long discussions we agreed that for the moment it's better to have Grom as a session drummer, not being involved in the band's financial decisions and general management" - Aphazel GROM's collaboration with ANCIENT will continue as long as the band finds the situation beneficial, but only on a "session" basis. He will be concentrating on his "session drummer" career as well as his numerous other projects, including extreme-metal-gothic-prog band HORTUS ANIMAE. Grom is also evaluating several offers for an eventual new "main band."
  23. Natasha!


    A ovo je omot Obećava
  24. Oni i ne bi bili to što jesu da nema klavijature. Meni se Stone iz tog razloga i ne dopada nešto.
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