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Everything posted by Natasha!
od svih vrsta po malo: 01. Metallica - Ride 02. Emperor - In the nightside 03. Malevolent C. - The 10 commandments 04. Korn - Life is peachy 05. Sepultura - Arise
skinula sam upravo avenged_sevenfold-beast_and_the_harlot i sranje je teško, bar meni. počinjem da mislim da je unholy confessions jedina njihova dobra pesma
01. to nije tužna pesma 02. ima veze sa metalom elem, najtužnije a ne metal meni su: Shape of my heart - Backstreet Boys Falling into you - Celine Dion How could and angel break my heart - Tony Brexton Everything I do... - Bryan Adams Kiss from a rose - Seal Besame mucho - Helmut Lotti The man you love - Il Divo
hehe, upravo spremam ispit iz lingvistike pa moram da sitničarim elem: semantika - proučava plan sadržaja u jeziku a posebno značenje reči i rečenica. pragmatika - proučava upotrebu jezika posebno sa stanovišta komunicijskih namera govornika i dejstva koje oni postižu služeći se jezikom. leksikologija - proučava leksičke jedinice i leksički sastav jezika.
Ne, on treba da se pozabavi semantikom i pragmatikom za početak a kasnije i leksikologijom.
[4] mi nije ortak uopšte, on je samo poznanik s Rokanja. PP? Pošalji opet, ne znam o čemu se radi. Dođem ovde posle dužeg vremena i vidim svašta....
Hehe, JD ti li si? Dugo nisam bila pa sam izgubila nit....
Frontman Chino Moreno tires of talking about himself, both musically and on the phone It's not that Chino Moreno doesn't like doing interviews, he insists. "I just don't like talking on the phone. Not even with my girlfriend. And sometimes you get [interviewers] who ask all these stupid questions, and you're like, 'What the fuck?'" Moreno, the charismatic guitarist/lead singer for The Deftones, is in Vancouver ("My assistant saw a guy wash a needle in a puddle") where he and his bandmates are preparing for a one-off show before starting their much-anticipated Canadian dates on the Taste of Chaos tour, which also includes the likes of Thrice, Atreyu, Thursday and As I Lay Dying. On the topic of anticipation, Deftones fans the world over are hurriedly cancelling plans for a revolution, as the band is just about ready to unleash their latest, as-of-yet untitled album (though the prevailing rumour has it called Saturday Night Wrist ), which has been over two years in the making. "This record was the hardest one," Moreno allows, "the record where we realized we should really take time and dissect our music a lot more, and put much more into it. [Consequently] I think the final product will be longer lasting." And, if we're to take him at his word, less "personal." "I'm really over a lot of vocalists, including myself," he confesses. "A lot of music is ruined by people's personal lives in their music. I want to hear the music for the music... not about a singer who had a bad childhood or a lost love. And I don't want to come off like my life is more tragic or glorious than anyone else's. I'm just trying to fantasize a bit more, to sing about things that have nothing to do with describing myself or my life." Vicious, visceral and illuminating, The Deftones' eclectic sound has been described in a variety of ways, including progressive metal, alternative metal and art metal. To many, though, their sound is defiantly unclassifiable, and even Moreno stumbles slightly when asked if he knows where he'd slot their style. "I think the dynamic between music that's moody and music that has energy is a good description. Even though [our music is] sometimes an onslaught of powerful sounds and rhythms, there's a lot of the opposite - broken down, sullen, quiet, peaceful. We enjoy making music which goes through peaks and valleys." Though hardcore fans have reportedly been more than a little perturbed by the bands included on their current tour, Moreno contends that Taste of Chaos has been "a good way to come back in and enter the mix" after spending years conceiving, recording and tweaking the new disc. The time away from the scene, time to relax and regroup, has also afforded them the room to improve their live performances. "Our shows now are getting really super tight," he tells me, his voice thick with wondrous, childlike enthusiasm. "There are times when we can be extraordinary, and times we're just okay. We're looking at being extraordinary every time out, and when we're able to put out even 80 per cent of what we're capable of, I think it's magical. [We know now] that what we put into it is what we're going to get out of it."
uf, boli me dupe da budem tr00 Unreal je pesma koja treba da te navuče na bend, i ja sam se na nju prvo primila, ali daleko od toga da je najbolja... To vidiš kad detaljno odslušaš Redefine i Scars. Najbolje pesme: My own Suffering Obsession
Black Metal: Inno A Satana - Emperor ili De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas - Mayhem ili Secrets Of The Black Arts - Dark Funeral Death Metal: Gallery Of Suicide - C.Corpse ili Rapture - Morbid Angel Thrash Metal: Chemical Warfire - Slayer ili Fight Fire With Fire - Metallica Power Metal: Keep The Flame Burning - Hammerfall Nu Metal: Lies - Korn ili Knife Party - Deftones Heavy Metal: Slave To The Grind - Skid Row ostalo se ne razumem.....
Kul Jel može neko ko je pročitao i shvatio Sidartu da mi kaže nešto više o poenti knjige, kako ste vi to shvatili..... Čisto da imam više mišljenja na umu kad budem odgovarala usmeno
Idealni thrash metal bend meni je Metallica za vreme Jasona
BEKET U BEOGRADU Povodom 100 godina rodenja Semjuela Beketa (13.04.1906.), pozivamo Vas na multimedijalni dogadaj BEKET U BEOGRADU koji ce biti odrzan 13. aprila na Novoj sceni. Ulaz slobodan. Program: 17.00 h Cekajuci Godoa - snimak pozorisne predstave u reziji Semjuela Beketa 19.00 h Portret Semjuela Beketa - govore: Rade Markovic, Feliks Pasic i Mira Otasevic 20.00 h Slucaj Godo - dokumenti o zabrani predstave "Cekajuci Godoa" u Beogradskom dramskom pozoristu 21.30 h O, srecni dani - Snimak predstave sa Madlen Reno Vase BEOGRADSKO DRAMSKO POZORISTE Milesevska 64a tel. 011/2837 000 www.bdp.co.yu
U quick time-u se pušta al meni neće......... Neće ni u Real Playeru
Ja ga imam al ga još nisam odgledala pošto ne mogu da ga otvorim
ne znam koje je građe al ću ga napucati bar jednom junački pa posle nek me i nalupa ako je jači lepo je upozoren na onoj temi... meni je već puko film tako da sve teram u kurac koji me nerviraju....
to je ovaj isti o kome smo i ovde raspravljali.... izgleda da je još nekome stao na žulj....
Ja sam mu rekla šta mislim o njemu na forumu Snaga reči, na Žrtvi.... Lik je preterao. Ili će da smiri svoje komplekse i prestane da se ponaša kao osoba koja nema svoj živo već ceo dan sedi na Yumu i proziva druge, ili će najebati.... . Niko nije više lud da trpi da ga budala vređa..... Ja znam da ga ja više neću trpeti....
pa od kad smo raskinuli, ti samo bezuspesno muvas ribe po yumu.....