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Everything posted by MegaDave90

  1. Moze, Wanderlust.
  2. Umro?
  3. Jeste, steta.
  4. Razvalio lik.
  5. Komentar sa klipa nove pesme. Sustina Dave what are you thinking allowing Shawn Drover in your band another second? This is a great riff and sound, and could be a good song and Drover is absolutely ruining it. Classic Megadeth never once had stock double kick exercise patterns. I can click any preset in any drum looper and get a more human sounding part than this. This is amateur metal drumming at best. Guarantee Nick could still come up with a much funkier part that fit the riff.
  6. I meni je to odmah palo na pamet, posto je on i ranije pricao kako zeli da obradi Thin Lizzy.
  7. Umalo i ovo da zaboravim
  8. Pa ni ja ne znam bas da ih ima, evo neke obrade I ovo sam nasao
  9. Rade obradu celog albuma.
  10. Mene najvise zanima kako ce zvucati The Blackest Crow
  11. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  12. Sigurno ce biti, ali na japanskom izdanju verovatno.
  13. 1. Kingmaker 2. Super Collider 3. Burn! 4. Built for War 5. Off the Edge 6. Dance in the Rain 7. The Beginning of Sorrow 8. The Blackest Crow 9. Forget to Remember 10. Don't Turn Your Back... 11. Cold Sweat
  14. I onda reklame isto od sat vremena, pred sam kraj epizode.
  15. To, bre, idemo!
  16. http://jdownloader.org:8081/download Prost.
  17. To je Steva, The raven that refused to sing
  18. A gde je to cudo tacno, u onom trznom centru?
  19. Vise mi se svidja ovaj fan art.
  20. meni je omot ok. a Drover je plastikanac.
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