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Everything posted by Infest

  2. Vidimo se u Novom Sadu 15.10.2011!!!
  3. http://i497.photobucket.com/albums/rr339/zoki666/INFEST_Everlasting_Genocide_51.jpg U PRODAJI!!!!!!!! Cena je 800 dinara (postarina je ukljucena u cenu!!!) Majice u prodaji!!!!!!! Prednja strana: http://i497.photobucket.com/albums/rr339/zoki666/infest_tour_shirt_01.jpg Zadnja strana : http://i497.photobucket.com/albums/rr339/zoki666/infest_tour_shirt_02.jpg Cena majice 5 eura + ptt SUPPORT HORDE! http://i497.photobucket.com/albums/rr339/zoki666/Flajer3small.jpg New line up : http://i497.photobucket.com/albums/rr339/zoki666/242974_151957384877000_148686298537442_352771_656878_o.jpg
  4. Novi album " Everlasting Genocide ", stize u Beograd za dva dana!!!! Narucite svoju kopiju jos sad! Za sve informacije mozete se obratiti na adresu : [email protected], kao i preko pp. 666
  5. INFEST " Everlasting Genocide " OUT ON AUGUST 25th,2011 Intro Upon The Suffering Stronger Than Any God / feat Thebon, Keep Of Kalessin Deathrash Sodomy Conspiracy Is Reality Swallowed In Hate Everlasting Genocide Screaming In Butchery Daggers Into Slaves + bonus track Horde ( Bombarder cover) Recorded in Hellsound Studio, CZ Produced and mastered by Honza Kapak Solo parts on album by Branislav Panic (Bane) , Honza Kapak ( Avenger) & Vandal All lyrics and music by Vandal Pesma na SRPSKOM " NEKA VATRE GORE" izlazi posebno na kompilaciji za nekoliko Evropskih heavy metal magazina...Uskoro vise detalja
  6. Svaka cast!!!!Odlican materijal!!!!JAko zrelo i jako dobro!!!!SAMO NAPRED!
  7. Vidimo se tamo!666
  8. Hvala puno!666
  9. Hvala puno!Bice kidanja!!!! @dimmu 1 oho! za mesec dana se 2x gleda infest,bice veselo! SLEJVERI TU NOUVAN Bice opasno, obecavam! Nocturne magazine jos jednom nesebicno podrzava Infest i domacu scenu u potpunosti!Hails MArko & Nocturne crew! http://nocturnemagazine.net/vest/603/infest-evelasting-genocide-dolazi-25-avgusta
  10. Ovo ce biti opasna zajebancija uz put Vec mi mirise tako P.S. VELIKO HVALA Banetu na gostovanju i sviranju solo deonica i backing vokala na nasem novom albumu!A naravno i za svu podrsku koju mi je sve vreme nesebicno poklanjao! HAILS BANE and Bane
  11. Bice dosta svirki, povodom promocije novog albuma, po Srbiji. Krecemo 03.septembar -Apatin (Infest & Awaiting Fear) a za ostale datume javljam naknadno, ali ubrzo! Dve zaostale recenzije albuma "Onward To Destroy" [metal-revolution] In the first couple of years of the existence of our webzine, we’ve featured almost all metal bands from Balkan. But since the scene is growing for each year, now it’s time to pay some attention to some of the most honest and old-school metal acts from this part of Europe. Infest is a Serbian (Jagodina) band playing old-school death/thrash metal. Their latest offering is entitled Onward To Destroy and was released in co-operation with both Zero Budget Productions (Czech Rep.) and Grom Records (Serbia). Onward To Destroy is a very catchy and addictive nine-tracker album with a lot of catchiness, energy and also brutality served precisely and tightly. Having read the history of the band and a couple of interviews done in the recent years, one is sure that these guys are 100% dedicated metal underground maniacs. I think you can hear that in their music; it has no boundaries, no narrow genre definitions and no gimmicks. It is all about attacking your brain cells while producing one after another killer riff, inhuman & insane drumming and unstoppable bass force. Vocals range from understandable and mellow singing, over raging & edgy ones towards some real killer destroying deep and angry growls. What I’m trying to say is that this material is very varied and interesting and one can’t stop head banging for the whole time CD is spinning in your stereo. The whole thing kicks of with this short seducing “Intro” soon after followed by my personal favourite and self-titled track “Onward to Destroy”, giving you the accurate idea what this CD is all about: intense, fast, killer guitar riffing and overwhelming vocal performance. I guess this song perfectly personalize their whole ideology and approach towards music and life in general. Song-writing skills are undisputable and it sounds just mature… Of other songs that really shook me is the next last song “Back to the War” which is a real metal assault in the best thrash/death manner. It is not everyday that I have the pleasure of listening to a high-quality material like this. It seems like the guys from Infest has thought of every little detail, from intelligent lyrics, rich and varied guitar sound, to the suffocation thrash/death sound that will please all fans of the band and those who prefer their metal delivered aggressively and in the old school way; Death, Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Nile, Arch Enemy influences are present here. Do not hesitate, visit their website at http://www.myspace.com/infestserbia and order this album now. [deadshop] He-he, Czech-Serbian union of labels to release this good band. Well, I still remember this band since stuff I got from… mmm, I don't remember now))). And here we have their full-length, where is musick which will be great gift for ALL the fans into old-school death metal! Yeah! It was pretty great hear this album, as there weren't such albums for a while. And all I can say is – pretty mature stuff. Musicians did decent job, they take all their influences into old way music and put them on one table, then as a result we got very well composed and recorded death metal, which is also highly inspired by old-school thrash metal (in SLAYER' side for example). Music is really killer, just imagine – death metal massiveness and brutality, mixed with straight-forward thrash metal rhythms and good growl, then add good technical skills of musicians, good rhythm-section, tight drumming and just killer tempo-changes and excellent guitar solos! Yes, you got very good old-school death thrash metal. Intro + 8 tracks of hell with please your fukking soul to the bones! Prepare for true death/thrash metal massacre and find “Onward To Destroy”! Also, guest vocal is made by Aad of SINISTER. Genocide over Europe tour 2011 03.09.2011-Apatin, Serbia 10.09.2011- Klub Havana, Skopje, Macedonia 01.10.2011- Mladinski center Brežice , Slovenia 08.10.2011- Belgrade, Serbia TBA 14.10.2011-Novi Sad, Serbia TBA 15.10.2011- Sombor, Serbia TBA 27.10.2011 - Club Lúč - Trenčin, Slovakia 28.10.2011 - Club Kremelka - Strakonice, Czech Republic 29.10.2011 - Phantoms Of Pilsen Festival - Pilsen, Czech Republic MORE DATES ARE SOON TO BE ANNOUNCED!!!
  12. Grom Records & Nocturne zine presents: Narucite NOCTURNE MAGAZINE i dobicete INFEST " ONWARD TO DESTROY" CD na poklon! http://nocturnemagazine.net/vest/586/nocturne-19-u-prodaji-od-24-juna-2011 FULL SUPPORT TO NOCTURNE MAGAZINE!
  13. @ Slava Hvala puno na podrsci!Nadam se da ce ti se i novi album dopasti! (izlazi u avgustu) @ banedeathmetal Hvala brat moj! @ Saša Grbić Nadam se da bude neki datum i kod vas!Nikad nismo svirali u Banjaluci, ali se nadam da bude sto pre! 666
  14. INFEST LIVE MASSACRE: 10.09.2011- Klub Havana, Skopje, Macedonia 01.10.2011- Mladinski center Brežice , Slovenia 27.10.2011 - Club Lúč - Trenčin, Slovakia 28.10.2011 - Club Kremelka - Strakonice, Czech Republic 29.10.2011 - Phantoms Of Pilsen Festival - Pilsen, Czech Republic More dates soon to be announced!
  15. +1 za mene
  16. Nove promo slike, novi clanovi, novi album! http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.151957341543671.39172.148686298537442 Photos by : http://www.facebook.com/revolution.photography 666
  17. Zasluzeno 666 % !
  18. Hvala puno brate na podrsci i lepim recima!!!!!! Ziv bio i hvala puno!RCccch
  19. Hvala puno, ziv bio!!!
  20. Cim izadje album u prodaju, odradicemo vec dugo najavljivanu turneju po Srbiji a zatim i po Evropi... Necu da priciziram, ali mislim da ce biti Beograd, Novi Sad, Sombor, Jagodina, Kikinda... pa o tome kad dodje vreme Hvala svima na komentarima! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lXDQ_J9i0Q
  21. Omot treceg studijskog albuma "Everlasting Genocide"
  22. Omot novog albuma! Cover made by ZManojlovic (http://www.facebook.com/zmanojlovic) SUPPORT UNDERGROUND! Novi album u prodaji sredinom jula!
  23. Hvala na iskrenim komentarima i zapaznaju! Pesma gde je Thebon gostovao zove se " Stronger than any god", ali nju necu jos da kacim bilo gde, dok se ne pojavi album... Nije mekaniji, vec je drugaciji tip produkcije.Hteli smo da gitare zvuce malo drugacije nego na predhodna 2 albuma... Jeste, jeste, iz Sombora je 666
  24. Hvala puno!!!Ziv bio! Evo i snimka na youtube-u, a ujedno da predstavimo i novu postavu! Hvala puno!!!Ziv bio! Evo i snimka na youtube-u, a ujedno da predstavimo i novu postavu!
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