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Everything posted by marcoman

  1. marcoman


    ko ga jebe, ne moze on stalno da bude umoran, grend slemovi se igraju na 3 dobijena seta i moras da budes jak ako hoces da budes najbolji
  2. marcoman


    mislim da ana nece imati tako lak mec protiv Snider, mozdabude kao danas jelena - radvanska sve u svemu, sve smo blizi srpskom polufinalu
  3. marcoman


    ocekujem da ce jelena imati tezak mec danas, cini mi se kao da je ana dosla spremnija na r. garros mada to ne mora nista da znaci jer jelena uvek igra najbolje kad je otpisana setite se samo australije marija se raspada na sljaci, ono je smesno sve u svemu cini mi se da su dve najbolje "sljakasice" jankovic i kuznjecova, tim redom a koja ce od ove nase dve postati broj 1 najbolje je da odluce u tom polufinalu i da, neverovatno je koliko se ani cesto otvori zreb da to nije normalno (ovo nije ostrascen komentar)
  4. marcoman


    dobro je kad se zavrsila
  5. marcoman


    rock and roll jebote ali nije stvar u kosarci i fudbalu nego to zvezda vs partizan, mislim da sigurno ima 15 nekih anketa, tema i svega na tu (glupu) temu pa ne moramo i ovde da trujemo
  6. marcoman


    a da mozda odjebete sa ove teme sa tim sranjima?
  7. bi serka
  8. marcoman


    jelena, sad il' nikad.. cini mi se da ce ana tesko da preskoci serenu ali ajde da ne pricamo toliko unapred, nek prvo stignu do tih 1/4 finala
  9. marcoman

    Disciples II

    koliko lose bi ovo izgledalo na 22" wide monitoru? uzmite u obzir da inace nisam previse zahtevan po pitanju grafike edit: naravno, mislim na dvojku
  10. marcoman


    hvala axeanosilasu index.hr > Otac Novaka Đokovića napao novinara jer nije "dovoljno velik Srbin"
  11. koji im je to album/ep/live/split po redu ove godine? mislio sam da su i najuporniji prestali da ih prate ali ti me uporno demantujes
  12. u al vas nahvali neko na ATPR forumu
  13. svima je, ja ga jkos nisam cuo cekam da se pojavi normalan rip
  14. marcoman


  15. meni je ovaj album stvarno odlican
  16. dam ti ovo za 2.000,00 dinara ¡Forward, Russia! - Life Processes (2008) 65daysofstatic - The Distant And Mechanised Glow Of Eastern European Dance Parties (2008) Across Tundras - Western Sky Ride (2008) Animal Alpha - You Pay For The Whole Seat But Youll Only Need The Edge (2008) Ashes Divide - Keep Telling Myself It's Alright (2008) Barry Adamson - Back To The Cat (2008) Bell Hollow - Foxgloves (2007) Boris - Smile (2008) Broken Iris - The Eyes Of Tomorrow (2007) Caspian and Constants - Split (2008) City Breathing - Look How It's Snowing Upwards, Look How They Move Towards Heaven (2008) Cloud Cult - Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes) (2008) Costa Music - Lighter Subjects (2008) Dahlia's Tear - Under Seven Skies (2008) Danava - Unonou (2008) Daturah - Reverie (2008) Deus - Vantage Point (2008) Devotchka - A Mad & Faithful Telling (2008) Diebold - Listen To My Heartbeast (2008) Eaten By Tigers - Solstice (2008) Eddie Vedder - Into The Wild (2007) Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid (2008) Elle Milano - Acres Of Dead Space Cadets (2008) Farmakon - Robin (2008) Four Tet - Ringer (2008) Frank Turner - Love Ire And Song (2008) Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight (2008) Ganon - As Above, So Below (2008) Glowworm - The Coachlight Woods (2008) Grails - Take Refuge In Clean Living (2008) Gregor Samsa - Rest (2008) Guapo - Elixirs (2008) Guillemots - Red (2008) Hammock - Maybe They Will Sing For Us Tomorrow (2008) Have A Nice Life - Deathconsciousness (2008) His Hideous Heart - It's A Weird Time To Be Alive (2008) I Was A Cub Scout - I Want You To Know That There Is Always Hope (2008) Islands - Arm's Way (2008) Jarboe and Justin Broadrick - J2 (2008) Kaki King - Dreaming Of Revenge (2008) Kay Kay And His Weathered Underground - Kay Kay And His Weathered Underground (2008) Kayo Dot - Blue Lambency Downward (2008) Kid Dakota - The West is the Future (2004) Kid Dakota - A Winner's Shadow (2008) Klimek - Dedications (2007) Kyte - Kyte (2008) M83 - Saturdays = Youth (2008) Man Man - Rabbit Habits (2008) Mar De Grises - Draining The Waterheart (2008) Margareds - Kingdom Of Patience (2008) Maybeshewill - Not For Want Of Trying (2008) Murder By Death - Red of Tooth and Claw (2008) My Brightest Diamond - A Thousand Shark's Teeth (2008) My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges (2008) No-Man - Schoolyard Ghosts (2008) Opeth - Watershed (2008) Our Sleepless Forest - Our Sleepless Forest (2008) Pacific UV - Longplay vol. 2 (2008) Panic At The Disco - Pretty Odd (2008) Pete and the Pirates - Little Death (2008) Peter Moren - The Last Tycoon (2008) Pitchblend - The Lines Of Unreason (2008) Porcupine Tree - We Lost the Skyline (2008) Portishead - Third (2008) Ports of Call - Like Thieves... (2008) R.E.M. - Accelerate (2008) Racoon - Before You Leave (2008) Retribution Gospel Choir - Retribution Gospel Choir (2008) Riding Panico - Lady Cobra (2008) Rubies - Explode From The Center (2008) Russian Circles - Station (2008) Silver Jews - Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea (2008) Sleepmakeswaves - In Today Already Walks Tomorrow (2008) Suffocate For Fuck Sake - Suffocate For Fuck Sake (2008) Sun Kill Moon - April (2008) Surrounded - The Nautilus Years (2008) Tapes n Tapes - Walk It Off (2008) The Black Angels - Directions To See A Ghost (2008) The Dodos - Visiter (2008) The Drift - Memory Drawings (2008) The Ghost Orchid - The Ghost Orchid (2008) The Gutter Twins - Saturnalia (2008) The Kooks - Konk (2008) The Long Blondes - Couples (2008) The National Bank - Come On Over To The Other Side (2008) The Notwist - The Devil, You + Me (2008) Them, Roaring Twenties - Future Sandwich EP (2008) Thisquietarmy - Unconquered (2008) Tiamat - Amanethes (2008) Timesbold - Ill Seen Ill Sung (2008) Torche - Meanderthal (2008) Ufomammut - Idolum (2008) Unwed Sailor - Little Wars (2008) We Are Scientists - Brain Thrust Mastery (2008) We Made God - As We Sleep (2008) Wolftron - Flesh And Fears (2008) You.May.Die.In.The.Desert And Gifts From Enola - Harmonic Motion Volume 1 (2008) Youthmovies - Good Nature (2008) Audrey - The Fierce And The Longing (2008)
  17. Pojavile se dve nove pesme: Violet Hill i Viva la Vida ova prva je super, druga malo tralala album samo sto nije
  18. meni na rapidu juce izbaci samo 4 slova a toliko ih trazi sa mackama i naravno nije prihvatio unos
  19. otkrio sam ko je najveci idiot medju politicarima nakon sto sam odgledao snimak emisije sa foksa u kojoj je gostovala biljana smrdljanovic. tu histericnu budaletinu treba isprebijati govnjivom motkom
  20. u jebote al ti probija svetlost po gornjoj ivici.. nema, to su ti jeftini TN paneli
  21. marcoman


    Isli smo zajedno na neke kampove kad smo bili klinci. Ma da, skinuli ali sad ce ona to da nadoknadi. Jos ako Serena kiksne pre finala...
  22. okai to na waffles da se ljudi upoznaju sa bendom
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