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Freak Kitchen

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    Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. MTV.com reports: A beef between AVENGED SEVENFOLD and THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN is taking shape. According to DILLINGER's MySpace page, a feud had been festering for several months when AVENGED frontman M. Shadows turned up the heat during a recent interview, saying DILLINGER "make sh---y noises and try to pass it off as music." "What about bands that make sh---y noise and try to pass it off as GUNS N' ROSES?" a DILLINGER MySpace post read in response. "This guy and his merry band of musical clowns get more hilarious by the minute. M. Shadows' real name is Matt Sanders or some sh--." With that in mind, DILLINGER say they've decided to change their stage names in derision. "So, in his honor, our new names are officially as follows: G. Piranha, Blaster Master Weinman, Bullwhip Benoit, Corpsef---er Pennie [and] Leafeater Wilson. Those are going to be the names on our new CD — 100 percent serious." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hahahah.... avanged sevenfold...
  2. fo sho!
  3. to je i meni bio bas najveci utisak. cudi me da niko to jos nije zakljucio osim asjhe sezdesetdevet... a mozda me i ne cudi...
  4. ja tipujem na neki gangsta shit. kad vec ima street cred...
  5. lopez je bio odlican bubnjar za opeth. steta.... ne znam ko je taj novi lik, sranje ako je tacno ovo sto pricate... hoglan nije za opeth, mada bi on sigurno savrseno odradio posao. njemu je prilicno dobro tamo gde vec jeste... koje balstbitove? mozda kad sam vezba kuci uz hip hop? u opeth-u, ne bas...
  6. like i care... nisam upucen u desavanja na temama na yumetalu
  7. Launch Radio Networks reports: SLIPKNOT / STONE SOUR guitarist Jim Root and LACUNA COIL singer Cristina Scabbia recently went public about their romance (see photo of couple), which began two summers ago on Ozzfest 2004. While relationships are difficult when one person is away recording or touring, Root told Launch that when both partners are working rock musicians, it actually makes it a little easier. "Just being in a relationship when you're in this business and you have the work ethic that the two bands that I'm in have, it's hard on a relationship," he said. "Where I'm lucky is, you know, she does the same thing I do so she gets it. It's still a long distance relationship no matter how you look at it. That's just, you know, one of the sacrifices you have to make, you know, when you do what we do." hahahahah.... slika je vrh!
  8. upravo sam proveo 10 minuta razmisljajuci sta da napisem za ovog drugog lika sa desne strane i ne mogu se odluciti. endless possibilities, zaista
  9. novi underoath je odlican. njima svaki album zvuci kao da je potpuno drugi bend... atreyu je ogavan bend. toliko ljigavo, da je to stvarno avangarda. jedino ih kapiram ako su bili u fazonu : let's do whatever it takes to make money and get laid...
  10. album stvarno sutira dupeta.
  11. SYSTEM OF A DOWN guitarist Daron Malakian has told MTV.com that the band's headlining stint on this summer's Ozzfest will be the last time in a "a few years" that they be appearing onstage together under the SYSTEM banner. "I'll always be a member of SYSTEM OF A DOWN," he said. "That will never change. There's no rule that says you have to make records constantly, like clockwork, to continue being who you are. We want to live our lives, [because being in a band] really consumes a big part of your life, and sometimes you just want to stop and slow down. We started being just these guys in a band, and the next thing you know, everyone's asking for autographs. It plays with your head." Malakian said, after this summer's Ozzfest — which will kick off in Seattle on June 29 and wrap up August 13 in West Palm Beach, Florida — SYSTEM OF A DOWN will go on "hiatus." "We're not breaking up," Malakian insisted. "If that was the case, we wouldn't be doing this Ozzfest, because we're a little nervous" about trying to fill Ozzy Osbourne's shoes. Ozzy will be headlining just 10 of this year's Ozzfest dates, with SYSTEM topping the bill on Ozzy's off days. "We're going to take a very long break after Ozzfest and do our own things," he added. "We've done SYSTEM for over 10 years, and I think it's healthy for us to get away from it for a while and come back to it later on. So, this is probably going to be ... well, it's not a farewell tour, but it's going to be a little while before we go out again." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- dobra vest. bolje da naprave veliku pauzu nego da izbacuju albume poput ovog poslednjeg koji nisam mogao da preslusam... vidi se da su pametni likovi. svesni su da su postali dosadni, i sad ce da iskuliraju. respect.
  12. i sikth i btbam su mi ok bendovi. slazem se da mogu da smaraju (narocito btbam) ali bez obzira, dobri su mi bendovi. i sikth ima vrlo upecatljivih delova u pesmama, koji ostaju na prvo slusanje...
  13. gledao. gitarista je jos veci lik nego sto sam ja ocekivao...
  14. korn unplugged http://music.aol.com/videos/sessions/sessions_flash.adp
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