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Tibianac's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Sta god da je uzrok, nikom normalnom ovo ne bi trebalo da bude ni malo smesno!
  2. Tibianac


    Neko se ocigledno jeste zbunio, ali poenta nije bilo "zbunjivanje", nego nepismenost!
  3. Tibianac


    Svaka cast!!! :) Ali, kad je vec domaci, pa jos "flEks" , bolje da bude цорнфлakeс!
  4. Tuesday, June 05, 2007 Leaving the Gathering Dear people, I wanted to send out this message to all of you to inform you that I have decided to leave The Gathering. After much consideration and some serious soul searching, I feel that it is time for me to change my direction in life and develop and search out new goals. In all the wonderful years that I have been a part of The Gathering, we, as a band, have always strongly believed in sincerity: both personally and within our music. I have always been able to give one hundred percent of myself to the band and its music. Over the last year I developed an urge to initiate my activities from a different place in my heart, focusing on myself and my family. In order to stay true to myself, the band, crew and the fans, I see no other option than to leave the band and pursue my new goals in life and music. I loved my 13 years with The Gathering and I take pride in all the beautiful music we have made together and will always cherish the good times we shared on the road and in the studio. The decision to leave all of this behind has been incredibly difficult, but since it's made from the heart, I strongly believe that I have to go with it. Although it saddens me to say goodbye, I have made a lot of exciting plans for the future both personally and professionally. Thank you for all the love and support and I hope we will meet again in life and music. Anneke
  5. jes' vala!
  6. Anneke is making room for a new guitar. Please help her in cleaning out her guitar closet at eBay. http://www.sandandmercury.com/
  7. nighttime birds???? ma, daaaaaj mandylion i black light district!!! no, dobro...ukusi su razlichiti
  8. pa, zar nisi? ok...dobro, ali patetichno
  9. dobro, da preformulisem pitanje. sta ce biti u KST-u u subotu, 31.7?
  10. shta je 31. jula?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  11. kako ga nadje????
  12. smrshala, smrshala...ali, ni onako joj nista nije falilo...definitivno jedina devojka koja sa onoliko kg izgleda i vishe nego super
  13. e, deco, deco...al' je vama dosadno
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