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Everything posted by crusader84
Samo kilo? Pih... Amater! Кладим се да Ханси то спичи у једном залогају!
U cemu se ovaj tracklisting razlikuje od onog sto sam ja objavio sada vec poodavno? Whatever, jos nemam album , ali zato sam NAJZAD nabavio koncert SAXON-a na DIVX-u: Live At Wacken Open Air 2001 (sa Chronicles DVD-a) Koncert RAZVALJUJE!!!
Pa dobro bre ljudi, jel slusao neko taj novi album? Ja ovih dana treba da ga ganjam kod Solija ili Eternal Flame-a...
Mistreated, Child In Time, Burn, pa onda sve ostale!
Ja nikako da nabavim Man On The Silver Mountain! Zivo me zanima kako su to obradili, odnosno kako su pokusali to da obrade Koliko god ja njih (HammerFall) gotivio, tandem Blackmore-Dio je ipak nedostizan!
To ovo sa DVD-a ?
Sorry al' mora da pitam u cemu se limited "once" pazlikuje od standardne verzije?
Ko ne voli Pamelu treba da dobije DVA vocna jogurta!
E ovi purpli su bas umeli da se uzive u koncert, pesme im redovno traju preko deset minuta u proseku!
Dear Metalheadz, Friday 20th august will be the pre-launch party of the new Saxon album "Lionheart", where you will hear the album in full for the first time. Location: Markthalle, Hamburg Doors: 19:00 / start: 20:00 ENTRANCE FOR FREE !!! ...jos da natankam moj privatni helikopter i eto me tamo There are no possibilities for reservations. Please come early enough ! Further we present the new merchandise collection of the "lionheart worldtour 2004/2005" ! The complete band is there and we will have a great party with some surprises ! You can see a nice taste of these event at 20th from 00:01h till 24:00h via: with scenes from Best Of Wacken 2004 & a SAXON special > 24 hours Metal Marathon Vol. II ! <
Jos jedan nastavak price o misterioznim bubnjarima SAXON-a NIGEL GLOCKLER will join SAXON on stage at the Wacken Open Air festival on Saturday 7th August. Nigel will play 747 Strangers in the Night, the first time since retiring from the band due to injury in 1999.
Jbg, meni slaba vajda od toga Kad neko nabavi to na DIVX-u nek javi....
Najzad sam i ja dobio taj Machine Head!
Oni koji su imali srece da skoknu do Sofije verovatno se nisu bunili JUDAS PRIEST - QUEENSRYCHE
Ma to su likovi koji nemaju neka pametnija posla, a pri tom ocigledno imaju problema sa viskom (pre svega internet) vremena!
Aha... One Crimson Night - dupli live album kao i DVD
Kad je opet hard 'n' heavy osamdesetih, jel zna neko????
Soldier Of Fortune
E, a jel gledao neko onaj koncert Nightwisha iz Koreje? I oni su ludi ko struja, mozda i njih zakacila radijacija!
Nabavio sam i ja to, Live In Moscow 2002 Jeste bootleg, al' ja onakav bootleg u zivotu nisam video, jesu ludaci ovi Rusi, svaka im cast! Da su samo snimali sa vise kamera opusteno bih pomislio da je to neki malo slabiji DVD rip! U svakom slucaju, koncert rula!
News from SPV Saxon are British through and through. Not only are they among the founders of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal that kick-started a new musical genre in the early Eighties, they've also upheld the theme of their native country in their lyrics as well as in their music for some 25 years. Pretty much the same can be said of every aspect of their new, haunting album, Lionheart. From their impressive songwriting with its powerful sounds and ambitioned lyrics about witch hunters, King Richard Lionheart and the attitude of British soldiers towards war, to their striking cover artwork, Saxon unequivocally stand by their origins. At the same time, the band surrounding vocalist Biff Byford display an energy that's almost physically perceptible. Byford rightly explains: "Lionheart is the most powerful album we've ever recorded. LIONHEART Tracklisting: 01. Witchfinder General 02. Man And Machine 03. The Return 04. Lionheart 05. Beyond the Grave 06. Justice 07. To live by the Sword 08. Jack Tars 09. English Man´o`war 10. Searching for Atlantis 11. Flying on the Edge