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Everything posted by Tatyannahhh

  1. Tatyannahhh


    a dok ne izadje?
  2. stare ljubavi ne umiru
  3. ma kad je bre to bilo?
  4. mota mi se po glavi da je Primal Fear ali nisam sigurna
  5. novi album?u do jaja...ne ocekujem nista - sta bude bice
  6. pa..zanimljivo
  7. al ga izabra imenjace... svirajte u vecim gradovima malo..
  8. moze subota moze nedelja....za ponedeljak ne znam VOTKA Smirnof, Troika, Zivago, Baltic Limun, Moskva sve za nas Smirnof, Troika, Zivago, Baltic Nasim jetrama jedini spas Votka
  9. Tatyannahhh


    ajde bre pomagajte!
  10. ceka te na RWu pa kad se vidimo dobijas
  11. SDT!!!!!!
  12. zelim lazi sto brzi oporavak jer ga apsolutno razumem na kojim je mukama sada udri po sladoledu!
  13. bravo za svirkuuuuuuu slayere sviras ko zmaj
  14. Tatyannahhh


    jao ljudi jel ima neko mp3 da mi sreze?sve imam po kasetama...
  15. She always brings me what I need Without I beg and sweat and bleed When we’re alone at night Waiting for the call She feeds my skin Sixteen and on the run from home Found a job in times square Working live s&m shows Twenty-five bucks [a fuck] And john’s a happy man She wipes the filth away And it’s back on the streets again
  16. koj vam je s tim textovima sad...
  17. ccc...teske reci... koliko je karta za exit uopste?
  18. posalji mi PP da se dogovorimo za primopredaju
  19. mogu ti ja narezati...
  20. Tatyannahhh

    Acid Rain

    sakom o sto zare!!!
  21. ne brini ti si joj na vrhu liste
  22. ulaze u usi i ostale pesme kad se poslusaju jos koji put I should je npr jako dobra pesma
  23. To Woman Woman! experience might have told mea That all must love thee, who behold thee: Surely experience might have taught Thy firmest promises are noughtb; But, plac'd in all thy charms before me, All I forget, but to adore thee. Oh memory! thou choicest blessing, When join'd with hope, when still possessingc; But how much curst by every lover When hope is fled, and passion's over. Woman, that fair and fond deceiver, How prompt are striplings to believe her! How throbs the pulse, when first we view The eye that rolls in glossy blue, Or sparkles black, or mildly throws A beam from under hazel brows! How quick we credit every oath, And hear her plight the willing troth! Fondly we hope 'twill last for ay, When, lo! she changes in a day. This record will for ever stand,' "Woman, thy vows are trac'd in sand." George Gordon Byron ima jos jedna al moram da je nadjem jer me mrzi da prekucavam
  24. pa de si ti sreco 100 godina? koga bi priznaj!
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