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Everything posted by AstralliS

  1. E'o ti: http://www.mediafire.com/?6lc918igb38lds4
  2. Bio je spot na nekoj od prethodnih strana, a za intervju - svaka čast
  3. Legendary stoner rock band Sleep has just announced a string of summer North American tour dates. On the heels of its sold out US tour run last September, the California trio will return to the stage this summer by popular demand. Live dates in NYC (June 22) and Los Angeles (June 26) will bookend an appearance at the Sled Island Music and Arts Festival in Calgary, AB on June 24, where the group will share the stage with The Dandy Warhols, Blonde Redhead, The Buzzcocks and more. Sleep tour dates: 06/22 New York, NY Terminal 5 06/24 Calgary, AB Sled Island Festival 06/26 Los Angeles, CA The Wiltern Samo po Americi, nah.
  4. Odličan album, i onaj Hippie Killer je raspičio mašću.
  5. Cosmosophy u novembru, ovaj drugi mislim da je u septembru, tako nešto.
  6. Dužina pesama uopšte nije bitna, realno. Samo što je prog tako žanrovski konstituisan da se kroz upravo takve epike najviše toga prezentuje, jel'te. S druge strane, niko od muzičara neće reći da je namerno išao na to da napravi pesmu od 20 i kusur minuta. Džemovanje i improvizacija su ključni segmenti
  7. Javi se komisiji
  8. (Vesele) sedamdesete su raj, 80-te su ukenjale sve što se moglo ukenjati, sa pojavom tog New Wave-a, stoga se osamdesete mogu slobodno preskočiti. Ti si ovde pomenuo Yes i ELP, a imaš mali milion bendova u dubokom i neistraženom ambisu, pa džaraj malo
  9. U tom slučaju 90% neo-prog bendova ne bi trebalo da postoji
  10. To ću posle, sad sam ovde
  11. Achtung: okjog otiš'o u poštu da mi pošalje Malhkebre/Aosoth split!
  12. Mene ništa ne smara kod Beardfisha, da sam neki ološ, da bih ti minus i verovatno te sačekao u haustoru da te isprepadam Dužina pesama je sasvim okej, nije neka monotona gnjavaža, sve ide kao po loju, nema tu šta da im se zamera
  13. Po mom mišljenju, njihov najteži album za svariti je The Sane Day, barem je tako meni bilo u početku. Destined Solitaire sam najviše slušao, pa mi je zato i najlakši. SiT-ovi su... well er... albumi koji su ih i izbacili na površinu. BF definitivno nije bend čiju diskografiju slušaš iz cuga, mada ja volim da se zakucam sa jednim bendom danima i samo to vrtim, all over again
  14. To je bilo očigledno još na Vast Oceans Lachrymose, samo što je taj album još i dobar. Ova stvar što si linkovao je čist prosek, ništa posebno.
  15. Meni se onaj za Cynic Paradise nimalo nije svideo, a i to što kažeš, dobro je što nakon prethodnog nije opet sebe stavio na omot
  16. Ne sviđa mi se što bend sve više i više gazi ka straight melodic metalu.
  17. Kul omot Malo hajpuje i Pera, no dobro, može mu se
  18. Novi Phideaux
  19. Alcest – Écalles de Lune recenzija.
  20. AstralliS


    St. Novak
  21. Flood se nastavlja Šta kažete na onaj novi Blood Ceremony? Iznenađujuć je taj Hammond driven Sabbath meets Tull stil, mada mi album manjka na žestini. Tipa kao da su i hteli namerno da uvrste nekakav gotik šmek u celu priču. Whatever floats their boat.
  22. Do not miss out! HEAVY Boston, MA duo OLDE GROWTH will release its eponymously titled debut Olde Growth on April 26 via MeteorCity Records. Recorded by AJ Peters at Black Box Studio (Batillus, Disappearer), the album features seven tracks of powerhouse doom metal "inspired by noise, nature, sound and space." OLDE GROWTH's Olde Growth is a gargantuan, pulverizing tour de force of raw energetic sludge metal that combines infectious groove with elements of space and psych rock. The band is a sonically charged wall of rolling, crushing sound. The group features Stephen LoVerme (bass / vocals) and Ryan Berry (drums), but the sound it delivers is thick enough to make you think they have an army behind them pummeling away (think Electric Wizard, Sleep, Kyuss and Neurosis but with a sound all its own). OLDE GROWTH creates music that evokes the awe inspiring relics of the natural world - giant trees that span millennia, jagged, snow-capped mountains that only the bravest of souls attempt to scale, oceans whose mysterious depth are as alien as the most imaginative worlds out of science fiction. Several years in the making, OLDE GROWTH's debut LP weighs in with thick, heavy slabs of sludge, raw brutal energy, monolithic riffs and vocals that run the gamut from piercing screams to soft, nuanced and melodic eeriness. Amplifier drone fills the gaps between cuts which -- massive like the Redwood giants -- block out the sun and engulf all that lies within the radius of their shadow. "We wanted the album to have a raw, immediate quality to it, the kind you get from playing live in the same room together. So that's exactly what we did," commented LoVerme. I think we struck a pretty good balance between raw and polished; the sound is thick, warm and organic, and a listen all the way through will take you on a winding journey through some unexpected places. For our debut record we couldn't be happier!" Olde Growth's track listing is as follows: 1.) The Grand Illusion (6:47) 2.) Life in the Present (5:12) 3.) Cry of the Nazgul / The Second Darkness / To the Black Gate (9:55) 4.) Sequoia (6:41) 5.) Red Dwarf (1:05) 6.) Everything Dies (5:45) 7.) Awake (10:38)
  23. Paket THE ATOMIC BITCHWAX / NAAM / QUEST FOR FIRE / MIRROR QUEEN u Mariboru, 18.04. Ugh.
  24. Sviraju u Velenju, 30. aprila.
  25. http://www.filesonic.com/file/293411051/hirovo.rar
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