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Everything posted by AstralliS

  1. Da, da... Hvala na savetu, vredelo je.
  2. Stopirano do sledecceg GS-a.
  3. Zato shto je ovo beli sport... Zato je pobedio. Haha.
  4. Ma dosta mu je ovaj prvi set shto uz'o.
  5. A mozhda mu je Kasijus Klej stvarno ccale...
  6. "hello, A message from the slowest updating bands around... sorry for that... As you've probably heard, we´re remixing and redoing the vocals on Catch 22 and rereleasing it. Why?! Becouse we still think it is a great fucking album but it got slammed and misunderstood becouse of the vocal style and the drumsound and so on. Everybody in Hypocrisy is sitting home and writing for the next album right now and we wanna make sure it will be the best release we can do...when it will be out we don't know.. mabye in the beginning of 2009 so have a great new year and see you soon! Hypocrisy" Daklem, nishta od noviteta u ovoj godini.
  7. Zar mislite da Peter ume da uradi neshto loshe? Jebeni je workaholic!
  8. But... Otud ide mali Conga, puca dupe kao bomba!
  9. Ceo jebe, ceooo...
  10. Pa pazite! Biti tonac jeste zahtevan posao!! Pljuvati je najlakshe!!
  11. Ma bitno je da ste zvuchali odlichno!!! Negde na nekom drugom boljem mestu.....!!!! }:-)
  12. AstralliS


    Funeral Fog => the best song! De Mysteris Dom Sathanas => best album!!!
  13. Trym, Faust i Matte Modin!!!!
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