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Everything posted by AstralliS

  1. Verujem da oni i u rodnoj im Engleskog sviraju pred tih nekoliko ljudi
  2. Nektar intervju
  3. Prog Sphere's special collaborator Jorge has contributed this interview with ProgArchives legend Epignosis. E-Pig (as he is amusingly called), is the only PA reviewer that I know of that has also created his own prog music. There may be more, but I am not aware of them. Anyway, Robert was kind enough to agree to this interview. So enjoy! Click HERE to get the interview.
  4. Sinoć sam baš odradio intervju sa Alan Morse-om
  5. Je l' ispratio neko ovo:
  6. Ne mora baš početkom godine, tamo pred kraj 2012. To bi bilo ok
  7. Flor De Loto intervju
  8. Do kraja ove godine su bukirani za severnu Ameriku i Japan. U Bugarskoj su bili prošle godine na Kaliakra Rock festivalu.
  9. Pisalo je u tekstu iznad videa "grli igrača Intera Masima Moratija", al' sam im reportovao.
  10. Pa ako je to Masimo Morati, ja sam Frank Zappa
  11. kog igrača Masima Moratija?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ost1Ltv8QU
  13. Zoki tekstopisac
  14. Al' da mu Attila Csihar svira usnu harmoniku.
  15. Lars Ulrich edit: ITF, odjebi
  16. Idealna postava bi bila: Lead Guitar and Vocals - Akerfeldt Guitar, Keys, Vocals - Wilson Bass, vocals - Duda Drums - Portnoy
  17. AstralliS


    Haha, to sam se baš i ja pitao. Kako god stavim kursor preko nečijeg screen name-a, iskoči Poland
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