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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Dasdariel

  1. Isto ovde,nevidjeno teshko za svariti.Kvalitetno.
  2. O da a bice i fotki kao dokaza!
  3. Haaaar ti samo! A knjige sto ti je majka donela i govna sto fotografishesh? :roll: 8O
  4. Ma prica nije na mestu...Sx se ne moze uporediti sa CoL ni u jednom sistemu vrednosti,meni je Sx jedan od naj ako ne i naj bend metala,a CoL,iako kako rekoh jednom nov sam u ovom podzanru,ide dalje i gadja skroz drugi trip-ma kakvi drugi su svetovi!Ali Sx duze slusam i postujem a: A Shadow Gallery iako meni veoma drag nije u ligi sa Sx-om.
  5. Moze ipak subota Change Of Plans!!!
  6. Ja u subotu verovatno ne vazim,jbg. drugi put.
  7. Syphony X je bolji! Iskreno!
  8. Evo jedne fine recenzije Brilliant, nuff said. - 100% Written by megafury on October 22nd, 2003 I've been a huge fan of Maudlin of the Well for awhile now and have been anticipating on this release ever since I heard Maudlin of The Well would become Kayo Dot. When I first listened to this album, it was a lot to swallow on my first listen. The music is unpredictable and that's exactly why I think it's brilliant. With only five tracks, the band accomplishes more musically than any other band with ten or twentey songs in a CD. I'm sure a lot of metal people or anybody else that's impatient would say the music is kinda slow moving. This slow motion creates a rich lucious doomy atmosphere that settles in your head then later hits you with something you didn't expect, similar to the band Isis but more diverse, using different genres. The first track, "Marathon", gets heavy after two minutes, then goes back to its slow moving music that eases your nerves, then all of a sudden, BAM!, it hits you with more heavyier music again and beautiful singing. Second, there's, "A Pitcher of Summer", the shortest song at five minutes, a calm song with no real sense of structure, when the instruments are starting to pick up, they start trailing away in the begining, then it inevitably builds up with a haunting chorus. The song gets louder towards the closing. There's a good measure of where to put hard or soft parts in the music. This song kind of reminded me of Radiohead's song, "High and Dry" cause of the style of singing. "The Manifold Curiosity" is the third song, with a lot to discover each time you listen, such as different instruments or vocal passages. In about four minutes into the song, there's an explosion of melody using numerous instruments, I don't think any other band is even capable of creating something that sounds like it cause of the variety of instruments being used. At the end of this song, the band creates an intense chaotic blizzard of sound similar to what you'd hear in Strapping Young Lad's album, City, and the singer screams with a burning rage, like the singer in the Metalcore/Grindcore band, Converge, very heavy and reminds us that this band does use metal in their art. Track four, "Wayfarer", is a song that transforms from eerie to lovely, with screeching violins that sound like they're being used for a horror movie and dramatic singing. There's a really good solo in this song too. And now for the last track, "Antique", the song that gets as heavy as Dillinger Escape Plan and also ends up being kind of like a piano ballad song at the end. One thing I've noticed in Kayo Dot compared to Maudlin of the Well is there wasn't that mush jazz elements, Maudlin of the Well was very jazzy. This new stuff is like Prog/Art rock, Doom Metal, Easy Listening, and Indie Rock, all with the band's own unique twist. I think everybody should give the album a shot and not judge it on the first listen since there's something new to find and appreciate in the music with each listen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy.
  9. Symphony X jbe qvu!
  10. Decko....sto se trosish idi brate postuj gde ti je drago,kada je sranje sto trosish svoje dragoceno vreme zar nemash pam posla...mada kako:-)
  11. Drzim mozda da im je to najbolji album iako je jedini koji ne posedujem:-)
  12. hmhmmh stari kurvari! kako da isposhtujemo CoL posle onakvog bloka Meshuggah+Dillinger :roll:
  13. E recite ljudi kakvo je bilo vece u KST,kakva lopmljava na Meshugganiju i samo je onaj dripac Body Remover falio
  14. Na izlaganje kolege Body Removera o spoju pravaca(sa cim se apsolutno slazem) hteo bih josh samo da dodam da bio ovo moglo josh jedino da se zove krace- Schizoid Rock Bend je strahota,pravo iznenadjenje,iako sam znao da je dobar nisam ocekivao da ce me ovako odusheviti. Obavezna preporuka svima koji traze neki novi zvuk,a da nije silovanje ili neko napakovano sranje,inace citao sam neke recenzije sa svirki u Hrvatskoj kazu da momci sviraju kao da im je poslednje,dakle nezaboravno! Inace na tim svirkama postoji josh jedan bend sa istim clanovima De Facto,malo vishe groovie zvuk gaje-a u njemu Omar svira bass a Cedric,citiram:"Vrashki brzog i preciznog bubnjara." 8) ne znam da li imaju neshto izdato od ovog drugog projekta ali bih voleo cuti. Sto se mene tice ovo je must-have! Zdravstvujte! p.s. tipican primer i najzaraznija pesma za prelaze iz lenjog i prijatnog tempa u histericne ali precizne deonice je pesma Roulette Dares(This Is The Haunt) pa ako je neko u prilici da skine neshto mozda bi bilo najbolje od toga da pocne!
  15. Ja sam i dalje sveza djana u ovom pravcu,meni Isis josh uvek vishe cuchi od CoL,mada sam CoL manje slusao.
  16. Mladi kolega Body Remover je dobavio Remission,tako da ce biti uskoro u nashim skromnim krugovima. Naime slusace se sirom Palilule :-),Zemuna a i shire:-) poz.drav.
  17. O bice,bice vidim ja dobra sisica....bice tras nego shta
  18. Jesu gnjide nema sta Labrie je takav krsh on je trebao posle Falling da ode u kurac... pa videcemo kakav ce biti album ...ali cekajmo radije nesto novo od Devy-a!
  19. cisto ono RESPECT malo da vratimo na vrh bend koji apsolutno tamo i pripada
  20. E taj bend je brdo! Patton ne bi radio sa bilo kim...
  21. Da li me razumesh-Mirkovic... TPSH!!! extroza bend
  22. Pa brate,sta da ocekujesh od samplova od 1 min i krace i samo ima dva,ne vredi ti nishta...recimo da nagoveshtava da ce biti dobro(a kako da ne bude)...njihove stvari su inace uglavnom malo duze i slozene kako tematski tako i muzicki a na kraju skapirash da jebe keve... Tako da sacekacemo da izadje album pa ce se svrsavati bez repeat opcije u Winampu! a:
  23. Ovo je brdo iskren bend! Sada upravo skidam audio samples za predstojeci album Kayo Dot-a Choirs Of The Eye koji bi trebao da se pojavi u oktobru. Nerd music rocks my balls!
  24. Recimo da sam cuo In Flames mnogo pre Soilwork i da sam ih jako dugo gurao u naj bendove,kad sam cuo samo NBC skapirao sam da su bolji... Nema mesta prici ko su bolji muzicari,In Flames je za klasu ispod,uporedite sami pevace i bubnjare,a i gitariste... I josh kad Dev radi produkciju i izvrishti na josh ponekoj jebanje keve! A kasnije sam cuo i ostale albume(starije) koji su mnogo brutalniji i opet bolji od In Flames...A novi Figure No 5 iako nije najbolji,sjajan je,korak dalje za Soilwork... Crap
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