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Everything posted by VANDALICUM

  1. Kako se misljenje promeni za sat vremena, to je cudo jedno Super bend
  2. Cuh neke stvarcice sa novog albuma. Nije lose, al meni je prvi bolji
  3. Cuo sam vas na demo expresu 202, pustili su neku vasu pesmu. Nije lose.
  4. OZIVILA SE TEMA Jedva cekam da izadje taj novi album. VUKOVI ZAUVEK




    JA imam sve sto ste do sada nabrojili od Burzum- a.
  7. Gde da nadjem text od Abja Mem (treba da obradimo pesmu). I odlican bend, najbolji gothic svih vremena, i uz Kismet najbolja makedonska grupa.
  8. pa da, ali to nema veze sa black metalom. Ako se ovdje moze svrstati "Tomhet", onda moj glas ide Burzumu. Pa nije al je nekad bio. Doduse i iz black perioda Burzum ima super instrumentale.
  9. Hip Hop Je I moje je drustvo uglavnom HiP HoperskO ali to mi ne smeta (ima medju njima i nacista ) YO
  10. cOf imaju suprer instrumentale Mada Burzum u ambiental periodu (odn. sadasnjem) ima najnajnajnajnajnajnajnajnajnajnajbolje instrumentale


    Upravo sam nabavio i prvi demo tako da sam upotpunio Burzum diskografiju (sad imam sve ) Preslusao sam i samo da kazem OVO JE GORA PRODUKCIJA OD SAME NOCNE SAHRANE a ko je cuo zna o cemu pricam
  12. Ubedljivo Abbath.
  13. The Midle Kingdom je najbolji album. CRUACHAN ruleSS
  14. Dobre textove ima TURISAS Gathered round the wooden table Same tavern as the nights before I brace myself against the gable Sunlight pushes its way through a gap in the door As the golden sunbeams hit my eyes I stand up and raise my pint up high One more for our brothers who fought beside us One more and forward again Once more, we'll fight and conquer Until we'll meet again Staring at the stools not taken I reach for my tankard of ale The silence remains unbroken All you hear is a tinkle of mail As the golden sunbeams reach my eyes I stand up and raise my pint up high One more for our brothers... Like a raging thunderstorm we flew down the forested hill Tree-trunks and rocks passing by The endless ranks stood waiting out in the open field My fingers gripped the handle of my sword With full power we smashed into their lines The ground shook, swords tasted flesh Hooves trampling over men screaming for their lives The battle raged until both troops were threshed Grief no more over friends who died That day will come to us all Until then we shall fight with pride Raise our pints till the dawn Grief no more over friends who died That day will come to us all Side by side we shall ride once more When the Horn calls for War Feeling low and heavy hearted Interrupted by a distant alarm Seems like the war has started May it be for our brothers in arms Once again that golden sunbeam reaches my eyes I stand up and raise my sword up high One more for our brothers... SLAVA
  15. Super bend
  16. Tako je. Bas koriste klavijature, one su im po meni cak i vodeci instrument. Chaos born
  17. Shto volim da dizem teme iz pepela to je chudo jedno... Odlichan viking bend. imam samo prvi album i bash RAZBIJA
  18. Misteriozno nestala... kako to da se desi?hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaa Ma odlichan bend. Flames je sa Eskhata. Ljudi ajde bre pishite neshto o ovom bendu da i ova tema Misteriono ne nestane.
  19. Kako da nema tema o ovom odlichnom bendu... mishljenja... p.s. po meni su najbolji albumi Chaos Born i Eternal Winter`s Pprophesy
  20. Pocheo.... davno. Beshe to kada prvi put chuh Cradle of filth (koji sad ne slusham). A onda je doshla CATAMENIA i potpuno sam otkinuo na black. Zashto..... mnogo mi se svida ta neka iskrenost u blacku.
  21. Najbolji textovi su od CATAMENI- e. Evo texta moje omiljene pesme od njih. Kingdom of Legions Through the damned halls of frozen north I ride with silver dragons of Drakal to make despair and spread sorrow `cause then my dark kingdom will come. I gathered with legions of thunder in mountain of fallen stars where no-man have been losted and where evil takes it`s form...dragon. [Chorus] God`s of war... masters of despair... dragonlords of the skies... rulers of mighty kingdom... In crimson morning`s mist we battle against whirlwinds of east. [Chorus] God`s of war... masters of despair... dragonlords of the skies... rulers of mighty kingdom... Way to perfect victory is bloody armies fall under the king`s name everything destroyed from the legions path which is just forwarding towards...
  22. ISTOK
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