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Everything posted by Buddha

  1. odgledao sam film, hvala markomanu ne mogu da kazem jos uvek da je ovo njegov najbolji film, ali dotakao je dosta stvari sa ovim filmom.. ima elemenata svih njegovih ranijih filmova.. treba ga pogledati definitivno
  2. Debeo si.
  3. Buddha

    Black Sabbath

  4. super je novi album.
  5. Buddha


    pa rani radovi su black metal bas bas. Ceremony Of Opposites je isto svrstan kao veliko black delo, iako je nagovestavao neke promene. Passage je industrijalizovan malko, ali je u srzi i dalje black. ili mozda nesto kao neki dark metal? (da, glupo zvuci.) novi album dovoljno agresivno zvuci da i on moze da bude medj black metal rajom opusteno.
  6. Buddha


    nema teme? novi album Solar Soul na tragu klasika Passage. Ceremony Of Opposites (1994) je takodje bio jako bitan za black metal kad se pojavio.
  7. nisam u toku, sto ne moze SKC? zauzet termin ili?
  8. ai ovaj je sigurno gledao bendove koje vi nikada necete gledati u zivotu
  9. mozda si predebeo za taj pass.
  10. haha Marty za tebe cemo sledeci put da odnesemo u stampariju posebno jednu crnu fensi siledzijku pa da uradimo do tada iseci rukave na jednoj i to je to
  11. kako je krenulo, ima da se rasprodaju do tad no frx
  12. stavicemo samo onaj logo C sa trouglom na tange i okrenucemo ga naopako
  13. napravili smo nove majice! ima cak i zenskih imamo muske, crne i teget, u velicinama M, L i XL. zenske su u crnoj i tamno braon varijanti, velicina je M/L. cena je 500 dinara, i zenske i muske, bez obzira na velicinu. javite se ovde preko PP, preko spejsa (http://www.myspace.com/consecr8) ili na email [email protected]
  14. bicete i vi kad lansirate taj album mala ispravka za Knut, evo jos dva linka http://hydrahead.tortugarecordings.com/knut http://www.myspace.com/unknut
  15. super je film, jedino mi zao sto nije bilo vise mornara i onog odvratnog Škota.
  16. fin je ovaj split. ne znam sto se zalite.
  17. mislim da su vec dovoljno skupi, a iako nisu toliko skupi, sigurno ce im nakon ove turneje skociti cena. neisplativo.
  18. 3. oktobra u SKC-u nastupićemo sa dva inostrana benda. u pitanju su KNUT iz Švajcarske i MONNO iz Nemačke. Knut su izdali albume za Hydrahead, a Monno za Conspiracy Records. evo nekih dodatnih informacija o oba benda; KNUT Layer upon layer of captivating, intellectual and focused aggression. "Challenger" sails by dolling out fistfulls of energy, battering frequencies and seemless rolling waves of thunder. "Challenger" offers a wide range of textures and even a few placid moments of melodic bliss. Like previous full lengths on Hydrahead from bands like BOTCH, ISIS, CAVE IN, KEELHAUL and DISCORDANCE AXIS this release will set new standards in heavy, extreme music. "Challenger" couldn't be more aptly titled. "Terraformer" features 12 new tracks and nearly 45 minutes of a raw and uncomprimising blend of super heavy post rock, ambient soundscapes, crusty downtuned NEUROSIS-ish sludge and droning riffs that stretch into hypnotic loops while huge, pounding drums and agonised vocals are splattered throughout. Artwork provided again by Aaron Turner. Drummer roderic had the amazing opportunity to fill in on drums for Jesu during their euro tour with ISIS and various summer festivals. LINK MONNO Dense, abstract, challenging, and confrontational. Monno stands out from the legacy of doomsayers that includes THROBBING GRISTLE, SUICIDE, WHITEHOUSE, and more recently WOLF EYES and LIGHTNING BOLT. Monno are impressively, expertly abrasive in sending atomic blasts of fury, but beneath the shock value of these overwhelming sonic miasmas are throat-grappling melodies evoking a dense, brutal trance. In their rather short existence Monno has toured with ISIS / JESU and LIGHTNING BOLT. They shared stages with contemporaries MELT BANANA, MARTIN REV, MARDUK, MAURO PAWLOWSKI, ULTRALYD... Monno have made an intense, over-the-top all-instrumental prog masterpiece for the 21st century. From the cover (courtesy of Dennis Tyfus) to the mindboggling and completely fucked song structures to the tenor sax blowouts, this disc is a must for all adventurous rock listeners ready for something that tops the progressive freakouts of the 1970s. Especially if you like the Ruins (their heavier, less spastic stuff especially). MONNO combines the rough grooves of punk music and energeticaly blends the abstract sonorities of computers with a noisy saxaphone, creating a delusive trance like sophomore of rock and noise music. The very dense rhythmical parts become layers of an overall soundscape, each instrument following its own line, but all in harmony to take the listener on a nighttrain to walhalla. For fans of RUINS, MAGMA, JOHN ZORN, GUAPO. http://conspiracyrecords.com/store/store_detail.php?id=1819 LINK
  19. naravno. zaboravio da najavim. mozda je i prerano, jebaga.
  20. i In The Woods... naravno, posebno Heart Of The Ages i Omnio.
  21. Buddha


    mislim da nije pilot, pojavio se u filmu Dungeonmaster. nesto na kratko, doduse. ponudio se vec, ali niko od organizatora ovde nece vise da ih dovede..
  22. nabavi Sunn O))) neki od poslednja 3 albuma (Black 1, collab sa Boris ili Oracle) od Meshuggah bilo sta u principu, ja bih prvo krenuo sa Catch 33 ili I na tvom mestu
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