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Everything posted by Buddha

  1. http://www.metalunderground.com/news/detai...fm?newsid=26855 The Dillinger Escape Plan Announce New Drummer The Dillinger Escape Plan has confirmed that Stolen Babies drummer, Gil Sharone will be playing on their new album. This was confirmed in an update on the bands site and is as follows: Know that what we are in the process of recording will be everything we have ever been capable of, and now more. This last year, and how we have gotten through it and to the place we are now, will define all of our lives for a long time. You will hear it in the music and words when you hear this album, and when you see us play live you will see the newfound energy that we now have from making it through all this together. Some of you are new, some of you have been with us for a long time. Regardless, we have a long way left to go, and the thing that we share together besides the music is making it through obstacles in our lives. We have overcome everything from multiple member changes in the early years, members suffering physical impairment or injury that has made it impossible to continue playing, and financial, physical, personal, and internal problems that many bands would never make it through. We take forever to put out records, and put everything we have into them. This band goes beyond just writing music and lyrics for us, it exists in every aspect of our lives 24 hours a day, and everything we experience and go through ends up going into this band in some way. When we see familiar faces on tour, we know that in the time since we have seen you last, you have had to deal with a lot in your own life just to get there again. Life is not easy, but it is the overcoming of obstacles and the amount of fight we have inside of us that will define us. We are going through all this together in some way or another. Please welcome this new time for us. The past was great, but the future will be greater I promise, if every day we didn’t know for a fact that it would be, we wouldn’t continue. We love you all for sticking though us through all of this. You’ll hear it and see us soon. The album is called ‘Ire Works‘ and is being produced by Steve Evetts for a fall release. Recording members of The Dillinger Escape Plan are now: Ben Weinman Liam Wilson Greg Puciato Gil Sharone
  2. novi Ramesses dosta fin ako niste slusali Band Of Horses, obavezno skinite pesmu Funeral
  3. jebeno sjajan omot, nisam video bolji vec neko duze vreme bas zato sto je Gira u piitanju, i znas da je u pitanju neka tezina. pogled kuceta i boja kosulje su sjajni i bizarni u isto vreme. White Light In The Mouth Of Infinity sa zekanom i mrkvom je bio u slicnom fazonu.
  4. ovaj Shining - In the Kingdom of Kitsch You Will Be a Monster nije los
  5. mozda je otisla iz benda, ali to ne znaci da ne mozemo da joj napravimo najt u pocas'
  6. nova Oceansize pesma na spejsu.
  7. interesantna tema.
  8. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...ewsitemID=74447 http://www.nuclearblast-musicshop.de/album...amp;language=en
  9. ali, zbog cega to Akermanu nije pomoglo?
  10. haha, ma snimanje je bilo u 13h a ja sam ustao u 12 moracu da ponesem naocare za sunce sledeci put da ne bih toliko zmirkao i da ustanem bar sat-dva pre emisije da bih mogao da pricam glasnije
  11. moguce, jer je tu povratio opet veru u sebe i growl vokal. gitaristi inekim bivsim clanovima je omiljeni Angel.
  12. jel neko gledao onaj Metalocalypse?
  13. iako mozda Angel nije najbolji (iako vecina fanova i sam bend misle da jeste), stoji da im je The Cry Of Mankind najbolja pesma.
  14. Buddha


    pustili su spot za In Fiction na MTV Adriji pre 15 minuta.. oko 3.30 AM.. u nekoj VJ emisiji sto vodi neka plavusa.. nisam video najavu, ostali spotovi su neki dens fazon.. nista mi nije jasno
  15. navijamo za Monument! ako oni pobede bice vrh!
  16. haha video sam, ali namerno nisam hteo da editujem.
  17. Gargi, skrenuo bih ti samo paznju na to da i Lutka, tj. ceo Corbin opus spada pod Seljacki Rok (ili, ajd nek bude Blago Seljacki), tako da ja ne bih bas tu povlacio neke paralele o ''obrazivanju''..
  18. vidimo se u finalu! mislim da ce vas basista u svakom slucaju biti moralni pobednik festivala
  19. you really got me now
  20. ColdSnap (Hrvatska) Dedicated for life (Makedonija) Downstroy (Srbija) Consecration (Srbija) plus jos jedan bend iz BiH koji ce biti odredjen 15. juna.
  21. ja hteo da vidim samo zbog Tiamat i Samael, iako kapiram da se pojavljuju na po 5 sekundi
  22. jel ima neko 666 At Calling Death na DIVX a da je iz BG?
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