5931 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Buddha
pa sto ne nabavis i Martyre ako ti se toliko svidja?
jel neko cuio za hrvatski bend Zeus Faber? postoji sansa da dodju i kod nas. evo dva linka: www.myspace.com/zeusfaber www.zeusfabermusic.net tek treba da skinem koju pesmu pa da vcidim sta je. pise da su im uticaji Tool, NIN i Deftones. mozda valja.
ne znas samo koliko smo imena za bend vec cale i ja smislili.. al, o detaljima sutra braaaaaaate
haha smesno je.. ali, ovaj album sto skidam, izgleda da na njemu ne svira Blackie.. oni su svirali zajedno u bendu Sister, pa je Blackie sutnuo Nikki-a, pa je Blackie rasformirao Sister i napravio WASP, a od ex-Sistera je nastao taj London valjda. ovde sve pise: www.fullinbloommusic.com/lizziegrey.html evo super deo iz intervjua: FIBM: It's quite humorous, that Blackie began kicking out members from his band way before he kicked everyone out of WASP. Why did he kick Nikki Sixx out of the band? Lizzie: Sister went to record a demo down in the South Bay at some funky 8-track studio, and Blackie wasn't happy with the results. He was kind of a control freak when it came to recording, and he felt that Frank couldn't cut it. Soon after he fired Frank, I decided that the real problem was Blackie, not Frank, so I dropped by his house on Mansfield, where he was living with this punk band called the Vidiots, and asked him if he wanted to put together an over-the-top glitter/glam band and leave Blackie in his dungeon. It was a little bit after that we decided on the name London for the band and Frank changed his name to Nikki. FIBM: What were some of the things that Nikki adapted from the Sister days, that he used in Motley Crue? Lizzie: Well, ya know, that's the funny part. Once Nikki started making a big noise with Motley Crue, he suddenly threw away all the glitter/glam imagery that had made him so popular in Hollywood with the London band, and outfitted Motley Crue and their stage EXACTLY like the old Sister band photos...right down to the skulls on spikes, pentagrams, and flame pots. I guess Blackie really messed with Nikki's mind when he fired him, and this was Nikki's way of doing an ego "checkmate" on him. FIBM: 3 fond memories from your days in Sister Lizzie: 1. Drinking vodka and coke in Blackie's car every night. 2. Going to the Rainbow every night. 3. Bringing chicks from the Rainbow back to Blackie's place every night...and on one occasion breaking his riding crop over some chick's fine naked ass.
haha. to za Vukasinovica mi je i Glava rekao zanimalo me, posto bas vintage izgleda, a i gledao sam jednu svirku, zanimljivo mi zvucalo.
upravo sam nasao na netu london - blackie lawless and nikki sixx before w.a.s.p. and motley crue javicu cim preslusam
da, da.. ima onaj deo kad se jedan lik popne i zagrli Johan-a, sav srecan, a ovaj je sve nesto u fazonu, "gde su sad ovi redari.." ili kad su poceli da sviraju Gaia-u, pa se onaj lik popne, prodere se nesto, pa skoci nazad.. ima i onaj momenat kad treba da pocnu A Pocket Size Sun, pa se Johan iznervira sto se svi Poljaci deru stalno ko nenormalni, pa kaze "quiet, pleeeease"
najstrasnije od svega je sto mnogo lice
ukucao sam 'MILAN JEJINA' u google web images i izaslo mi je ovo:
nadjes tu video kasetu, i damo nekom friku da prebaci sa VHS na DVD
crtaći i Supercoven
ajde da malo dignem temu iz mrtvih.. dosta ljudi (ukljucujuci i mene) je godinama trazilo tekstove sa prvog albuma (A Wintersunset...), medjutim, nemoguce ih je nabaviti. jednom sam pokusao da 'skinem' tekst sa Under Dreamskies slusajuci pesmu, ali su mi neki termini zvicali suvise nelogicno. kapiram da su tada bili mnogo mladi (oko 17-18 godina), pa ih je verovatno bilo sramota da objave tekstove (osim za text Autumn Grey Views, ciji je text jedini objavljen u booklet-u) ne znam da li je neko spomenuo ranije, ali Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays je dosta inspirisan albumom Kveldssanger od Ulver.. mada WANTWGP ima malo vise neku 'naturalistickiju' formu (a Ulver 'folkerskiju' tj. 'ponorvezenu') imali su dve faze, prvu, 'metalskiju' - A Wintersunset... (1996) i Songs Of Moors & Misty Fields (1997) i drugu, 'akusticarsku' - Where At Night... (1999) i Weiland (2002). u obe faze taj drugi album predstavlja razvijeniju temu nacetu na prethodnom izdanju. btw, Empyrium od izlaska Weiland-a vise ne postoji koliko znam, a The Vision Bleak (novi bend Schwadorf-a), mi se, sem obrade Nights In White Satin, uopste nije dopao.
kraca biografija (sa rockdetector.com) TIAMAT Rockdetector Biography A Gothic Death Metal combo out of Täby, masterminded by Johan Edlund, that has evolved chameleon like with each successive release. Less tastefully known in their formative years as TREBLINKA, during which time vocalist Johan Edlund also pursued his side project GENERAL SURGERY, the Swedish quartet adopted the title of the Sumerian goddess of chaos and mythical planet TIAMAT. The band has evolved from a derivative Speed Metal / Death act to a more substantial stance in offering aggression with adventurous Progressive variances. As TREBLINKA the band consisted of vocalist/guitarist Johan Hedlund ("Lucifer Hellslaughter"), bassist Klas Wistedt, guitarist Stefan Lagergren ("Emetic") and drummer Andreas Holmberg ("Najse Auschwitzer"). This unit released the 1988 demo 'Crawling In Vomits' and follow up tape 'The Sign Of The Pentagram' in 1989. Also emerging that year would be the ' Severe Abomination' EP. Upon taking the TIAMAT moniker the group issued the September 1990 debut album 'Sumerian Cry' through C.M.F.T. Productions. However, the band would be rocked with constant re-shuffling of personnel. For the ‘A Winter Shadow’ single, released in December 1990 by CBR Records, the band personnel would be credited as Hellslaughter, guitarist A.D. Lord, bass player Jorgen Thullberg ("Juck the Ripper") and drummer Oakbeach. TIAMAT toured Europe in 1991 with label mates UNLEASHED. 1992's 'Astral Sleep' album saw both Lagergren and Holmberg depart for EXPULSION and the record was recorded by vocalist/guitarist Johan Edlund, guitarist Thomas Petersson, bassist Jörgen Thulberg and drummer Niklas Ekstrand. The band's 1993 line up comprised of Edlund, keyboard player Kenneth Roos and drummer Ekstrand. Live gigs were performed with Edlund, Roos and guitarist Thomas Petersson. However, musical differences saw TIAMAT split following a 1993 tour of Europe to promote the 'Clouds' album with UNLEASHED and MORGOTH. Petersen and Roos departed, leaving Johan Edlund to carry on with a new line up that included ex-SORCEROR bassist Johnny Hagel. The 'Sleeping Beauty- Live In Isreal' was recorded in Tel Aviv in June 1993. Later shows found the band touring alongside PARADISE LOST and VOODOO CULT. 1994's Space Rock charged 'Wildhoney' album found keyboards contributed by GRIP INC. guitarist Waldemar Sorychta and the single choice, 'Gaia', included a cover version of PINK FLOYD's 'When You're In' as one of the additional tracks. Predictably the line-up fluxed yet again with Ekstrand and Petersson discharging themselves and drummer Lars Skold welcomed into the fold. Former CELEBORN guitarist Magnus Sahlgren sessioned on 'Wildhoney' and was kept on for tour work. Sahlgren subsequently joined DISMEMBER and LAKE OF TEARS. The band toured as support to TYPE O NEGATIVE in Europe during 1994 and TIAMAT successfully headlined the 1995 Dynamo Festival in Holland and toured Britain as support to BLACK SABBATH. The same year a limited edition album, 'A Musical History Of Tiamat', would give fans further live material in the form of an extra CD. 1997's 'A Deeper Kind Of Slumber' heralded another shift in TIAMAT's musical landscape as Edlund ventured into distinctly ambitious Progressive Rock territory.Naturally the ebb and flow of band members continued unabated too with CEMETARY's Anders Iwers enrolling on guitar as in a straight swap Johnny Hagel joined CEMETARY. The ex-TIAMAT man would later be found ensconced in SUNDOWN before pursuing his own CINNAMON SPIRAL and LITHIUM projects. Meanwhile further internal manoeveres in TIAMAT saw Iwers shifting to bass when Petersson rejoined later. Iwers would also find extracurricular activities deputising for Italian act LACUNA COIL after both their guitarists pulled out of an October 1997 tour at short notice. European dates in November of 1999 saw the band supported by ANATHEMA. TIAMAT returned with the 2000 Gothic infused 'Skeleton Skeletron' outing. Petersson bailed out yet again. The band, complete once more with a yoyo-ing Petersson bouncing back, got to grips with a November European package tour alongside running mates ANATHEMA and TRISTANIA. Johan Edlund struck out on a no frills Gothic Rock n' Roll direction with the 2001 solo side project LUCYFIRE. Scoring a deal with SPV Records LUCYFIRE issued 'This Dollar Saved My Life at Whitehorse'. Edlund, billing himself as "Notorious PIG" for the LUCYFIRE endeavour also assembled a live band for an appearance at the 'Mera Luna' festival in Hildesheim, Germany. The same year lleading German Gothic Rock act LOVE LIKE BLOOD would cover 'Whatever That Hurts' for their covers album 'Chronology Of A Love Affair'. The 2002 TIAMAT album 'Judas Christ', which once again garnered the band chart success in Sweden, would see American variants adding the bonus cut 'Cold Last Supper' plus a video clip of 'Vote For Love'. European summer festival appearances throughout July and August for the band included showings at the German 'Zillo' and 'Summer Breeze' events as well as Spain's 'Rock Machina' festival, the Czech 'Brutal Assault' open air gig and the Viennese 'Metalfest'. TIAMAT would embark upon touring in mainland Europe as part of a co-billing with PAIN. Regular guitarist Thomas Petersson would be unable to participate, being replaced temporarily by SOUTHFORK's Henrik Bergqvist. DARK TRANQUILLITY's Martin Brändström would handle the keyboard duties. A brand new Johan Edlund produced TIAMAT album 'Prey' in October of 2003 would be preceded by the single 'Cain', this release including a cover version of W.A.S.P.'s 'Sleeping (In The Fire)'. Former TIAMAT touring keyboard player P.A. Danielsson was killed in a car accident in Italy on 26th November 2004. He was 35 years old. The band reported a European road alliance with SIRENIA, THEATRE OF TRAGEDY and PAIN to take them through late 2004 and into 2005. For these concerts the band would be joined by TALISMAN guitarist Fredrik "Kulle" Åkesson, replacing regular guitarist Thomas Petersson detained by "parental duties", and DARK TRANQUILLITY keyboard player Martin Brändström.
taj WDR, jel to bilo '95/96. dok je pevac jos uvek imao kosu? ja se secam one emisije Metalla na Vivi, '97., prebacujem nesto kanale i vidim neki celavi tip prica sa onim crnokosim voditeljem. prebacim ponovo posle 20 min, vidim reklama za A Deeper Kind Of Slumber, i onda se ispostavi da je celavi lik Johan Edlund pustao je svoje omiljene spotove, secam se da je bio i neki Entombed. tad se vec bio preselio u Dortmund (valjda?), pa je pricao i o tome. znam da su menjali aranzman za Sleeping Beauty kad su svirali na Dynamo Open Air '97. (tad su bili namazani onim cudnim svetlecim bojama) /offtopic: taj Dynamo '97. je bio vrh, svirali su Samael, Tiamat, Therion, Amorphis, Sentenced.. sve creme de la creme tadasnje goth scene A Deeper Kind Of Slumber je bio blazi sok za mene kad se pojavio, ali se ispostavilo da je odlicna ploca. Cold Seed i The Whores Of Babylon su jedine pesme koje bi mogle da budu okarakterisane kao 'singlovi', sve ostale pesme su spojene u jednu celinu. super je ona flojdovska solaza u Only In My Tears It Lasts npr. ili ona clean gitara u Alteration X 10.. Mount Marylin i naslovna su bas onako tiamaticne, a one pticice sto se cuju u uvodu Phantasma De Luxe su identicne pticice koje se cuju na Paradise Belongs To You od Saturnus (zanimljivo je da su oba albuma izasla 1997., tako da se taj sempl sa pticama verovatno pojavio godinu pre)
sutra se lomi! od 3 popodne
konsekrtejšn (sa naglaskom na 't')
najveci hit je bilo kad je na jednom flajeru za kst pisalo consecrtation podseca me na krtolu.. ..i kupusa, i kupusa!
jeste, to je atj. ima tih delova sa animacijom i u spotu Gaia, ali sa cvetovima (i dosta krace traje)
spot je vrh, totalno artistic, milion kadrova
sta ce ti cvaje? debele mozes uociti sa silne razdaljine.
haha, bas sam to hteo da napisem
@korovjov: pa, izvode Whatever That Hurts i dalje. jedino ako nisi mislio na onaj Wildhoney/Whatever That Hurts/The Ar medley koji su izvodili ranije
@Dersu (and anybosy else): jesi li nekad svirao Travis Bean gitaru? ima aluminijumski vrat.
haha care. lici vise na Ae, nego na Kid A, u pravu si. btw, ovaj omot bi vise legao kao neki innersleeve, tipa ispod diska ili tako nesto. mada, ko zna. sa njihovim artworcima se nikad ne zna