5928 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Buddha
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sta oni znaju sta valja..
cuo sam da je ime albuma ustvari Veronica refuses to die?
ja vec bio groova mashina samo tako ali ja i dalje trazim taj low end u pojcalu dammit.....
bas me zanima zasto su ivice stepenica u podzemnom prolazu kod zelenjaka sjebane sa obe strane ulice
Touch, touch in the flame's desire Feeling the pain's denial, And your finger's in the fire Look, look in the candle light See in the flame of life And my spell our lie Taste the love The lucifer's magic that makes you numb The passion and all the pain are one You're sleeping in the fire Taste the love The lucifer's magic that makes you numb You feel what it does and you're drunk on love You're sleeping in the fire I gaze as the flame and fire burn And cry out the name of which I yearn Taste the love The lucifer's magic that makes you numb The passion and all the pain are one You're sleeping in the fire Taste the love The lucifer's magic that makes you numb You feel what it does and you're drunk on love You're sleeping in the fire
da mu otvorimo temu? zamisli kako bi vrh bilo da se sad pojavi neki bend koji se zove Slobo RIP
a gde to HIM dolazi?
pa lik je bio u pravu sto se tice July ta pesma je stvarno vrh kao sto sam i ja napisao u recenziji jeste da malo pada ta atmosfera ali opet tesko je nadmasiti Viva Emptiness mozda je July njihova najbolja pesma ali otkud znam dobre su i te pesme sto si ti spomenuo
meni su bas super uzivo gledao sam ih u zagrebu jedva cekam dvd meni su cak rekli i da licim na aarona nemam pojma mozda bi neko drugi mogao da kaze ja ne znam
nemam pojma na sta se ti lozis a ja se lozim na produkciju
TGCD je logican nastavak VE, ali TGCD nema toliko 'hooks' (ali ima bolju produkciju)
ja sam u nedelju svirao tribute to Isis
Terrorizer recenzija: Katatonia: 'The Great Cold Distance'. Peaceville. "The first Katatonia rock song-orientated album was 1999's 'Tonight's Decision' (1998's 'Discouraged Ones offered a lot more melody but was still a glorious collection of majestic hypno-riffs). Katatonia have managed to steadily maintain high-quality altitude and a taste of what makes them so unique and great - their epic melancholy sound trademarked by entangling morose riff waves and Jonas Renkse's vocal range, spanning softly mournful to emotionally soaring. They've yet to release a shite album, and the evolution from 'Tonight's Decision' to 2001's 'Last Fair Deal Gone Down' to 2003's Viva Emptiness' seemed like a slow but steady descent towards magnum opus. 'The Great Cold Distance' in full metal shimmering glory, with yet another shiver-inducing, advancing, elaborately ornamented riff temple. Irresistible. Yet, and this is not the first time, the album looses tension half way through, picking back up on track nine: 'July'. A retrospective inspection reveals that 'Discouraged Ones' is still the last Katatonai album to feel even and complete and to be listened to repeatedly, from start to finish, throughout the whole year of its release. Then it was down to individual songs 'Tonight's Decision's opener 'For My Demons' and 'Ghost Of The Sun' and 'Evidence' off 'Viva Emptiness'. All three immediately gripping. There's no such song on 'The Great Cold Distance', the first latter-day album not to better its predecessor. Make no mistake - this is a great album, yet one cannot escape a sense of halting in the evolutionary process, a digging into a formula. With 1996's masterpice 'Brave Murder Day' Katatonia have created a moment of grace and singularity in metal. Their burden, then, is our egoistic hope that they will do it again. We know enough about band's dynamics to hope not for 'Brave Murder Day Pt II' but for a band making peace with it's past, picking up again an ancient, forgotten, shattered sword (band members?) and re-writing it to be used in the present. Balancing rock songs with experimental riff mantras, giving those riffcantations a contemporary production, writing more hooks, adding Middle Eastern female vocals... we can dream can't we?" 7.5/10. AVI PITCHON.
mozda im treba neko ko ce da otkupi prava od peaceville-a na stare pesme + sansa za veliku turneju + mozda su veliki troskovi za studio u britaniji? danny nije imao jedno vreme gde da zivi tokom 2001. koliko se secam. verovatno su totalno ostali bez kinte kada se mfn ugasio, a jure neku malo vecu kucu. mislim da je glavni problem to sto ce vremenom na njihove svirke sve manje dolaziti ljudi koji traze stare pesme (angelica, dying wish, sleepless itd.), a nemaju mesto gde bi mogli da budu prihvaceni u 'novijem' ruhu (a fine day to exit, a natural disaster i ovo novo). plus im bubnjar nije bas bajan uzivo, a da bi te na svirci (kao npr. sa HIM trenutno) neka krupnija riba zapazila, moras da razbijas kako sviras uzivo.
doneo mi maxa. doleteo brzinom svetlosti cim sam mu rekao da imam novi gathering znas da ne mogu da skidam nista jer mi slsk ne radi. moram da nagovorim kranga da mi skine onaj buckethead dvd
hahaha. btw jel neko slusao Coprofago - Unorthodox Creative Criteria (2005)? ovo bre isuvise lici na meshuggu, posebno pevac.
jeki objasnjava fincima kako je u vojsci, ustvari, kul:
par fotki sa preksinocne svirke: zvucite sve bolje, samo napred!