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Everything posted by Buddha

  1. da, ali mind you da oni vise nisu undergorund vec 8 godina
  2. kapiram da hoce i da ce da im posalje jos jedno nadrkano pismo
  3. preslusao sam novi album.. ok je, nije dosadnjikav kao poslednja dva. negde u rangu tuonele rekao bih, samo sa lepsim pevanjem. shine on!
  4. dakle.. najbolji letter of the month ubedljivo.. a long request for a straight answer Dear Terrorizer, How art thou? I have a very simple question to ask, but unfortunately this particular question requires half my life story, so here goes! I live in the west of Ireland and I grew up listening to metal. In my younger years I only bought Metal Hammer and Kerrang!, Terrorizer was hard to find and even if you could find it we considered it a lunatic magazine! However, as I grown older (I'm 29) I've found myself abandoning the others in favour of yours truly. I'm convinced that if I'm going to find any decent kind of new mental music I'll find it in Terrorizer. Now, contrary to popular belief the music scene in Ireland absolutely and completely sucks big off giant megalithic stone age donkey balls. The metal scene here is so far underground you need a miner's helmet to find it, but although I'm part of it, the lack of venues and a 90 per cent redneck population ensures that any progress will be snail-like. So where the fuck am I going with this? Terrorizer is my only guide to what's happening in the world concerning metal, without it, basically I'd be fucked. I like my dark/doom/goth/drone etc, as much as the next human time-bomb and was surprised to see the new SunnO))) album on the shelves and I bought it right away based on your reviews. Imagine my surprise/horror when I put it on and heard the absolute spazz-magnet that spewed forth from my speakers! I had to read the review again I was so confused and I was gonna write in and complain, much like I'm doing now, but I said, no, no Paddy, don't be a cunt, don't be like them other wee bastards who write in and complain every time they don't agree with something, so I didn't. Then, I bought Khanate's new release, again based on your review and lo and behold another complete and utter pile of cock poo. I'm not saying your reviews were wrong, I'm not saying I disagree with your revies, your reviews were spot-fucking-on, but what fucks me off is the things you don't say, the things you casually fail to mention. For instance, if you'd ended the SunnO))) review with the "P.S. There are no fucking drums on this album whatsoever, and fuck all much else," I wouldn't have wasted twenty quid on it. If you'd ended the Khanate review with, "It's the same fucking child-like riff for half a cunting hour," again I could have wasted my cash on something else, drink/drugs/porn, etc. That SunnO))) album is taking the piss, your review for that was like trying to sell a car but failing to mention that the car has no wheels. Just tell the whole story, whether it affects album sales or not, 'cos obviously it does. I wonder how many other people bought those albums after reading your reviews and ended up vomiting all over themselves? So finally I'll get to my poxy question. Based on your reviews, I WAS going to buy the new Earth album, 'Hex...'. Now, in plain fucking English, is it the same bastard riff over and over again with little or no variation? I don't care how surreal it is, how cool or dark, I don't want to know what it "feels like to have a glacier slide over" me or what it feels like to be "trapped under a gradually cooling lava flow". For fuck's sake!!! IS IT A PILE OF SHIT OR NOT?!! 'Cos if I waste another jobbyfest like the last two, I will kill myself and anyone else within a 35-yard radius! Jesus, yez work in a music magazine it shouldn't be too difficult. Thank Christ for the free CD! Paddy The Cunt, Donegalway, via email (odgovor redakcije) Some might say that the Earth album could have been recorded by a depressed, dribbling village idiot with a memory span of five seconds for all the variation in the riffs played at a rate that would make a Sufi weep with boredom. But we reckon it's an equilibrium-inducing, edge-of-the-world-evoking elegy that feels like having the back of your retina burned away by the last ever sunset. On balance, I reckon you'll love it. genijalno
  5. pozajmio mi ortak decembarski terrorizer. 65daysofstatic dobio 9, a children of bodom 4. a bolt thrower je album meseca. "those once loyal will make you want to shoot peace protesters on sight" toliko vole emperor da su njihov reunion proglasili malte ne povratkom novog milenijuma i izbacili intervju na 5 strana. ihsahn izjavio "maybe we could let mortiis play bass on the prometheus material..." ima zanimljiv intervju sa burst i lightning bolt, samo sam nesto malo stigao da pogledam. btw, sledeci post ce biti malo poduzi, ali moram da ga postujem.. citaoc se zali terrorizer-u sto su ga recenzijama naterali da kupi nove sunno))) i khanate
  6. trenje nije rip koliko znam, samo nemaju pevaca vec duze vreme.. dakle, virvel je u ex-lagumu?
  7. Buddha


  8. pitacu crnketa na kojoj debljini je svirao.. gitara je rasvirana samo tako stavio je hambaker u sredinu (izmedju dva singla), super zvuci.. duplo glasniji od singlova.. provaljujem da je dosta slajd/bluz svirku svirao jer su pragovi malo 'izjedeni' u smislu koliko je vukao rucerdu preko pragova.. ne bih se ni zezao da stavljam deblje od .10/.11 ako ne moram, ali, kazem ti, vrat je tvrd, i kapiram da ce gitara biti jebenija ali bolja za sviranje sa tvrdjim zicama (a ionako sam navikao da sviram na tvrdjim) thanx anyway, videcu sta mi je ciniti
  9. vidjao sam neke matore fendere sa .12 i .13.. mislim da nije frka.. o zanu sam cuo oprecna misljenja.. ranije sam nosio kod macana (matori dzezer, svira u riff-u) i nije bilo frke, a i onaj lik sa naocarima u mega music-u se ispostavio kao potpuno kul lik, dotezao mi je lp za dzabe posto se odusevio gitarom
  10. hahaha
  12. pazi, oavj fender ima inace vrat tvrd ko mrcina, tako da.. ne znam, probacu pa cu da vidim. inace imam uvek muku zivu da ovde nadjem blue steel .12, moram da ih kupujem u pesti ili negde drugde.. ovde samo slucajno ako naletis. sa .11 je valjda malo bolja situacija, ali se malo plasim, posto je fender toliko star, da nesto ne razdrkam vrat i da mi se ne rastoniraju oktave.. sviram ga odskora, a nisam siguran na kojoj debljini zica je sviran godinama.
  13. ima, ima - sta mislis, sta bane svira?
  14. Buddha


    qsysue.tagplazen.org/shows/isis/ par nekih .avi fajlvoa. kratki su, a dugo se skidaju, ali vredi
  15. respect za decka, 1990. a keeping himself updated za sve i svasta. bice od njega covjek i po!
  16. nije ti valjda zao zbog toga?
  17. jegiga, obrisao sam ovaj od 30 giga. kapiram da ce taj koncert, s obzirom da je sniman sa toliko akmera i sve to, biti isti oanj koncert koji ce biti objavljen na dvd-u na leto. u sound forge-u sam isao na expressfx graphic eq, pa tu podigo 6.8 db, i malkice sredio ekvilajzing (mora malo da se spuste prve 3 za hercazu jer onaj bas bubanjn ubi koliko je jak), medjutim ocigledno je da, sto se vise dize db, to ce ti fajl biti veci.
  18. ti si lud evil spiritu. kao da stalno visis po netu i prvi provaljujes infoe
  19. jack the riffer - imam fendera strat '78, hocu da ga spicim u D na desetkama; mislis da se nece rastimavati ako vise namotam zice? ima dobre civije.
  20. drugari, zajebo sam se. tek sam sada shvatio da je taj .avi fajl koji sam sejvovao velik 30 giga (u kojem god formatu da sam hteo da ga sejvujem, nije hteo da bude ispod toga) nije ni cudo sto mi ga je tesko pustao u mv2player-u KRANG: probaj da nadjes AR & MACHINES - ECHO (1972) trebalo bi da je zanimljivo. dupli disk je u pitanju. EDIT: ono AR je Achim Reichel (& The Machines)
  21. pa kad covek radi samo live intervjue.. pa martovski broj - kata naslovna, a za majski stephen o'malley
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