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Everything posted by Buddha

  1. slusao sam nesto od njega, ali taj nemam.. zanimljiv je definitivno svirao tom waitsu mislim, nek me bremover ispravi
  2. da li je neko cuo za Christmas In The Stars - Star Wars Christmas Album?? snimljen je 1980. i pogodite ko je pevao lead vocal! da.. listed as John Bongiovi. peva cak i u duetu sa Anthony Daniels-om (glas za R2-D2). ovo je toliko odvratno da mislim da svaki pravi fan bon dzovija mora ovo da cuje.
  3. hwalla : ) nego.. sad sam bas dobio EMP katalog, prvi koji je na engleskom. gledam intervjue.. manowar, stratovarius, demons & wizards, madball, motorhead, gledam slike, kakva gomila deda jebote. na sta je metal spao..
  4. Buddha


    .. i nece ih biti jos neko vreme sigurno.. cekaj da procitas intervju u butcherianu.
  5. grey daturas - nije lose, ali moram lepo da sednem da saslusam. sto se tice novih stvari.. opeth sam preslusao jednom. ima momenata, ali me nije pomerio sa mesta. cak sam par puta snazno zevnuo, u stilu 'ajde bre vise'.. prve dve pesme su smooooor, kasnije krecu da se desavaju te sitnice. oceansize mi se nije bas svideo, nije mi legao, no stigao sam do pola, a samo jedna pesma mi je privukla malo paznje.. a sigur.. druga pesma i vec ono.. fetus polozaj, glava u rukama.. ne znam sta mi je.
  6. Grey Daturas Album Dead in the Woods Crashing Jets November 2004 Tracklisting: force is a weapon of the weak she was the cutie of camp cooke golden gate blues your kingdom falls a japanese romance answer february who’s gonna fill them shoes? for huey p. newton and bobby seale night of the barricade: paris 1968 repeat until false running amok with knives my sciatica overdue resignation fault of domestication the hanging man is no peacock It’s hard to categorise the sound of a band like the Grey Daturas from Melbourne, Australia. But if it has to be done, they are probably best described as an improvised/instrumental noise rock band. Since their earliest shows in 2001 the Grey Daturas have been celebrated as one of the loudest and most uncompromising live acts in Australia. As for their influences, they couldn’t be any more varied. Their influences range from such diverse acts as Sonic Youth , The Stooges, Earth, John Coltrane, Cluster, John Cage, Dark Throne and 70’s no-wave and post punk. The band began by improvising live soundtracks to 16mm film projections, however since losing their permanent film projectionist, they have since developed a style which works equally well with or without visual accompaniment. The Grey Daturas refuse to use structured arrangements or rehearse as a band, as they feel it becomes all too restrictive. So being the case, their live shows are where they are best represented, and I might add, that no two shows are ever alike. “It’s basically impossible to replicate the same show twice as when we play it’s all primarily improvised”. Whether it’s recorded or live, the Grey Daturas aim to create the most ear blistering and earth shattering art rock possible. For them, pushing their musical capabilities at maximum volume is their main focus. The Grey Daturas have released two mighty albums since 2001. The first being a self-titled CD on Black Mountain/Sonic Advisor (2002), and the second being the newly released album “Dead in the Woods” through Crashing Jets (2004). They’ve also released two live 3” CD EP’s on diagnosis. DON'T! recordings. Later in 2005 these two EP’s are scheduled to be reissued on vinyl by Italian record label Qbico. Touring has always been a main focal point for the Grey Daturas. They recently completed an Australian tour promoting their new album, and will be hitting the road again in February for another national tour, including shows with ISIS. From there, the Grey Daturas embark on their first overseas tour, visiting Japan in April / May, and then U.S.A in May / June, set to tour their asses off with view to releasing both albums overseas. http://www.greydaturas.cjb.net/
  7. ej krang imam woven hand - st i blush music.
  8. kao sto sam vec najavio.. Consecration je love noise. def leppard meets merzbow. LINK za DOWNLOAD: LINK
  9. za sve DEF LEPPARD fanove LINK: rapidshare.de/files/4040889/love_noise.mp3.html remiks koji sam napravio
  10. hahaha, super, hvala ti! svim love noise fanovima obavezno http://rapidshare.de/files/4040889/love_noise.mp3.html'>LINK!!! hint: def leppard meets merzbow
  11. ej baal, daj mi nekil link da postujem jedan mp3 na net brzo!
  12. Buddha


  13. the grey daturas - dead in the woods do jaja.
  14. aj zvacu te malo kasnije. taj martin grech me zanima isto.. cujemo se
  15. Buddha


    skinuo dokoni2 mesh sickening i sane live@new england metal fest
  16. taman da ti dam i onaj dugo ocekivani vatreni poljubac mp3 sto mi boro dao onomad. javi se kad se vrnes s opeth
  17. edit: sviramo sa Interfectorom a ne Draconicom.. i sa Deftones tribute bendom sto je pleasant surprise of itself s obzirom da nikako nisam uspevao da ih uhvatim da ih cujem ranije
  18. Buddha


    cuo sam da su budva i sutomore katastrofa.. ovo nize je ipak veca kulijana, manje ljudi, manje shabana.. nisam slusao normalnu muziku 10 dana haha
  19. swiramo waljda sa Draconicom u kstu 30.avgusta. javicu jos.. a mozda i na nekom hitu u novom sadu sviramo.. ili gde vec. bio sam mamuran+na moru kad me zvao lik pa treba jos da se izdogovaram. btw.. Consecration je odsada love noise. Def Leppard meets Merzbow.
  20. krang, hoces da budes dobar da mi narezes nove sigur ros, oceansize? moze i opeth.. cisto da imam za kolekciju
  21. Buddha


    ma.. bio na moru.. dobre vode+utjeha=mnogo mora i sunca
  22. Buddha


    u cemu?
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