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Everything posted by Buddha

  1. kakva bre scena? gde ti zivis? ooo.. jadan gwydion.. metal je pojeo gothic jaaaooo nepravda kakvi bendovi katastrofa hahaha nemoj me edukovati vise molim te kakve veze ima sto si sve to pustao na radiju? da ti dignemo spomenik zbog toga? idi prodaj kokice sa specijalnim GOTHIC prelivom mora da si ljut na stevu sto nije hteo da ti pusti divlje jagode hahahaaaa
  2. dodatak: meni ne treba tamo neki najt ili neki drugi ljudi da bih se o necemu informisao, jer se o svemu informisem sam. ne citas sta sam pisao, nisam rekao da je gothic metal nastao 2001., nego da se tada primio ovde (tj. kada su izasli razorblade romance i wishmaster). edit: a taj mali milion bendova sto su svirali u osamdesetim i devedesetim, gde su oni sada?
  3. na metal najtu niko ne trazi doom zato sto na metal najtu svi dodju da cuju mejdene metaliku i slejer. i poneki najtvish. ja sam taj isti saturnus dao stevi, a pola grada onda nabavilo od njega, ako te bas zanima. navedi mi 50 aktivnih dobrih gothic bendova, bas me zanima. mozes i 20, ali znam da ih nema ni toliko. ti ocigledno imas vise problem sa stevom nego sa njegovim najtom. zato sto svi dolaze na njegove najtove zbog ekipe i dobre atmosfere i zezanja, a ne da bi bili ponosni sto su gothic ili slicne gluposti. a ti sebe odrzavaj na aparatima i nazivaj se jedinim preostalim prezivelim goticharem u beogradu, srbiji, na svetu, kakogod.
  4. a sta je to prava gothic publika? samo oni sto slusaju sisters of mercy i bauhaus? stivi je poceo da pusta metal zato sto je gothic metal tada (oko 2001. i kasnije) postao popularan, odnosno gothic metal bio jedini zanr koji je bio aktuelan a imao termin 'gothic' u svom nazivu. JER, gothic je mrtav! i to vec dobrih desetak godina. meni se i dalje povraca kada cujem sisterse na najtu, ali znam da je gomila ljudi dosla mozda bas zbog te pesme. poenta dobrog DJ-a je dobra atmosfera koju on napravi i koju ce da odrzi, pa makar i prosao kroz the cult, cradle of filth, suicide commando i nick cave-a u 20 minuta. koliko vidim, problem imaju samo oni koji slusaju svaku sledecu pesmu koju DJ pusti i kazu 'heeeeeeejj, pa ovo nije gothic!! idem ja odavde' samo jedan podsetnik: niko nije imao pojma sta je saturnus dok isti taj stivi nije pustio nekoliko puta chrizt goodbye u kstu i onda se masa popalila i svi su trazili da im se nasnime kompilacije sa tom pesmom (bolelo ih je dupe za bend). u njegovim narednim pokusajima da pokusa da progura neku drugu njihovu pesmu, 90% posetilaca bi blenulo. slicno je i sa fragile dreams od anatheme, ghost of the sun od katatonije, killing me killing you od sentenced, a da ne pricam o alma mater od moonspell. toliko o edukaciji.
  5. Buddha


    Some time after Lateralus was released a minor flurry of interpretive activity arose around the album. In particular, Carey told an interviewer about Keenan's remark that the time signatures of the main riff in "Lateralus" (9-8-7) also represented a step in the Fibonacci sequence (the sixteenth step, as it turns out). This led some Tool fans to suggest that the tracks on Lateralus can be listened to in spiral-like orders: 6,7,5,8,4,9,3,10,2,11,1,12,13 ("The Lateralus Prophecy") or 6,7,5,8,4,9,13,1,12,2,11,3,10 ("The Holy Gift"). Both arrangements produce different story-lines for the album. On the ninth track of the album, "Lateralus", Keenan's vocals during the verses coincide with the Fibonacci sequence by syllable. The cover is translucent and flips open to reveal the different layers of the human body, including a spiritual layer representing vrajna, the transcendental wisdom of enlightenment or union with the divine. Partially obscured in the brain matter on the final layer is the word "God". The vocal on "Faaip de Oiad" is of a 1997 caller to Art Bell's radio program, who claimed to have been employed at Area 51. "Eon Blue Apocalypse" is said to be about Adam Jones' Great Dane named Eon, that had cancer and died, according to an interview with Danny Carey.
  6. Buddha


  7. priceless.
  8. znas sta, poznajem coveka i moguce je sasvim da on istu tu karmu hoce da proda zato mi je bilo poznato kad sam je video u potpisu (a i bas sam o njoj pricao sa jednim ortakom pre neki dan). nisam siguran sta sve on ima, ali lik mnogo dobro svira, i sto je jos vaznije, ima mnogo ideja i pronadji neke snimke sto je radio sa intruder-om i sa block out-om (poslednji album, ako imas s kim i gde). znam da ima nord lead i znam da ima roland vg procesor, ima jos neku klavijaturu sigurno, ali nismo pricali neko vreme pa sam zaboravio.
  9. "I'm at a loss for words. This movie is beyond description. I don't believe there is a language on Earth that has a word that can describe how horrible this movie is. If you do attempt to watch it, be sure to stick around for the "suprise ending". I only made it about three quarters of the way through this piece of crap before I couldn't take it anymore. Fortunately(or unfortunately) a couple of my buddies stayed till the end. When they woke up from their coma and after a couple of weeks of therapy they were able to fill me in on what I had missed. This movie has no story, no plot, horrible writing, and even worse acting. If you enjoy watching train wrecks or auto accidents then this film is for you. I think my IQ dropped about 30 points from watching this (insert expletive here)."
  10. a?
  11. upravo sam to hteo da napisem. sasro sam se kakva je knjiga. kastaneda + dostojevski + sta sve jos ne.. lik je car.
  12. listam neke stare Terrorizer-e. zabo sam broj iz novembra 2001., i gle chuda, strana za stranom, intervjui sa Khanate, Knut, Converge, 5ive, Godflesh. i mnogo je pametnih stvari receno jos tada.. a ja tada iz tog broja paznju pbratio samo na My Dying Bride
  13. Buddha


    odlucio sam da prodam neke Borknagar originale: BORKNAGAR - The Olden Domain - 600 dinara BORKNAGAR - The Archaic Course - 600 dinara BORKNAGAR - Quintessence digipack - 600 dinara BORKNAGAR - Empiricism - 600 dinara zainteresovani neka se jave na pp. pozz!
  14. koNza mrzelo me da editujem nije mi se slosilo naravno da sam te navukao znao sam da si dokoniji od mene
  15. mislim da bi definitivno trebalo da nabavim ovo. pozz
  16. Buddha


    Isis - Live On P3 Debaser Stockholm Radio odlican zvuk. kao da mi sviraju u sobi. bracala. From Sinking Glisten Weight The Beginning And The End Celestial (The Tower) u mojoj sobi.
  17. stigao sam do 130 000 ! aj da vidim ko ce da me stigne
  18. nemanja i ja pravimo muziku preko mog commodore 128 sad nesto budzimo preko MW frekvencija na nekom tranzistoru.. uticao na mene mnogo onaj pan sonic od sinoc, a vidim i nemanji se mnogo dopao probaj onu igricu nikad je do jaja posebno ako si nesto nervozan.. samo setas misem gore dole a psi samo lete hahaha
  19. LJUDI! znaci... LINK!!!!! OBAVEZNO! pozz edit: idite na GAME D: dogs i uzivajte
  20. Michael Manning: Public Ai Records Michael Manning's first full-length Public is a more chilled affair compared to the more dance-based releases in the Ai catalogue but it's hardly less satisfying for being so. The follow-up to his EP The Lost Aberrant Dragonfly, Public encompasses a diverse spectrum of styles ranging from ambient to hip-hop but pursues introspection above all else. At first, that doesn't appear to be the case, given the more aggressive style of initial tracks like “Sound Check” and “The Street Television.” The former merges crisp hip-hop beats with blurry voices, percussive clatter, and the soft cascades of a female vocalist, while the brooding Arabian ambiance of the latter, coloured by bell percussion, tablas, flutes, and strings, suggests a visit to a Moroccan opium den. But “Walk in the Park,” a delicate ballad that pairs Helen Lord's breezy vocals with Manning's Rhodes piano playing, signals a move into more placid territory. The beatific “Save,” the orchestral “Nothing Left to Shout About,” and the melancholy if oddly titled “Insect Potentiality” (Lord's alternately lush and swooping vocals help make it perhaps the album's loveliest song) reinforce the reflective, gentler mood. It doesn't stay there entirely, however, as demonstrated by the hip-hop-flavoured outing “Today” and the coda “Waiting for Closure.” Many of the fourteen tracks spread across the album's forty-five minutes are two-minute vignettes, though that's not a weakness as the songs cumulatively establish a strong impression. The elegance of Manning's music belies his age (now nineteen, he was signed by Ai when just 17). Consider his restrained piano playing on the longest song, the rather hymnal “Cautionary Tale.” His minimal approach here reaps maximum rewards, especially when paired with phantom voices that drift in and out in drone-like manner. Like many a young composer, repetitive patterns in Manning's music suggest a Steve Reich influence (“Astral Poetry” and “Insect Potentiality”) though, in general, Manning forges a surprisingly mature personal style, making Public another impressive addition to the Ai discography. July 2005 "This is the one; it’s the LP, which is really going to confuse a whole load of people, while making the rest shout out ‘finally!’ Michael Manning’s debut long player entitled ‘Public’ is a constantly evolving and organic journey which travels straight through the heart of electronic music but which continues to keep pushing, snaking from path to path. Proving impossible to pin down into one genre of music or relate to a specific train of thought. ‘Public’ showcases Manning’s understanding and appreciation of music and technology, while highlighting a talent for versatile song writing and structure. ‘Public’ moves from electronica to ambience, while taking in hip hop, eastern musical influences and even a certain classical element too. As Manning himself has pointed out, you can’t really entitle an LP ‘Public’ and have each and every song sound the same, the variation and the fact that there is never an instant where one particular sound or influence seems to dominate are the keys to this LP. Album opener ‘Release’ is quiet literally that, an opening signal of what lies ahead, a huge musical breath pumped toward the listener in the shape of a sub bass. Things then seem to change shape and direction instantly, with the likes of ‘The Street Television’ offering up an eastern flavour with its use of live drums and programmed rhythm. The hip hop influenced track ‘Today’ which develops from very little into one of the catchiest and well-crafted pieces of music I have heard in a long time, highlights how far Manning has travelled since his first release on Ai. Through the intuitive use of live drumming and vocals, and an ability to morph from one genre to the next ‘Public’ proves to be a truly beautiful LP. The influences range from past musical experiences, literature, TV and film and they all come together to present a melting pot of styles and directions. Proving that this release is actually in many ways more like a motion picture." __ jel cuo neko? nesto?
  21. mislim da je Alternative 4 najbolji. najzreliji je, ima najbolju produkciju. poslednji album na kome je ucestvovao Duncan Patterson, a on je inace ucestvovao u 50% materijala.
  22. poshtovani gothikchari i drage gothikcharke.. prodajem: Crematory - Illusions digipack Crematory - Awake Crematory - Act 7 Creamtory - Believe sve po 500 dinara, u odlichnom su stanju. mogu spustim cenu ako je neko voljan da uzma sva 4 odjednom. pp ako ste zainteresovani. pozz
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