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Everything posted by Buddha

  1. potvrdjeno je, pise na sajtu 9.mart sreda JATE klub, szegedin
  2. kentisha si ziv? svrati na kata temu pa procitaj nesto, mrzi me da opet postujem.
  3. btw, anders je na forumu izjavio kako je prilicno razocaran novim paradajzovim albumom i to su iskoristili neki skotovi i poslali link na PL forum i tamo svi raspalili vatru tipa "ma ta katatonia je sranje", "blakkheim je ljakse" i tome slicno. blakky se prilicno potresao celom situacijom.. jbt, forumi mogu biti uzasna stvar sometimes.. prvo ono sa dannyjem pre neki dan, sada ovo.. sta je sledece, mike ce da obrije brkove?
  4. me dont knooowww. a ja mislio lici na anathemu.. marco, si slusao nick drake-a nekad?
  5. pa imas slike na lakijevom sajtu (u tvom potpisu). a ima i nekih na hard n heavy sajtu takodje. inace, sajt na koji ti mislis (u mom potpisu), to nije oficijelni sajt, vec samo privremeni (da ljudi cuju), dok se official ne napravi..
  6. de si laki "trummoru" hehe
  7. skrpicemo nesto, samo jos malo da preslusam stigo mi danny cavanagh solo pa ne mogu da se skinem
  8. www.serbian-metal.org/interview-interfector.html laki, svaka cast za intervju. ovo mora svako, ali SVAKO da procita ko posecuje yumetal forum, i mislim da bi posle toga neke/mnoge stvari trebalo da budu jasnije. pozz
  9. Cimeru, hvala za Music 77. ova pesma Kameror je
  10. sad ce i Black Dahlia da dodje!
  11. exaaaaactly. DOH!
  12. sad su valjda svi srecni..
  13. upravo sam skinuo ovo: Old Man Gloom - Christmas Eve I & II + 6\08 Gratuitous Bonus Track Made By Sensible Musicians Doing Questionable Things (feat. SB, AM, & JRC).mp3 i do jaja je :hilarious:
  14. nemamo ni demo zavrsen/smixan kako treba, pa stoga nemamo ni omot..
  15. kako ne kapiras, u tome je poenta?? da slozis reci kako god hoces i napravis sam svoju verziju/interpretaciju istih?? jbt, zasto nekim ljudima moras sve crtati.. sorry, kapiram da verovatno nisi navikao na takav stil, ali.. try to understand.
  16. tako tebi treba da izgleda. tekstovi su moji i ja cu da ih slozim kako se meni svidja. i btw nisi ih slozio po stihovima kako treba.
  17. Ne. takve ce biti i na albumu.
  18. mercury room you’re sitting there in the corner smoking your cigarette i’m scared you’re pretty (will it ever come out?) there’s something in your clothes lying there that makes me wish life could last a bit longer we have nothing to share (we’ve smoked everything we got) but who’s gonna hold my veins if you leave through that door? (28092003)
  19. absinthe thoughts o will we sigh when you decide so we lie do you know why? lie down they shine white light so until we die we realize i want to try going my side die don’t we all know we are the door i stand alone i’m going home true we’re all gone but now what? (hopelandic 19062003 english 20072003)
  20. cliffhangers some future to dig out systems will collapse /the network busy/ devotion be confirmed sharing with a friend did the temporary absence of focus made us larger in our own tears for walking together on that beam? but as we grow older the cliff is getting higher the forest growing colder but our spirits brighter no confirmation needed when we sense our looks without watching each other’s hearts (11012004)
  21. eMotion incision smiling under a quiet tear coming tired but flowing still even happy i can be the loss of time a grief never forgotten the losing of time a never forgiven sin i’ll walk the shadows for one last time hand in hand with the night decision smiling above a quiet soul growing weary rain over the body still even happy i could be (08092001)
  22. passage now i’m gone yet not alone silence is by my side in sweeping dark blue in solitude she caressed me and i saw the solace flew of course there is no Heaven or Hell here they existed as metaphors back then through life i am immortal through my art whom i left behind and there is no flesh now to capture my mind am i aware of my existence? is there any sense? i can think but cannot act am i free? i am a ghost a spirit without a body with a need for a host flowing lonely through infinity far away from human beings cruelty i dwell through your dreams and memories amplifying your obscurity i am omnipresent i am everywhere you cannot see me but be sure i’m there somewhere… stay where you are i am not far (24102000)
  23. aimless i have gone today you don’t know that when you find out i’m missing i will be miles away and some tears will fall maybe forever but i can do nothing about it cause i’m leaving today i still dream a little bit i dream still after all will only one last for long enough to keep me awake? (i’ve gone & some tears 27052003 i dream still 23082002)
  24. mnogo lijep ovaj nick drake tribjut jbt. skinuo ga je do jaja. citao sam i ranije po netu da se par ljudi "zalilo" da ga je danny previse skinuo. copy 33 of 1000, moj omiljeni broj.. :-)
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