5928 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Buddha
kod mene su jos uvek. odnecu ih kentu ovih dana, samo da meni i njemu prodju neki ispiti GOTH JET
lyricsi nigde do sad nisu objavljeni zato sto jos nemamo sajt, a i niko nam ih do sad nije ni trazio! simple as that.. pozz
super je ispao intervju wow bas te brzi, nisam stigao ni da zaboravim sta sam napisao, avi to vec objavili poslao sam ti par textova za ovih par 'aktuelnijih' pesama.. ako budes hteo jos, ti javi pozz
meni je novi pos grozno sranje. ali zato su isis i luna
si slusao oceanic remixe? ja sinoc konacno kompletirao sva 4 i ne mogu da se skinem koliko su do jaja! najbolji remiksi bilo cega sto sam cuo
bice svirke za jedno 2 nedelje. bicete obavesteni na vreme pozz
hoce, u narednih 30ak dana
evo upalio sam icq .....
jesi li ti to gledao cudesnu sumu sa udom kao pozadinom?
syl vesti su sa http://www.metalmaniacs.com/mm_news.asp a sig je intervju sa Vranjkovicem, imas ga na www.hardandheavy.net u sekciji 'intervjui' pozz ps zelim one oceanic remixe vol3+4.. kad dolazis u bg? ili da mi posaljes veceras preko msn messenger?
thanx sto si prebacio ovde.. ukucao ja strapping na search-u ali nista nije nasao btw, otkrio ja nevidjenu sramotu danas, a to je da ja ne posedujem City, niti sam ga ikada slusao.
evo nekih vesti, za azala (ako ve ne zna): STRAPPING YOUNG LAD NEWS Maniacal Canadian extremists STRAPPING YOUNG LAD have just entered Armoury Studios in Vancouver to record the follow-up to their critically acclaimed 2002 release, SYL. Devin Townsend (vocals, guitars) checks in with the following studio update. "Here's a heads up from the Dev, speaking on behalf of the STRAPPING camp. We recently put in a long touring year and we all went through many changes as a result. We took this year for everyone to get their shit together on a personal and business level and really analyzed what it was about, what SYL represents that makes it (to us) so powerful. We toured with Meshuggah last year, and everyone really connected. Gene Hoglan (Death, Testament) and I saw the musical connection established by those guys and really wanted to see if we could finally do the same. It seems the more shit you get over and out into the open in terms of a band relationship, the more you realize that the only job we have to do and do well is rock. And not in a 'group hug, lets all hold hands and pray' kind of way, but more to do with the fact that we spend a fuck of a lot of time together, not discussing something as trivial as maybe somebody's stinky feet. Christian and Raymond (Fear Factory) seemed to mirror this connection when we met up with them during the writing of their latest album, and it got Gene and I thinking...'why don't we explore the freaks within' and try to make something really unique. And thus, after 7 months of preparation, we have finally started recording what we think of as being a new chapter in the SYL evolution. I personally was really discouraged by 'metal' lyrical themes. I relate to anger and anxiety, but I'm not really free-floating in terms of it anymore. Life gets pretty complicated with mortgages, relationships, age, death, family, children and money. These are now the things I find myself and the people in my age group more focused on now. For a few years, I've had the idea of the ultimate metal band, and after SYL (the album) laid the re-establishing framework coupled with the hectic touring season last year and our kick ass new DVD, we figured it was time to put it all together. We wanted to really be objective with our catalog and new material in terms of what was below par, or 'songs to illustrate an effect' when I think of SYL. I now want to think of us in terms of 'extreme music' as well as extreme metal. We are now in a position (if we kick ass...and we do) to become something really fucking neat. Metal gets a bad rap. The reason a lot of us are involved in it is there are few ways artistically to convey this amount of tangible EXTREME emotion than heavy music. Its bluntness in terms of the conveying of raw emotion is the key I think to its appeal. We want STRAPPING to be appreciated by jazz dudes, classical dudes or whomever. We're musicians first who choose to play extreme metal / music because of it's ability to really make an impact when it needs to. Times are fairly strange. STRAPPING is a forum for a whole bunch of friends and artists to come together and FUCK SHIT UP...with the best sounds, production, tunes, drums, vox, guitars, bass and keys we can possibly do. We don't want to please anybody, but we want to give people panic attacks and temporary mania (catharsis!!!). We entered the Armoury Studios in Vancouver about a week back, and Gene played the best drums of his career. His drumming on this record is fully unique, and we have been filming a 'making of' the record for the digipak release. Song titles (so far) Imperial Skeksis Shitstorm Love? Shine Possesions Landscape Zen What's new, pusscat? (trust us, it's cool... god help us to never make a video for it or we'll be fucked for the rest of our career...) Stay tuned, syl muthurfuggers." www.strappingyounglad.com ###
koji je fazon atari teenage riot? electronica?
W.A.S.P. nijje skracenica ni za sta. imam intervju sa Blackie-m iz 1995. u kome kaze da W.A.S.P. nista ne znaci i da nikada nije znacilo, ali da su oni znali jos u samom pocetku da ce to izludjivati ljude, i od toga je nastajalo ono cuveno We Are Sexual Perverts, White Anglo Saxon Protestants, White Anglo Sexual Perverts i razne varijacije na temu. btw, L.O.V.E. iz L.O.V.E. Machine je akronim za Large Outrageous Vagina Eater. a B.A.D. je Black And Decker, koliko se secam... Kill Fuck Die je super album, ima odlicnu produkciju. Helldorado mi se ne dopada kao ni sve ono kasnije jer je Blackie pokusao da resurrectuje ono staro a to mu, u tim godinama, bas i ne prilici... (Saturday Night Cockfight? ma daaaaaaaj!) najbolji albumi su WASP, The Headless Children, The Crimson Idol. I KFD odmah iza njih. Live... In The Raw je mozda bio dobar live u vreme kad je izasao (1987), ali sa ove distance je kurchina od albuma - onaj fake live efekat je toliko provaljen da je to grozno. ali, u to vreme su to valjda svi radili... Double Live Assassins je vrhunac WASP-a po meni, sve kasnije bolje da sto pre ode u zaborav. pozz WASP forever ps sorry ako je neko vec postovao nesto slicno, procitao sam samo prvih 6-7 str. stvarno nisam mogao sve posto su sve uglavnom interne fore
ne radi se o postrock-u, radi se o bilo kojoj muzici koja nije metal. evo, npr. poceo si da slusas jazz i reci mi, kako ne mozes da povezes - koji album je jazz-u (po kvalitetu) blizi - a fine day to exit ili serenades?
ja sam sa panopticon-a skinuo samo jednu pesmu i preslusao sam je samo jednom ne pada mi na pamet da je pustim jos jednom dok ne nabavim ceo album
sta bre nego popravi ve onaj
e jebiggah a ja mislio nabavices ti ostale remixe a stize mi panopticon tokom sledece nedelje aj videcu da probam da skinem taj vol3 i 4 ali plasim se da opet ne naletim na neku budalu sa losim snimkom ko sa vol2 da mi bruji sve vreme (zbog loseg uzemljenja gramofona)
ok, tu se slazem. jednostavnost rulz. zato je damnation (po meni) najboji opeth album. kapiram da su ljudi vezani za serenades, ali sve se u sustini svodi na ono staro - na sta se ko lozi. mene vise lozi iskustvo i produkcijske zezancije nego mladost-ludost, pocetnicko neiskustvo ('ali, vazan je duh!') i sl. a fine day to exit nije postao opste prihvacen album zato sto je upao kao izmedju dve stolice - u jaz izmedju radiohead, dredg i sl. fanova (suvise su metal za njih, odnosno smeta im ta proslost); i jaz metalaca kome se novi zvuk ne svidja jer 'nije dovoljno jak'. i to je anatema koja ce pratiti anathemu jos neko vreme. nazalost...
skinuo jednu pesmu sa panopticon-a. bolje od oceanic-a. pozz
i pre nego sto me svi opet napljuju sto kenjam po serenades-u, da posmatramo sa muzicke strane: svako moze uz manje ili malo vise truda da sedne i da skine serenades. ajde ti (ili bilo ko) nek sedne i skine do tancina neku pesmu sa fine day to exit-a. pricam o komplexnosti albuma. postoji gomila bendova koja dan-danas svira i zvuci kao taj serenades, ali kome to treba? a jedan je a fine day to exit. samo, da bi to neko skapirao, mora da slusa i muziku izvan metala, a to je npr. ok computer, ili a perfect circle ili dredg ili neki floyd, u krajnju ruku. anyway, pitajte sam bend sta misli o serenades-u (ili procitajte intervju u butcherian vibe-u), pa ce vam biti malo jasnije. sta misle o kvalitetu toga i onoga sto sada rade.