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Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

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Everything posted by Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

  1. Ja mislim da je prog samo Dream Theater. Moj brat Burton kaze da je dobar i Symphony X, ali njih jos nisam slusao...
  2. Preslusah te semplove, slabo opravdava ovo "Sevdah" u nazivu - osim malo ova poslednja. Ja sam ocekivao nesto da bi i pokojni Dr. Himzo Polovina skinuo kapu, a ovo ce izgleda biti neki generecki old skul... jbg
  3. novi album u martu, gostuje Jeff Loomis...
  4. Mozda ucine kako bog zapoveda i dovedu Mark Hamilla Bedak za Ledger-a...
  5. DC Cooper jebeni - nadamo se necemu sa istoimenog albuma
  6. Mojne nista da se ponavlja, nije to repriza
  7. Jebote, sad sam snimio da ti Metalheadi idu za $900 po netu - glava Koliko to ide u Srbiji? Jedno 1500 jura sa kabinetom?!? To je sigurno UBEDLJIVO najgori deal za muzicku opremu koji sam u zivotu video - za te pare je lik mogao solidno pojacalo da kupi... katastrofa...
  8. Ajde sibnite i neki zdrav torrent za film, ako vas ne mrzi... Year: 2003, South Corea Genre: Thriller Regist: Bong Joon-ho Language: Korean Subtitles: English and Italian CD1 Dimension: 697Mb Runtime: 1h02m08s Video Codec: DivX 3 Low-Motion Video Bitrate: 1179 kbps Risoluzione: 640 x 336 FPS (Frames/sec): 23.976 QF (Frame quality): 0.229 Audio Codec: AC3 Audio Bitrate: 384 kb/s (5chnls) Freq Audio: 48000 Hz CD2 Dimension: 699 Mb Runtime: 1h09m06s Video Codec: DivX 3 Low-Motion Video Bitrate: 1024 kbps Risoluzione: 640 x 336 FPS (Frames/sec): 23.976 QF (Frame quality): 0.199 Audio Codec: AC3 Audio Bitrate: 384 kb/s (5chnls) Freq Audio: 48000 Hz http://www.mininova.org/get/92928
  9. Memories Of Murder (2003) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memories_of_Murder Jedan od vecih hitova juzno korejske kinematografije. Vredi odgledati ako vam se dopao bilo koji od njihovih filmova novijeg talasa. Ne znam da li ih jos uvek proganjaju duhovi gradjanskog rata ili sta je u pitanju, ali ovi Koreanci su uvek tako jebeno crni Verovatno ne u tom smislu na koji ti mislis Nije bitno stvarno...
  10. Dead Man se prvi skinuo Klasika... Mislim da je prvi Deppov film koji sam gledao, bas sam voleo ovo kao klinac. Mada, tad sam voleo sve sto je istripovano i sa indijancima Ma u redu je, ja sam kriv za to
  11. Former ICED EARTH Guitarist Sentenced For Kidnapping, Rape Of Delaware Student - Jan. 18, 2008 Esteban Parra of The News Journal reports that former ICED EARTH guitarist Ernie Carletti (mug shot, promotional photo) declined to show remorse this morning before being sentenced to 33 years in prison for kidnapping, raping and torturing a University of Delaware student in 2003. "I feel, your honor, that anything I say is not going to be able to contribute," 32-year-old Carletti told Superior Court Judge Jan R. Jurden after she gave him a final opportunity to speak. Carletti mumbled some other words, which could not be understood. The victim, a former University of Delaware student, testified in November that a stranger forced her into his car at gunpoint as she waited for a ride at the Burger King parking lot on South Chapel Street in Newark on May 22, 2003. He handcuffed, shackled and blindfolded her as he drove to his home in Elkton, Md., she said, then took her into his house and raped her. The victim testified Carletti ordered her to call him "master," and she heard him playing with chains. He then put a gag in her mouth, wrapped a chain around her neck and shackled limbs and began lifting her off the table, she said. After she nearly passed out, the woman said, the stranger returned her to the car and drove her back to Newark. On the way, she said, the stranger replaced the handcuffs with duct tape, apologized to her and told her not to tell anyone. He then slowed the car and pushed her out, leaving her hogtied and blindfolded on West Main Street. Carletti admitted at trial to abducting and shackling the woman, as well as taking her to his home, where he hogtied her. But he insisted that he did not rape her, and continues to maintain his innocence on that charge. "It was disappointing that he was not remorseful and did not, at least, apologize to the victim," prosecutor Donald R. Roberts said after the sentencing hearing. When first interviewed by police, Carletti said he did not kidnap the woman. He later admitted to doing so when investigators found his fingerprints on duct tape recovered from the abduction. Carletti, a guitarist who played with the bands NAUGHTY NAUGHTY and ICED EARTH, was charged last year in another sexual assault that occurred when he was in high school. That case will not be prosecuted. Even though Roberts asked the judge for a life-in-prison term, he said the state and family were pleased with the sentence. "The defendant will be, at a minimum, 64 years old when he gets out of jail," he said. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...ewsitemID=88755
  12. Ja sam danas zapoceo ciklus filmova Jima Jarmuscha - Ghost Dog-om naravno Sutra Dead Man ili Broken Flowers, sta se pre skine
  13. Cekaj, jel ikome jasno sta se desava sa bendom? Jel otisao Suzuki ?!? to bi bila jebena katastrofa...
  14. http://www.avantgarde-metal.com/content/stories2.php?id=44 Verovatno najbolji intervju ikad
  15. Nema potrebe da se uklapaju sa postojecim jer ces postojece da izvadis kad budes stavljao nove
  16. Nista od Brodericka kao stalnog clana NMore-a, Chris je sad u Megadethu bedak, realno - previse je dobar za Megadeth...
  17. Slikaj Dersu, bice rispekta i ako nije MarkIV
  18. Vidi ga ovaj Ja sam jebeni noob - ne umem da napravim postenu sliku na kojoj se vidi kako mi lepo svetli Palim na Zlatibor u nedelju, ali sam rekao ukucanima da deda mraza slobodno upute pod ENGLa posto jelku nemamo
  19. hahahaha To je isti onaj o cijem se nedelu vec raspravljalo Jel mozete nekako da zabranite tom liku da svira Kramere?
  20. zar? Osim sto se novi film zove Dark Knight i sto prosli malo podseca na Year One?
  21. Znas kako Gibonnijev live acoustic greje srce ovog mornara u prohladnim nocima Dajte mu po toj promociji samo i bice ovo hit. Pa da jednom maloletnicama prodajem pricu kako sam jednom zamalo svirao u bendu sa klavijaturistom Triggera
  22. Ja sam pre jedno pola sata usao smrznut sa ulice i od onda mi svira album u pozadini. Nisam dovoljno preslusao za neke ozbiljnije utiske, osim da pohvalim ulozeni trud u vizuelni deo price i da primetim da dosta dobro zvuci. I da, da li je to do zivotnog ili godisnjeg doba, ali malo mi je preintenzivan album do sada - bas sam se obradovao spustanju lopte na Ti Si Potrosen Penzija... srecno
  23. Isto - gledacu i tu drugu sezonu mada je pogotovo kraj prve bas razocaravajuci...
  24. Za jos 15 godina
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