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Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

  1. Cija su to predavanja na kojima treba rezervisati mesta daleko od table ? Poruka koju mi je bandmate poslao dok smo jos trazili novog basistu: "Znas pade mi na pamet, samo da ovaj mali ne bude mnogo ruzan. Sve ostalo se da srediti al ako je ruzan to je bas bedak" hevi metal
  2. Da li ste snimili da sad postoji opcija "Download this topic" ? kewl
  3. inspiraciju?
  4. Necemo svirati sutra, al vi svejedno dodjite na Eyesburn ... i na Metal Battle Dodjite da pobedimo zajedno Posle svi zajedno u Borchu da proslavimo
  5. Greh je sto se ne postuje cesce na ovoj temi Sad sam se vration pijan sa probe i ide Awaken The Guardian pojacan do daske Come to meeeeeee (na-nana-na-na)
  6. hahaha koliko si siguran u to matori? Mislim, to je nekim ljudima pod prozorom(tvojoj kevi npr. ), pa ono - nismo Napalm Death, al' zar nece svejedno neko da se buni ?
  7. Hvala svima dobri ljudi Djole, pomislio bi neko da nam cesce dolazis na svirke, kad bi video kako stojis sa postovima na ovoj temi Bice valjda nekih novih snimaka uskoro, da cujete kako to sad zvuci
  8. Zasto bi prestali da rade SP? Postaje sve bolji...
  9. Sad sam gledao ovaj Absolute Power DVD... kakav jebeni udarac !!! Znaci najezio sam se kad je izasao Ross The Boss, a ovaj Hamzik je opusteno najbolji bubnjar kojeg je Manowar ikada imao... The Crown And The Ring!!!
  10. Metal Battle je 17. - nista od svirke za mene
  11. Vidimo se tamo naravno Jel taj NS time nije u 3materine k'o Brvanara?
  12. Gotivan review sa musiciansfriend-a, Line6 Vetta II combo je u pitanju: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/g=guit...=482238/rpp=10/ Not very good Features: 6 Quality: 8 Value: 2 Overall: 4 Gibson Greenday 93 from canada Experience: I own it Background: In a band like greenday Style of Music: punk Product: Line 6 Vetta II Combo Amp Nov 21, 2005 - I got this amp for my 13th birthday from my mom and dad. I got it and plugged my v-amp into it. It never sounded good. It sounds like fuzz. I thought it could get me the sound of my friends Fender 2x12FM but it didn't It seems good quality if you like only one sound but if you have a v-amp don't get it. I'm returning this and gettign the Fender 2x12FM or maybe a Mesa.
  13. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...41-13cece35a990 Thursday, March 01, 2007 Studio, Satriani, and my middle name Howdy strangers, We all had a blast Sunday at Dan's studio. We recorded Lisa Marie (the Rock Star Cowgirl), and a phenomenal tabla player named Salar. He played on the ten minute Indian song tentatively called Electric Prayer For Peace. Lisa sang some oohs for the other new song. Dan, Dave D., Marilyn, Arpita (my newest caregiver), Dave L., Melissa, Lisa and her fiance Mikey, had a good time. Thanks so much guys. There were workers pounding on the wall outside and jackhammering occasionally, which would shake the whole room. Dan had to go show them who was boss. I am really stoked. The great Joe Satriani is going to play on my Indian Song. I can't wait to hear what he does. I love his stuff. Huge thanks to you, Joe. I also got Greg Howe's solo. He sucks, man. Heh-heh. I love it. You guys will too. I can't wait to hear Marty Friedman's solo. Marty, you are just the man. Without you I would suck. Steve Hunter, I want to ask your solo's hand in marriage. Can I call you Papa? Firkins and Lopez, you guys are too awesome and inspiring to me. One of my favorite players, Uli Roth, asked me to do some kind of class at his Sky Guitar Academy Seminar. Man, what an honor. I will keep you posted. For those of you who don't know: the second video on this page is called "End of the Beginning" from my CD Perspective. It will also be on my new CD called "Jason Becker Collection". The video features the guitarist Michael Lee Firkins and Michael Morgan and the Oakland Symphony Orchestra. Thanks again everyone for writing to those shows. It means alot that you thought of it, Rod. Another show that would be cool is the Ellen Degeneres Show. I totally respect Oprah and Ellen. Peace and love to y'all, Jason Eli (my middle name is Eli. I was named after the great actor Eli Wallach, the guy who played Tuco in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". Man, my parents named me after the Ugly. I love it.)
  14. 1987 - 1996 - Guitars built in Japan between these years will have a serial number beginning with F followed by 6 numbers. F is the production factory which stands for Fujigen. The first digit will be the last digit of the year, ie. F8***** is a guitars made in Fujigen in 1988. The last 5 numbers will be the consecutive number denoting production count for the year. 25899 would be the 25899th guitar built that year. Znaci: F (9)1 28177
  15. Skinuo sam bas malocas Angelov album iz 2005 sa obradama Burn Tribute to Randy Zeppelin Forever Hands Without Shadows Wherever I May Roam Dream On Prey On, Prey All Along The Watchtower brutalno
  16. I ja sam! Jedna od mojih all time favourite Howard Stern emisija je ona kad Christiju depiliraju privatne predele u direktnom prenosu Ili kad on i Sal izazivaju dvojicu Jackass morona - slika govori vise od reci: BTW, ako neko nije provalio - levo je Howad Stern a desno Gene Simmons
  17. Na Freemanu nema blast beatova al' ima tih nekakvih gadnih black metal vokala IMHO, ovaj novi je najgori Labyrinth ikada... a Freeman mi je uz Sons, odmah posle Returna
  18. Nije u fazonu Osvajaca, ali je materijal mnogo manje prog, a mnogo vise orijentisan na same pesme... pretpostavljam da je previse komplikovanja smetalo coveku Cuo sam pesmu/dve, ali bez vokala. Inace, moja omiljena pesma Osvajaca je ona "Doci cu ti ja u san, svaku noc, svaki dan..." sa albuma Vino Crveno
  19. Ako si u tom fazonu, dopasce ti se 3. album Alogie...
  20. Lici na Led Zepp - Kashimir, ali samo malo
  21. jebes ton, samo nek nema kablova
  22. Dobra je bila ona svirka... prostor naravno nije adekvatan, a ni atmosfera, ali ludilo/zezanje/boze_moj/treba_sve_probati
  23. Da nije ovo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xbY4WzcF_U ?
  24. Ako je jedan od brace, onda nisu visi od Draconica
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