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Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

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Everything posted by Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

  1. To je tamo ispred Politike, a?
  2. Bas sam, trazeci neke torrente, naleteo na odlicnu recenziju Disconnected FATES WARNING Disconnected Massacre Records "Disconnected" continues in the vein of "A Pleasant Shade of Grey," complemented by an industrial feel, aggressive guitar sound, and direct songwriting. The sluggishness of the previous album is prevalent, and it becomes nearly intolerable in "So", which - being the second song after the intro and lasting for a long 8 minutes - puts a rather unwieldy stamp on the whole album (this is actually the track I personally have the most troubles with). The songs on Disconnected, particularly the four-minute, groovy, streamlined, and aggressive "One" and "Pieces of Me," are close to the modern heavy rock standards set by US commercial radio stations. Now, "streamlined" in Fates Warning's book doesn't come too close to A Perfect Circle or Godsmack, and even the two mentioned songs sound as subtle and elegant as everything else guitarist Jim Matheos touches. However, even with some of the most aggressive material in Fates Warning history, the album doesn't sound as energetic as their earlier material. There is enough progressiveness in it, taking in mind the 10-minute "Something from Nothing" and the 16-minute "Still Remains," but there is a lack of what Fates Warning perhaps inevitably lost after "Parallels." Jim Matheos may not feel fond of "Awaken the Guardian" and "No Exit" anymore, but with these albums (as well as with "Perfect Symmetry" and "Parallels") Fates Warning tried to prove that they were the best band in the world. "Disconnected" does not have the same amount of enthusiasm and belief. It has only class. (GS) so true...
  3. svi ti razni "nut"-ovi su plodovi, a ne stabla ...
  4. Pa ne znam, ali ja to ne bi jeo...
  5. Nelle?
  6. Moja djitra visi na zidu i (jos) nema problema
  7. A malopre me zvao Mirko da pizdi na mene sto imam ispit 9. edit: Cestitam jubilarnu 100tu stranu
  8. Jel mislis na: "Mi smo drvosece, potaman nam sveeeeeeeeee!!! Oko nas su zelene - BRDA i PLANINEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" To je Nervozni Postar
  9. Vrh je instrumental... Jel ima neko ovde da je izverziran sa myspace-om? Meni ne ide da upristojim stranicu, a moram nekako da je sredim dok ne postavim pesme... Npr. kako da podesim background color za onu General Info tabelu i za komentare, a da ne poremetim onu glavnu pozadinu?
  10. dobices disk, samo si trebao da me podsetis... pp
  11. zlatna slova na crnoj majici
  12. mali oftopic : Juce samo skidao neki film od 1,3 giga preko torrenta... skin'o sam ga prvi put - ne sljaka. Obrisem, probam opet - opet ne radi... I kazem - zajebi, bar mi radi ova filmografija Yimou Zhang-a sto sam skinuo u medjuvremenu cari bezobrazno brzog interneta Ko vam je radio sajt?
  13. Ja sam naucio portugalski uz Kikove video skole Meni je on fav gitarista... Btw, pre neki dan sam skinuo neki Philips Monsters Of Rock video, 30ak minuta, '94 - samo prvi album
  14. Iskljucio sam potpise dok sam jos bio na dial-upu... Izvalio sam u Vranju da preko onog introa za Bombs Away moze da se peva La,La,La,La,La, The boys are waiting
  15. I kako bre ova recenzija sa Hard&Heavy kaze da nema solaza?!? Ja sam cuo neke solaze
  16. "You are thrasher no. 0210" Nisam ni usao na sajt, a vec me vredjaju
  17. sajt? Jel moze neko da stavi adresu, mrzi me da trazim...
  18. Kapiram da je Nevenka lupila sakom u sto i rekla: "Dobro, moze muzika - ALI SAMO NA KOMPJUTERU!!!!"
  19. Zar nisi ti Gero, licno i personalno, uradio ovu GP tablaturu za Picture On The Wall sto imam na kompu ?
  20. I ja sam nekada bio u toj zabludi
  21. "Today we got back to Sweden after having spent the weekend in Beograd! We had lots of fun drinking Jelen Pivo, shooting the video and also we did a photo session as well." Per
  22. Hoce neko da mu posaljem demo ?
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