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Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

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Everything posted by Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

  1. Hoce li majice biti sa ovim novim logoom ?!?!
  2. Ej, ali nikad mi ne bi palo na pamet da koristim palac
  3. Sta je specijalno kod te tap tehnike ?!?! Rade to i drugi, npr. Angra - Heroes Of Sand Forgotten pt.1 |----------------------------------| |----------------------------------| |*--5----5----5-------5----5-------| |*----13---13---13-13---13---13-13-| |-----15---15---15-15---15---15-15-| |---4----4----4-------4----4-------| 2x ----------------------------------|| ----------------------------------|| --7----7----7-------7----7-------*|| ----13---13---13-13---13---13-13-*|| ----15---15---15-15---15---15-15--|| --6----6----6-------6----6--------|| Kojim prstima tappujesh ovo na 4. i 5. zici?!?! Malo me zbunjuje jer osim ako do tada tapp nisam radio domalim ovo pomeranje desne ruke me skroz zajebe...
  4. "Nemojte mene, ja sam muzicar... Joe Santorini "
  5. http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4307 Koji si ti srecnik
  6. ako ti ne osecas veliku zelju da naucish da svirash prstima onda nije ni potrebno... tako je i sa vecinom stvari u zivotu
  7. RECORDING DIARY NEW ALBUM - GERMANY by: Edu Falaschi & Rafael Bittencourt Hey, everybody! We’ve just woken up and have great news to tell you: the new album is READY! So now we can finally talk about it with more certainty. First of all, the songs are awesome! Really, really good! The production is perfect too, the sound of instruments is even heavier and clearer than in our previous albums. The band sounds more powerful and tighter as well. This is a very complex record, truly sophisticated. It’s not just another metal album, it’s much more than that. The richness of the songs can be felt in the concept, the versatility, the spontaneity, the technic, the feeling and the emotions that flow throughout the whole record. It’s easy to figure out our emotions in the tracks. It’s a special thing, totally unconventional. The story is about the saga of a crusader knight that ends up disputing the expansionist ideals of the Catholic Church in the eleventh century. He is known as The Shadow Hunter. His way of thinking changes step by step until he gets to the point of beginning a new reforming order. There’s a lot of things happening in his life and each song is a chapter of the story. It’s amazing to follow the lyrics as you listen to the songs. Each situation is totally different from the other. Overall, this album is a bit longer than the others Angra has made so far. We tried to do something new and didn’t think twice about the possibility of experimenting. After all, we always focus in the artistic side and in what has been Angra’s most striking mark since day one: ORIGINALITY! Today is July 14th and we are leaving for Japan. We’ll meet Kiko there (he’s going from Brazil) and the three of us are gonna promote the album. We’re doing a couple of acoustic gigs, plus interviews, photo sessions and so on. However, we look forward to coming back to Brazil and showing to the fans what we achieved in the new album, Angra’s very best in our opinion. Thank you very much for your patience, support and wait! Edu and Rafael. a ja sam skeptican kao i uvek
  8. zapravo - 13 minuta ranije
  9. ma to je lozana
  10. Samo ako volish Alogiju
  11. meni se u ovim pesmama svidja samo ovaj Mikicin solo u Ogledalu
  12. I'm lying broken under jagged pieces Of burned out bridges Suffocating I can't breathe Bilo bi do jaja da Draconic obradi ovu pesmu pa da je svira na trgu sledece godine Vec vidim naslov texta iz pera Branka Rogosica, da parafraziram - "Fates Warning na Trgu republike"
  13. Oseca se stravican nedostatak druge gitare, a mislim da je i sa ovom jednom moglo nekako bolje da se odradi... Kad Hugo svira solo imam osecaj da mi je neko zavrnuo volume... Za sada mi se vishe svidja onaj konc koji su pustili u promotivne svrhe, jedan od prvih njihovih, sniman u Sao Paolu... ovo mi je previshe 'gala'... evo korisnog linka... Valjda konc josh uvek sljaka... ima bar 6 meseci kako sam zadnji put gledao... http://theshaman.free.fr/index2.php?lang=0 Ovde ima vishe Angre + Viper + jebozovniji uvod (Armaggedon ) + kad sam gledao pesme su mi bile sveze Ali i ovaj DVD je do jaja!!! hvala Kent !!!
  14. Ortak ima tu pedalu i nikada nam se nije dopadala Zajebi to, kupi nesto provereno...
  15. sve je to OK - al' ovo ce da vidi i rodbina... bliza i dalja ... prijatelji & komsije
  16. Pevacete umilnije zbog keva
  17. Bane Uzelac ?!?!
  18. Sto je krajnje neubicajno za nekoga ko je smisljao opravdanja za onu babu iz Dajka sto nece kupiti Vamp-a kojeg je probao
  19. Imam ja onog belog KORG-a iz Sky-a radi posao... solidno... ako ga poklopish necim
  20. Lep solo koji ima neku funkciju u pesmi... ne volim kad je solo tu samo reda radi... Primer dobrog sol(o)a http://www.mysongbook.com/tab-tab_download...ature=13238.htm
  21. u svemu treba imati mere
  22. Ja sam The Odyssey pustio... mozda tri-cetiri puta... posle sam samo slushao naslovnu i Masquerade...
  23. Od svih bendova te lige koje volim oni imaju najslabije gitare... uvek mi je falilo da cujem dobar solo
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