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Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

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Everything posted by Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

  1. Pravi Fates je samo sa Alderom...
  2. Radio sam e-mail interview sa Mariuttijem (mladjim) i Confessorijem za moj zine... ali nismo zavrshili (stedeo sam ih, radili smo iz delova ) oni zapalili na turneju ja odustao od fanzina Ali Matos!!!!!!
  3. Lazesh!!! Ti si moj idol!! Dobijam kasetu ?!?!?
  4. ali da je samo nastavio tako na kasnijim albumima se izgubio u produkciji DEJA VU
  5. Stvarno, covek ima previshe posla...
  6. To samo ovi napredni, sto vec imaju index
  7. Posted by JM on 04/21 at 19:56:09: Hi Everybody, Time for a long overdue update. Ray, Mark, and I will meet this weekend in Connecticut to start recording our tenth studio release, tentatively titled FWX. After the drums are recorded we’ll start tracking gtrs, bass, keys and vocals at my studio. Final mixing is scheduled for late June. If we stick to that schedule I’m told by Metal Blade that we’ll make an October release. Here’s the track listing, see if you can guess which ones are still just working titles: Left Here Song 6 River Wide Ocean Deep Another Perfect Day Dmin pt1 and pt2 Song 10 Song 8 Stranger (with a familiar face) Wish Finally, yes it’s true Mark will be leaving the band after this recording. Mark has been a big part of our sound for the last fifteen years and his contributions will be missed. But, I think it’s fair to say, both sides feel it’s time for a change. No decision on a replacement yet. I’ll try to give another update as the recording progresses Ode Zonder
  8. Ja bih rekao da je misao univerzalna
  9. Odusevio sam se ... What kind of musical education do you have and how would you define the bass' role in songs in general? "I have a Bachelors Degree in Composition and a Masters Degree in Music Theory from the University of South Florida, Tampa. In general, the bass part should support the rest of the band but also have an identity independent of the other players. A good bass line has the perfect combination of those two elements. Don't think you have to overplay to get attention, by letting others shine, you shine yourself." Sean Malone
  10. Morash razumeti da muzika nije cirkus... Kao sto je Mike Angelo gitarista ali nije muzicar...
  11. cekaj, zezash ?!?!? Jeste, kraljevi su se vratili a niko ne pominje ?!?! Zovi tog gitaristu 'vamo i ocu official statement ...
  12. sta je matori nista kazaa, a ?!?!
  13. Skini Freedom Call ako mozesh... mnogo dobar solo... koristi Wah ali sa ukusom
  14. Premalo Stormridera... bez Pure Evil i Desert Rain ne bih ih ni gledao...
  15. Nema tu sta de se preporucuje sve je do jaja... Ako te zanimaju dobre solaze, tu bi i mogao nesto da ti preporucim
  16. Loureiro & Bittencourt pa svi ostali
  17. ne spamuj !!!
  18. e tako vec moze
  19. vala bash ... jednom sam sa ortakom doshao da on kupi proc i riba je cim je shvatila da ima lovu otkopcala jedno dugme extra vrhunski potez, samo sam tamo kupovao zice i to samo po jedno pakovanje ah klinacki dani i stara akustara
  20. Uf, riba iz Sky Musica njoj bi sve oprostio
  21. Ne primaj toliko k' srcu gluposti sa net-a... Mada opet, nije mi jasno gde si naleteo na ovolike imbecile i cemu toliko prozivanje...
  22. Kad sam josh hteo da radim fanzin ovi likovi su me kontaktirali ... i cak sam poskidao neka sranja... odjebao sam ih
  23. Sto je ovo na Heavy-ju?!?!? Trebalo bi da ide na "Ne-metal" ili "ostalu metal muziku"...
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