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Iskreni članovi
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    Banja Luka

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. scissors


    blow me.
  2. scissors


    Svala čast Nadalu, Federer je jedna velika bruka i sramota tenisa.
  3. scissors


    tek sam sad skinula album,sad chu se bachim na slusanje
  4. scissors


    majke mi !!!!!!! jebeni balonchici. ..jebena crkva!!!!!!!!! bas sam se iznervirala
  5. ej sajt je prva liga,pravi thrasherski svaka mast
  6. scissors


    slazem se sa ovom poslednjom recenicom,tj. od zadnjeg zareza ...
  7. scissors


    ne opterecuj se lemi deca su to ,ima vremena,sazrece .... pesma seasons in the abyss ne bi bila tako dobra da nije texta... sa textom cini jednu savrsenu celinu.
  8. scissors


    ''Based on the visceral lyrics of its first single "Cult," "Christ Illusion," which will be released Aug. 8, will be no different. Guitarist King, who wrote many of the songs on the new album, including "Cult," said the war in Iraq inspired a few of the songs. King called from Cleveland, where Slayer was playing with The Unholy Alliance Tour. "Tom wrote a couple of songs, one from the terrorist perspective," King said. We have another about a soldier's post-traumatic stress syndrome. I wrote from the character's perspective to imagine what it would like to be in a war. I've never been in a war and really none of my friends have." zanimljivo ...treba sacekati cuti ceo album....
  9. scissors


    nikad nisam pomislila da cu to reci...ali tako je. ako ce vec da prave fusherske albume,bolje da ostanu na onome sto su vec napravili,secacu ih se rado,uz litar piva i odabrano drushtvo.....ovako... svemu u zivotu dodje kraj...
  10. hvala na informaciji
  11. sepultura - desperate cry
  12. scissors


    ne budali.... ne mozes zamisliti kolko.... ovo tema sodoma? prs prs prs ....i ja sam nekad zzZzZZZzlostavljao....gresi covek cheerz!!!!
  13. scissors


    a na temi prvi thrash bend ili kak vec glasas za gejtaliku
  14. kad si ti inace na svom kompu
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