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Everything posted by Haralampije
^ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0D1YSMTR the blood brothers - young machetes http://depositfiles.com/en/files/314053 these arms are snakes - easter http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GO91XKHM jackie-o-motherfucker - flags of the sacred harp + fig 5 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CR07F5O3
sranje imho
^ evo našao sam link za taj kinison http://rapidshare.de/files/14300743/TK-WAYLT-WHG.zip
taj album nije ništa spec mislim i mene je privukla naslovna kad ono : ( http://www.sendspace.com/file/09k1d0
gluposti john zorn - astronome http://lix.in/39c170 comets on fire - avatar http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M6D9LU23 i malo elektronike što sam sakupio various production - the world is gone **** http://grime.ru/temp/Various_Production-Th...)-2006-soup.zip psapp - the only thing i ever wanted (+ 2ep) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=40MA96TF four tet - dj kicks http://rapidshare.de/files/36755177/kicks.rar afx - chosen lords http://rapidshare.de/files/21131234/AFX_-_...-_2006.rar.html squarepusher - hello everything http://rapidshare.de/files/31119609/Square...ything.rar.html **** ovo je sjajno kome se svideo onaj burial što sam ostavio. znači isto dubstep ali dosta komercijalniji i bogatijeg zvuka od buriala + nekoliko skoro americana stvari. ovo je najbliže massive attacku npr dok su još nešto valjali
ne valja link p.s. darkel - darkel http://rapidshare.de/files/32418586/Darkel.rar cursive - happy hollow http://www.sharebig.com/share.php?id=s2fjftsfphls135V
iz nekoliko recenzija This album is all about space; not outer space, although at some points it may feel that way. It's about open space and a feeling of emptiness, it's about dead air, particularly haunted dead air. The vocal teamwork of Sierra Cassady (CocoRosie) and Matteah Baim is extremely arresting, although most of the album's charm(if you want to call it charm) comes mostly from Sierra. Though not quite as evident in her work in CocoRosie, Sierra has got an incredibly versatile, classically trained and operatic voice with a range that can go from angelic to absolutely haunting from one moment to the next. The songs here could be considered art-rock if anything, though it is speckled with influences of freak-folk, post rock, opera, found sound, you name it, it's bound to be buried in here somewhere. The album was conceived as a songcycle during the duo's shared travels across the American desert, at which time Cassady and Baim claim to have been "transspecied" from desert falcons into their current form. (sranje) Their songs are generally made up of one repetitive motif, drenched in reverb, with ample space for other textures to drift in and out. The vocals are beautiful (as to be expected with this clan) and sound best when they aren't clouded by droning guitars and heavy drums. In fact, everything on Desert Doughnuts sounds best when rock 'n' roll instrumentation doesn't meddle with their mojo. Metallic Falcons' most intriguing moments happen when things are the most spare. Desert Doughnuts also features appearances by Antony Hegarty (Anthony And The Johnsons), Devendra Banhart, Jana Hunter, and Tarantula A.D. drummer Greg Cosgrove.
5.5 / 10 ili 5.5 / 5 ?
a hawk and a hacksaw - the way the wind blows http://www.sendspace.com/file/qhmk9u band of horses - everything all the time http://www.takeplan-b.com/music/bandofhorses.rar forward, russia! - give me a wall http://rapidshare.de/files/18357832/Give_Me_a_Wall.zip.html burial - burial http://rapidshare.de/files/34169766/Burial.zip the twilight singers - powder burns http://rapidsafe.de/c3077c7dae61c1e0b750fb38d2c30464 iLIKETRAINS - progress reform http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8LGE81J0 pass: remidalver cat power - the greatest http://www.sendspace.com/file/uovedz yann tiersen - black session http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GJXC5AP9 metallic falcons - desert doughnuts http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QDZPQLMD
tarantula a.d. - book of sand http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7X1C8Y7F man man - six demon bag http://www.takeplan-b.com/music/sixdemonbag.rar final fantasy - he poos clouds http://www.megaupload.com/pt/?d=MLEOVRIJ sunset rubdown - shut up i am dreaming http://rapidshare.de/files/28025710/Shut_2..._20Dreaming.zip xiu xiu - the air force http://RS.DR.AG/y0/MngwMDY2ODg-d/xiuforce.zip i malo popare peter bjorn and john - writer's block http://rapidshare.de/files/35229734/Writer..._2006_.rar.html i'm from barcelona - let me introduce my friends http://www.sendspace.com/file/me9a81 of montreal - the sunlandic twins http://hideurl.net/?r=2bu the dears - gang of losers http://rapidshare.de/files/24116702/dearsgangoflosers.zip the whitest boy alive - dreams http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KHQ0WDER
hvala tebrazorde
fujiya & miyagi - transparent things http://www.sendspace.com/file/yl93jm ellen alien & apparat - orchestra of bubbles http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8DP69UBQ efterklang - tripper http://www.sendspace.com/file/v7or7j
ooioo - taiga http://rapidsafe.net/rs-IzM2cDZhVTM/ooioo_-_taiga.zip mogwai - zidane a 21st century portrait http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RS6Z3770
kao prestolonaslednik?
na ovom ep-u ima kul stvari sve su obrade (npr venus in furs) ali u nekom špansko ciganskom fazonu a bend je u stvari iz denvera riba iz metrica emily haines & the soft skeleton - knives don't have your back http://lix.in/672022 grizzly bear - yellow house http://rapidsafe.de/d221bdb2c72bee3b783b038c8f353b75 snowden - anti-anti http://rapidsafe.de/07d87c9816e6112d668dab53fce0a91c professor murder - rides the subway ep http://rapidshare.de/files/35418163/pmurder.rar.html i ko još uvek nema the black heart procession - the spell http://www.sendspace.com/file/ainwtt
zvuči ko da imaju menstruaciju
imaš invitation?
treba mi pomoć. imam jednu sličicu koju sam slikao iz busa pa se vidi malo odraz. ako bi mi neko objasnio kako da ga što bezbolnije uklonim u photoshopu npr ili ako hoće sam da se zeza evo je http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/7420/img0839du8.jpg fala vi
kasnim ali eraser je baš ok album npr 2 za zaborav 3 ok 4 odlične više nego dovoljno
kakve veze ovo ima sa barrettom
ovako cela ta priča hip hop arena rock fred durst geffen bla bla je da se čovek ispovraća isto kao i ove promo fotke nema tu ni od i od indija ni g od gothica ali i pored te nesretne prošlosti i vizuelno nesretne sadašnjosti napravili su sasvim u redu album malo monoton ali ne smeta verovatno mi se sviđa i zato što volim ovakve vokale nema ovde ništa novo da su ripoff svega i svačega jesu ali opet su ok bilo bi super videti ih uživo
ima amputechture svuda npr http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/788091/T...dvance_2006_DRS
wtf pa samo su ga odsvirali potpuno isto cornell je opušteno pobedio
nema još zvanično ovo sam iskopao na netu