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Lord Iffy Boatrace

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Lord Iffy Boatrace

  1. +1 za tvoj sluh,bez greske!!!uz when the wild wind blows vrhunac ovog remek dela nazvanog The Final Frontier... WTWWB with lyrics... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF7s1esAptg
  2. Meni je The Alchemist ubica,obozavam je,a The Man Who Would Be King mi jeste bledunjava u odnosu na ostale pesme ali ima dobru ulogu u albumu!
  3. Trebinjac kakve veze ima sto imam "MAIDEN" nick,glup ti je argument,meni i ovako nista ne znaci tvoje misljenje,vazno je da sam ja prodiskutovao o ovom REMEK DELU sa pravim ljudima koji znaju o cemu pricaju,i kao sto vec rekoh,na stranim forumima je vecina odusevljena ovim albumom,a i dosta fanova koji ne zailazi po ovakvim forumima bas zbog ovakvih rasprava i iskomplexiranih izjava...i pre bi se reklo da su zadrti oni koji vole da pljuju po svemu sto Maideni naprave nego mi kojima se zaista svidja album.
  4. Po svim stranim forumima su odusevljeni,izgleda da se samo ljudima sa ovog foruma ne svidja...jbg.
  5. I ti mozes da mu se pridruzis pa se setajte zajedno...
  6. Ti si vic brate,a Megadeth je govno...ajd sad setnja,smesan si.
  7. celu noc sam se opet drogirao albumom,ponovicu po 50ti put,REMEK delo...JEDVA CEKAM SUBOTU i NEDELJU! Sziget i Kluz ce goreti !Ide li jos neko sem totamealand-a i mene?
  8. Ne ne,ti sve teras uz kurac
  9. O tome ti pricam! ZVEZDA
  10. Jbg brate opet kazem rasprava oko ovoga je kao da se raspravljamo ko je bolji Partizan ili Zvezda...POINTLESS,ja volim ti ne i tu neka se zavrsi...
  11. Jesu jezivi i odlicni su albumi ali meni je recimo dosta Smith nedostajao na tim albumima pa sam eto zbog toga sam njih stavio na dnu Maiden diskografije,odlucivale su NIJANSE...po meni Bruce odlicno peva na poslednjih albumima,a o muzici necu ni da pricam...
  12. brate jednostavno ne znam kako da ti objasnim da mi se iskreno pesme JAKO JAKO svidjaju i da mislim da je ovo remek delo i podjednako cu ih voleti kao i ranije albume koji su takodje REMEK DELA sem NPFTD i FOTD-a,ta 2 albuma su samo odlicni albumi i imaju itekako vaznu ulogu u diskografiji Maidena.
  13. Ne znam brate sta da ti kazem,ako nemas TO u sebi,onda dzaba i da slusas u pravu si...
  14. Stvarno iskreno zalim sluh ljudi kojima se ne svidjaju poslednja 3 albuma...
  15. THE TALISMAN je u TOP 10 najboljih MAIDEN pesama definitivno!!!! Kapiram da nisu skroz tacni,nasao sam na stranom forumu.... Mother of Mercy Sitting waiting in the falling rain Getting ready to begin again Wounded lying, crying, bodies moving, dying All around there is the smell of death and fire Here the planes are coming Hear the soldiers running Killing on a scale to comprehend Why are we here In this place...here to kill Please God forgive us for What we have done I always thought I was doing right As of now I'm not feeling so sure I'm at a place of where I give no grace I'm a soldier of war I sit waiting for my darkest hour To come I cannot think about the things That I have done It shouldn’t take a fool to see that I believe Accept the consequence, repent for what I’ve done You tell me what is certain but I’ll tell you what is true You tell me what is honesty, when all around is death and cruelty The making of a man is fire, not giving into our desires Within the truth it lies within the only thing Mother of Mercy Angel of death desire Mother of mercy Taking my last breath, of fire Mother of mercy Angel of pain Mother of mercy Taking my last breath Some say you are a lost cause, some say you're a saint Just being here's an act of suffering and restraint Walk down the long dark road to ruin and panic not I’ll die a lonely death of That I'm certain of Rivers flow with blood there's nowhere left to hide It’s hard to comprehend there's anyone left alive Sick of all the killing and the reek of death Will god tell me what religion is to man I don't hold with bad religion understand what's underneath it Now I come to think of it, I just don't hold at all you know it You say you are a holy man, but what is it you do From where I stand is nothing but a hollow man I see Mother of Mercy Angel of death desire Mother of mercy Taking my last breath, of fire Mother of mercy Angel of pain Mother of mercy Taking my last breath Mother of Mercy Angel of death desire Mother of mercy Taking my last breath, of fire Mother of mercy Angel of pain Mother of mercy Drawing my last breath I'm just a lonely soldier fighting in a bloody hopeless war Don't know what I'm fighting, who it is, or what I'm fighting for Thought it was for money, make my fortune, now I'm not so sure Seem to just have lost my way Isle Of Avalon I can hear them floating on the wind Immortal souls their weeping saddens me Mother earth you know your time is near Awaken lust the seed is sown and reaped Through the western isle I hear the dead awaken Rising slowing to the court of Avalon The cauldron of the head of Annwyn laced with envy Dark around its edge with pearl and destiny All my days I've waited for the sign The one that brings me closer to isle of Avalon I can feel the power flowing through my veins My heart is beating louder, close to Avalon I can hear you, can you hear me? I can feel you, can't you feel me? Fertility Mother Goddess Celebration, sow the seeds of the born The fruit of her body laden Through the corn doll You will pray for them all The image of Mother Goddess Lying dormant, in the eyes of the dead The sheaf of the corn is broken End the harvest Throw the dead of the pyre I hear her crying the tears of an angel The voices I hear in my head Blessed the fruits are the corn of the earth Mother earth holy blood of the dead [guitar solo] Mother earth I can hear you Sacrifice, now united Rising levels of the tidal lakes protect them Keepers of the goddess in the underworld Holding powers of the mystics, deep inside them nineteen maidens, guardians of the otherworld Mortal conflict born of Celtic legend That apart from seven, non-returned from Avalon Mother earth I can feel you My rebirth now completed Fertility mother goddess Celebration, sow the seeds of the born The fruits of her body laden Through the corn doll You will pray for them all The image of mother goddess Lying dormant, in the eyes of the dead The sheaf of the corn is broken End the harvest, throw the dead on the pyre To have the belief of others Looking for the Isle to Show them a sign Fertility of all mothers Stood in silence Waiting now for their turn The gateway to Avalon The island where the souls Of dead are reborn Brought here to die and be Transferred into the earth And then for rebirth I hear her crying the tears of an Angel The voices I hear in my head Blessed the fruits are the corn Of the earth Mother earth holy blood of the dead The water in rivers and rhymes Rises quickly Are flowing and flooding the land The sea shall return once again Just to hide them Lost souls on the Isle of the dead
  16. World Painted Blood je odlican album,a to sto Maidene trpaju u isti kos sa Slayerom je normalna stvar zato sto fanovi Maidena obicno obozavaju Slayer i obratno,na nasim prostorima vlada malo poremecen rezim nazalost...
  17. Jos jednoom su dokazali da su BEST BEND EVER,i da se ne provlace na staru slavu kao vecina bendova...!Kao sto sam i sinoc rekao,jos jedan MASTERPIECE,kome se ne svidja porucio bih da probaju sa drugom vrstom muzike... UP THE IRONS!
  18. MASTERPIECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JESSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  19. Nadam se da ce danas procureti vise...
  20. Ardon Meide to onako kad neko ne zna pa lupi,to je genijalno...
  21. DICKINSON junior peva: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4a4RgcBEao
  22. prince sad pokusava da bude IN al mu ne ide od ruke jbg-a...
  23. Sunce ti,e ovo mora da se poseduje...
  24. Siguran sam da hoce,kao i svaki Maiden do sada!!!
  25. Brate to kad cujem ja se najezim,necu da baksuziram ali kapiram da ce to biti top 5 Maiden pesma!!! Ovaj EDDIE logo sa ukrstenim kljucevima je nepotreban skroz. Posle duzeg perioda preslusavam NO PRAYER FOR THE DYING,jebem ti sunce kakav album...
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