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Lord Iffy Boatrace

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Lord Iffy Boatrace

  1. E zna li neko cene u madjarskoj,koliko bi trebalo da se izdvoji novaca za boravak od par sati tamo?
  2. Gledao sam oba benda Live i mogu reci samo da je glupo sto poredite njih dvojicu,imaju totalno razlicit stil pevanja...
  3. Ma kakvi,skrpio sam se jedva posto sam imao dosta obaveza ove godine,ali isplatice se sve kad budem cuo pre-intro DOCTOR DOCTOR...uvek se najezim kad to cujem !!!
  4. Dobro tu jesi u pravu!Ja idem 14. u Madjarsku na Maidene,vracamo se uvece oko 2-3 posle svirke pa odmah ujutru palim za CLUJ (Rumunija) opet da ih gledam
  5. Tacno tako,uzimam po par dana slobodno samo da se iscimam negde na koncert a gazda nece vecito to da tolerise haha
  6. Ni meni nije jasno kako neko moze da bude toliki debil kao ti pa opet ne spamujem.
  7. Jebem ti zivot ne mogu da prestanem da slusam pesmu,ovo definitivno treba postaviti na sledeci deo GUITAR HERO-a!Eddie what took you so long? it took him 4years,finally he's back...NAJJACI KOMENTAR na tube-u
  8. auuu buraz al si ti na mucenju ovih 2 dana heheh !
  9. Ljudi obozavaju da obitavaju ovako po netu i da kenjaju,zaboravili su sta je METAL,sta je SVIRKA,samo jedu govna okolo i nista im ne valja...
  10. Tako je kralju!
  11. Angel Heart iz 1987.OBAVEZNO POGLEDATI! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092563/
  12. Bend SABIJA,nisam imao prilike da ih gledam na EXIT FEST-u ali cu definitivno posetiti svaku sledecu svirku u Novom Sadu.
  13. Nisam ni sumnjao u Sok Koridor ekipu,kad bi im se omogucilo malo vise da se pokazu na ovim prostorima uzivali bi smo u filmovima ovog tipa malo cesce !
  14. Pokupio sam lyrics sa nekog foruma... Satellite 15 . . . The Final Frontier I'm stranded in space, I'm lost without trace I haven't this chance of getting away Too close to the sun and surely will burn Like Icarus before me or so legend goes I'm taking my life, reliving the past There's nothing but wait til' my time comes I've had a good life, I'd do it again Maybe I'll come back some time, my friends For I have lived my life to the full, I have no regrets But I wish I could talk to my family to tell them one last goodbye The final frontier, the final frontier!! The final frontier, the final frontier!! If I could survive to live one more time, I wouldn't be changing a thing at all Do more in my life than some do in ten - I'd go back and do it all over again For I have lived my life to the full, I have no regrets But I wish I could talk to my family and tell them that one last goodbye The final frontier, the final frontier!! The final frontier, the final frontier!! Solo (Smith/Murray) There isn't much time, must say my last rites - Nobody is here to read them to me Must say my goodbyes, if only a line - A message to tell them in case they might find But I have filled my life to the full, I have no regrets But I wish I could talk to my family to tell them that one last goodbye The final frontier, the final frontier!! The final frontier, the final frontier!! The final frontier, the final frontier!! The final frontier, the final frontier!! Ah, ah! The final frontier, the final frontier!! The final frontier, the final frontier!!
  15. 1 Satellite15 ... The Final Frontier "(8min40) A huge roar came from far away, and go to a martial rhythm, with drums chopped and omnipresent. Very far from the openers of previous recordings, this title, which is clearly divided into two distinct parts starts very strong, with big chords and a song that tries to find a place amidst the chaos. Halfway title, there is a bit more rock, more typical ofIron Maiden, with a refrain ("The Final Frontier" packet of four) combined with a melodic guitar. The three scratch themselves to the heart's a tangle of solidarity that can be found throughout the disc. At his, Kevin Shirley has put the small dishes to serve in large Nicko McBrain ! 2 "El Dorado" (6min49) Already available for free download on the band's website, this first single does not quite convinced me but the fact remains that there with a big sound, it is quite effective! A cavalcade of low so typical of Steve Harris coupled with a riff that makes me (a little) recalls that of "Scream Until You Like It" Wasp to start the machine and place under an atmosphere close enough to what the group We proposed to "Brave New World" and especially "Dance of Death" to the instrumental part that it refers directly to the period "Powerslave". This title, with its variations of intensity alright live (expect to reread this several times) even for Bruce, it will not be a pleasure because the rise in the treble is awesome on the chorus (which the ultra catchy melody're not). 3 "Mother of Mercy" (5min20) After a short intro where the guitar poses a warm light on accompanying her clear, Nicko marks the beginning of hostilities and found a big rhythm typical of the group. The solos are superb and personally I love the refrain that should do well bellow the fans! The transitions are fairly fluid and surprisingly low offers for shots. The conclusion of the piece is quite dry, which allows movement of the next song so enjoyable. 4 "Coming Home" (5min52) On the intro, the guitars and bass play in unison a theme quiet but convoluted. Just then a sort of ballad whose verses are made up of a game played in arpeggios and clear while the next is the background electric agreements. The structure verse chorus is played identically twice prior to a return of the theme intro leading to a solo air (there are sounds of "7th Son ..."), itself followed by a solo more angry. Certainly a great time on stage. Some routes are very rich on agreements, which do much to think about what can be Dream Theater (Thanks Kevin Shirley !). 5 "The Alchemist" (4min29) Starting up the floor with the bass running around. Something crazy to tear his fingers. The fast track "the Maiden" par excellence with a solo 200 miles an hour and an end in twin guitars. Direct, simple, efficient, and end dry. 6 "Isle of Avalon" (9min06) THE BIG TIME! After an intro bass / guitar (as in almost all titles Epic Group), Bruce sings in a very theatrical and intimate (a sort of declamation in the shade). We feel that it will slam hard. The atmosphere is beautiful and reminiscent of "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner". Indeed, when the storm breaks, it sends severe. The breath of 80's inspired compositions on this plane. Nicko is everywhere, the solo starts in a way limit prog (really innovative in the group directory). A drawer construction, with beautiful rhythmic breaks, solos everywhere who are diving into the depths, this title is an epic musical with Bruce Imperial (another chorus that will be difficult to take in live). A great song! 7 "Starblind" (7min48) New intro song with a pervasive calm (almost too much sometimes). After the mandala of the song before, it's hard to return to solo it (re ambience "7th son"). There, after a break again very depressed, has a big riff restart the machine to a fury of solos. The rhythmic, sometimes brutal and sometimes kills a small job for this great song that represents a sort of roller coaster intensity. One thinks the appearance prog "Somewhere In Time." Maiden is clearly pleased. The prod is super powerful even if sometimes a bit too all this element is very dense and difficult to digest at once) 8 "The Talisman" (9min04) Imagine Bruce fireside, accompanied by an acoustic guitar to sound absolutely sublime, with a story (just like on "Dance Of Death") and you get a good overview of the intro song of the eighth. But the intro only, because the boot is a huge "In Your Face"! All musicians are stuffed full and it returns the field without qualms to the chorus, lighter! Suddenly, joy joy, it was the leak of guitar while the audience will sing in concert (it will be repeated several times in the song). Chip typical Maiden 2000s. A very good time but, like other shots a little unnecessarily prolonged. Another great performance from Bruce ! 9 "The Man Who Would Be King" (8min28) Another long song construction maidenesque to wish (with nice little intro theme and then start scratching on wholesale agreements and twin guitars while Nicko takes stock of the battery). The intensity rises gradually. The solo part is again very beautiful, with a battery that offers plans away from stereotypes group. Nicko is loose and it really gives great emphasis to this passage. Again, there is the guitar everywhere. For cons, I hang around with this song a bit too heavy for my taste. Chunk, but the density of the album begins to have because of my discernment! 10 "When The Wild Wind Blows" (10min59) A song that contrasts with the rest of the album by his side almost perky. On the intro (accompanied, as required, wind), Bruce goes down really low (it will rest him a little vocal cords on stage!). Even with the arrival of big guitars, the atmosphere is quite light and this one will blow the audience (who take the opportunity to take back the chorus "Do not You Know?". The second part of the song is more epic themes with six-string that will choose to think "Blood Brothers" or "Fear Of The Dark". Nicko still hits hard, with many setbacks. The verses contain a form of tension which is released on power chords at the end. The title ends (those who follow will have guessed) by the wind. Wow! A dense album, with extensive reference to two distinct periods (late 80's on the one hand, and the early 2000's on the other) but also some really new features (rhythmic structures, solos etc.).. Iron Maiden is loose and we propose a disk more accessible than it was "A Matter Of Life And Death". A wide variety of items which should go live well, although I personally regret the drift towards "always longer. A bit more spontaneity and brevity would not hurt. But we rejoice to see in 2010 a group still in great shape and very well inspired! In fact, I dutifully listened to the album while taking notes, result: the buffet had been completely devastated when I got close! It's ugly guys prefer to listen rather than Grailler Maiden ! Thank you to Peter, AT (h) OME for the guest and the host (the next time I start with the buffet!)
  17. Vidimo se u subotu!!!
  18. Meni je pre par nedelja bas ortak rekao kako ga nervira sto se shtekaju za spotove,evo nadam se da ce ga ovo oraspoloziti hehe,ma pesma ujeda,kome se ne svidja nemoj da je slusa i svi smo veseli!Mene ovo maximalno podize i mnogo mi se svidja cela atmosfera.
  19. PESMA JE PREBRUTALNA KAO I SPOT,ODUSEVLJENO CEKAM NOV ALBUM!!!!SOOOOO POSITIVE,bas mi se svidja smek albuma,ovo ce biti pure HEAVY METAL album.Ovo je zvuk Maidena,ovo su Maideni!
  20. Brate nije poenta biti popularan nego je poenta praviti dobru muziku,popularan moze biti svako a praviti muziku kao Maiden mogu samo umetnici kakvi Maideni jesu...
  21. HHah ma oke buraz,nego si napisao da te plasi sto ce se vratiti malo old school zvuku pa sam na kontu toga dao svoj komentar.i da,nece izdati sigurno los album!!!
  22. Ok to dokazuje da su samo ukusi u pitanju,ja recimo bas bas worshipujem sve BG albume i nisam od onih koji se previse opterecuje starijim ili novijim stilom...oni jednostavno ne mogu los album naprviti,isto vazi i za maiden.
  23. I maideni i guardiani i dalje prave super muziku,ne slazem se sa tobom Vladimire uopste...
  24. Ajmo grobeeeeee daj linkove mora da je procureo negde albummmm....
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